Bentley's birth story!

edited September 2011 in Birth Stories
I had to do one of these because I'm sure I left stuff out.

So this past Tuesday I went in for my 37 week check up. I was dilated to 2cm, 75% effaced, and Bentley was almost to station -1. My tummy was still measuring small (34 weeks at 37 weeks) so they sent me for my 3rd gowth ultrasound. Of course we heard the same thing at this one "He's fine on growth and is on track, you're just not going the have a big baby." Keep in mine I'm 5'1" and weighed 100lbs prepregnancy. 118 when I had him. Well they told me he was weighing around 5lbs 15oz at the u/s as well. So like I had guessed, I figured he'd be 6lbs and something at birth.

On Tuesday and Wednesday I walked some but nothing too extreme. My bf, Taylor, had the weekend off so we had "operation get Bentley out" as our plans :) haha.

Thursday, woke up, had sex and contractions started. Walked around the neighborhood for 30 minutes, then went and ate some spicy thai food. By the time I got my food, contractions were bad and 2 minutes apart. So I headed to triage after dinner. They monitored me and checked me. I had progressed to a 3 so they had me walk the l&d floor for an hour and if I progressed, nurse said she'd admit me. So Taylor, my mom, and I walked and did sqats and lunges up and down the l&d halls. Went back to triage to get checked and she gave me a 4! I was ecstatic. Got admitted and sent to an l&d room. Well they wanted me to get to a 5. They had me do intervals of 45 minute walking 15 minute monitoring all night to see if I progressed. Unfortunately, I got stuck at a 4 and wouldn't progress so I got sent home at 11am Friday. But before I left, the on call midwife knew how disappointed I was so she told me she was on call till Saturday night and if I came back before then and had progressed to a 5, she'd keep me and break my water. Which leads me to....

Friday, got home from hospital and went to sleep. Taylor and I woke up and had sex. Went and got castor oil and orange juice. I took 2oz, and threw it up 20 minutes later. And threw up again an 30 minutes later. Had my bloody show. Laid down for a while and ate something. Taylor came over and I told him I wasn't giving up. So we went walking. I walked 3 miles, did 80 squats, 40 jumping jacks, and 30 up hill lunges. Went home and bounced on the exercise ball for 20 minutes straight. Showered, then had sex again. Started having contractions again so Taylor and I head to triage around 1:30 am Saturday morning. Thankfully I had my nurse from l&d the night before, as my triage nurse so she knew how bad I wanted Bentley out. She checked me and said I hadn't changed much but if I wanted, she'd let me walk the l&d floor for two hours and come back and get checked. Of course even though I was tired of all the stuff I had already done, I took the offer. Started walking, squats, and going up and down stairs at 2:30. Went back to triage at 4:30 to be checked. She gave me a 5! So she called the midwife. Midwife said if I was a 6 by the time she got to the hospital later that morning, she'd break my water. So I was admitted and got and l&d room and they had me do the 45/15 minute intervals again. I walked for 45 minutes but contractions started to get a little irritating so I told them I didn't wanna walk anymore. (I had walked enough!) So they checked me around 7:00 am and I was still a 5. So I'm laying in the bed, talking to Taylor. I rolled over and bam, gush of fluid. My water broke on its own so I thought and I still believe it broke, just not all the way. Well 5 minutes after that, like clockwork, "REAL LABOR" contractions started. And OH MY GOD, wanna talk about pain?! So they gave me some nubain to ease them till the midwife got there and I could get my epi. This is when things go to warp speed mode. Midwife gets there around 9:30 am. Checks me, I'm between a 6 to 7 so she tries to break my water, nothing happens so she said it was fine. She'd put me on pitocin after I got my epi and it'd break all the way on its own. So I get my epi, which btw, didn't hurt me at all! At first it didn't numb my right side so I could still feel painful contractons on my right side but about 20 minutes in, my whole lower half was numb. So pitocin is started. My water breaks all the way so the nurse checks me, I'm a good 7. So midwife said it'd be a while (if only she knew) and she was going somewhere and would be back in a few to check me again. About 10 minutes later, I felt lots of pressure in my butt but nurse said she didn't wanna check me for risk of infection. So I did my makeup for pst delivery pictures :) 20 minutes later (around 11:50am) I buzzed the nurse. Felt LOADS of pressure so the nurse came in and checked me. This was her reaction after checking me, "Get a midwife in here now. We're having a baby!" I had progressed from a 7 to 10 in about 25 minutes. So, me be 17, first child, I of course panic. I immediately vomit on impulse and start crying from being so nervous. It took midwife about 15 minutes to get there. She walks in and says "Dang girl, you're keeping me on my toes." So midwife and nurses are suited up and it's game time! I pushed for 15 minutes. The final push, I didn't even do it. My body pushed him out for me so I had the joy of being able to look over and watch Bentley come out and take his first breath. They immediately hand him to me and Taylor cuts the cord. Love at first sight. Bentley was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on. He's almost 2 days old and I don't think the shock has wore off of how beatiful and perfect he is! So they take him over to be bathed, weighed, etc. Now, my stomach was measuring 3 weeks small and he was supposed to be around 6lbs. Yeah, I don't think so! My chunky monkey weighed a whopping 7lbs 9oz! And measured 20.5 inches long. How this child fit inside my tiny body and was measuring 3 weeks small is BEYOND ME. So I birthed the placenta and I asked to see it. Totally alien like! But was cool to see what my baby lived in for the past 9 months. I had two very minor tears. If I remember correctly, a 1st degree ureathren tear and a 2nd degree left labial tear. She had me stitched in about 5 minutes. Now, how me being so small, it being my first child, and me pushing him out in 15 minutes and I didn't have any major tears I can only thank the lord and all that strenuous exercise I did 48 hrs before birth! And that's my birth story :)

