WIC (questions) **Update**



  • @MommaMae yes I can read very well thanks! But *if* YOU can read then please tell me where in my post I said I just want to get free stuff? Or where I explicitly stated my bf and I make more than enough money to support our baby? You are right we do but no where in my post did I state that.
  • the 4th comment down you said exactly "All I want is free milk damn it! Lol "
    a little bit further down you said that if they want his income you defidently wont qualify, in my eyes thats saying that you know you guys can take care of your child without help from WIC

  • Why would u allow someone to lie for u? Tell her no that isn't the case. That can screw u when it comes to taxes, other benefits, like unemployment, medical insurance, they cross check and it will bite u in the ass later why do that to ur self?
  • plus if it were to ever to get investigated....they aren't going to believe u they will believe the worker.
  • edited June 2011
    In maryland you can only make a max of $786 every 2 weeks.. im on it they give me checks for food and milk now. and when the maybe is born they will give me the milk or you can get a pump if you want to breast feed
  • @MommaMae meaning I'm not out asking for money or free insurance, just milk. yep and if they want to give it to me then take it up with the government not me!
  • @lilbabythree because I am in the process of moving in so yes at the time of the interview I was not actually living with him but very soon will be.
  • edited June 2011
    @ExcitedForOctober - My goodness who gives a f**** don't even bother explaining anything to anyone!!! Why can't people mind just their own business?? Your business is your business...
  • There always has to be that one person....
  • @JuliansMommy true :) I just hate when people assume crap.
  • @Reneerose0828 Thank you! I 100% agree with you. I have been working since 16 years old and also deserve what I am entitled too :) I'm tired of seeing people driving brand new cars and brand name clothes and getting our tax money to pay everything else. I make suffient money to live a comfortable lifestyle without assistance but if they offer help why not take it?
  • I get my wic checks every three months. Like I go in once every three months and get checks for three months. WIC is for Women, Infants and Children to make sure they have proper nutrition and a good start. Yeah the go based on your income but most women infants and children still qualify.
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