Weight worries.....



  • edited July 2011
    I am 27.6weeks and i've gained 22lbs
  • I can't breast feed. :( I wish but when I'm not pregnant and all swollen I don't eat much and seem to lose it pretty quickly so I hope it goes the same for me this time too also I'm usually very active and I have been put on complete bed rest in all three of my pregnancys so I'm sure that has a lot to do with part of my horrible weight gain too. I'm really happy and proud of you for how little you have gained this pregnancy! Keep in touch! And thank u for making me not feel so alone in this world of pregnancy!
  • I'm at 16lbs and am 31 weeks...however with my first I went from 124lbs to 224lbs...so it happens.
  • Ive gained 16lbs also and im now 30 weeks. But I have not been able to eat any sweets at all, so I guess that sucks, but its forced me to eat really healthy. I want some cake and ice cream so bad.
  • 35 weeks with 50+ pounds, don't feel bad hun! Im so sad when i look at my old jeans i was 123 pounds prior to pregnancy, i hope i can loose it all!
  • I'm due September 12th and I've gained nearly 50 pounds. I'm stressed about it but my husband doesn't mind. He makes me feel better about it. I had really horrible morning sickness and I could only eat veggies and salad, but I still gained like 20 pounds in my first trimester. :((
    I just keep telling myself that I'll drop it all after I have the baby.
  • I started at 126 ive gained 22 pounds and i hit the 23 week mark today i gained 60 with my first so if i can keep it at a pound a week i am so very happy!!!
  • I am 30 weeks and have gained 30 lbs from baseline, 40 if you look at it from when I lost 10 lbs since I didn't know I was pregnant and dieted to lose some chunk.

    My doctor hasn't said anything, but I was borderline underweight so I can probably gain 50 or more and they will be ok with it. Doc hasn't said anything yet :/ also I think it depends on where and how you gain. I gain muscle very quickly and already had muscular legs, so the change in weight in my midsection has given me more muscle in my legs... I can tell when I get sore from work -_____-
  • Oh my gosh im 31 weeks and I've gained 24 pounds and my doctor told me im gaining to much weight and I feel just awful I hate stepping on the scale it sucks
  • Honey dont worry, I gained 60 lbs, im 37 weeks and my doc wasnt worried, as long your glucose levels are fine and no high blood pressure... I know what you mean though...lol it seems like everyone has only gained two lbs!! hmm.... jk ladies.. :p
  • I kno... Theres this girl I know whos 5 wks ahead of me & she has hardly gained at all,just has a nice little baby bump& Im waddling around feelin like a whale!!!! Lol. I kno I can lose the weight after I have him cuz I have before but it def makes the last few mos of pregnancy more uncomfortable!!!! :(
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