i thought i was better....

edited July 2011 in Depression
I thought I had tis under control but I don't! Idk wht to do anymore. I'm balling again and can't seem to get out of this rutt. I've tried staing positive and keeping myself busy but its not working! I have no friends, my family ignores me, and the only person I can turn to works over 80 hrs a week and just doesn't understand. I'm so lost I feel like its nevergoing to behow it used to be. I can't be like this anymore. Its not healthy. And its just getting worse


  • What's the matter?
  • I'm jsust extremely depressed.I hae no one to talk to or hang out with. I spend everysingle day at my house alone. My so called friends don't give a shit about me and I just can't handle this anymore. I'm sick of being alone and having no one to talk to or hang out with. I've been depressed for months now. Idk what to do anymore
  • Today was a gorgeous day out and I had no one to spend it with and now its getting dark and the entire day was wasted
  • Have you seen a doctor and are you taking meds? I'm not trying to pry. I'm bipolar and it's hard. I take meds and they help.
  • Have you thought about mommy groups? I know so areas have them for pregnant women as well as people with kids, or even post on here & find people in your area to spend time with? I lost a lot of my friends after I got married & even more after I had my son, you just gotta find new ways to meet people! It'll get better just remember if you do the same thing you've always done you'll always get what you've always got! Try something new :)
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  • @blueberrysmom I see my dr on weds and will b talking to him then. I'm not aking meds at the moment and want to try and go without but its hard. @pnsw524 I've never heard of mommy groups maybe ill find someone in my classes when I start. I lost all of my friends when I got pregnant. Even tho I was there for them every day thru their pregnancy. Even my family has been distant. Its just really hrd to get out and b social my bf has the only vehicle we hve so I have no transportation. @mshahir I do hve dogs but I can only walk one of them by myself. I take him on walks almost every night but it only makes me feel better for a little bit n then I'm back to this
  • Good luck, hun! Message me if you ever want to talk. >:D<
  • @blueberrysmom thank u! I really apreciate it! :D
  • So sorry you are feeling this way. I went through the same thing when I became a sahm. I was really depressed and started having anxiety problems whenever I left the house. Let me know if you ever need someone to talk to. Hugs >:D<
  • @LittleBuddy0811 ya I'm a stay at home mom to be. How did u get over the depression. I've tried everything but meds. I went camping last week and was the happiest I've been in along time but I'm back home now and it all started up again. Idk what to do. Thank u! :)
  • The best thing I did was start making myself get out. I started slow, just taking a short walk at least once a week. It was hard to start making myself get out but the more often I did the more I wanted to. My hubby also started getting me out of the house more often cause he was worried. I didnt take meds but i've heard they can be helpful. Hope this helps a little. Just remember you are a beautiful pregnant woman and you have plenty to offer, if your friends cant remember that they are missing out. :)
  • @LittleBuddy0811 I do go for walks but itsonly a temp high for me. My bf does see it getting to me but he works over 80 hrs a week so can't really help. I want to try to avoid meds but I think I might have to give in. And thank u! Idk what I did to deserve them being this way but apparently they weren't really friends to begin with
  • I feel the same way
  • I recommend this site all the time on here so I probably sound like a broken record, but you should check out meetup.com

    It's a site where you can meet new friends based on almost anything that you enjoy or have interest in. It's not a cure for depression but it's a step in the right direction tmeeting some new friends.. Good luck!
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