We should be getting discharged this afternoon. Bentley is such a good baby and Taylor is an amazing dad! So patient and proud! Thank you to everyone who gave me congrats and compliments! I appreciate them all and I'm glad I had all of you along with me for my labor and delivery ride!


  • Wow! Determination should be your middle name! Congrats hun!! enjoy your boy :)
  • I'm saying! I'm so lazy usually. Idk what came over me but I wanted my sweet boy out and I got him out! :) Thank you!
  • :D congrats mama
  • @Karla_with_a_K Thank you! Congratulations to you too!!
  • Congrats!
  • What a story.... Now youll need lotz of rest!! Congratzzz mommy.. :-)
  • Congratz :-)
  • You are a trooper!!! & I'm glad your little man got here safe & sound (:
  • great story congratulations!!!!!
  • @BentleysMommy, the last part made me cry! I'm so happy for you! :D Made me remember the day I had my Son,, & even MORE anxious to have this little one!
    Congratulations & enjoy ur newborn to the fullest cause they grow up so fast!
  • Awwww Congrats mama :)
  • WOW I love your story Congrats girl .. enjoy motherhood
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  • I'm 38 weeks. I think I'm going to take a walk now lol. Congratulations :)
  • Congrats!

    Can't imagine doing jumping jacks right now (I am 37 wks) :)
  • @BentleysMommy You did an awesome job, mama! Enjoy Bentley because time flies by so fast. Little boys are so super sweet! :D

    @jmask I'm 38+1 today; wish we could walk and squat together! LOL! My first two babies came after 40wks. I hope this little one comes sooner! :)
  • your legs must be sore!!
  • Awe Congrats mama :) my body also pushed my baby out I remember I was laughing waitin for the next contraction and the next thing ou know they were like the baby the baby I look down and oh there was my Isabella it's amazing how our body works :) good luck with your baby boy all the fun adventures just begun
  • @BentleysMommy your story is awesome!! I cried too. :"> Enjoy your little man! He's gorgeous!!
  • Congrats!!!! And Bentley, your little chunky monkey is gorgeous! I'm so happy for you. You're going to be an awesome mom. Keep us updated with all of his progress. You did a fantastic job! =D>
  • Okay I've been lurking and stalking waiting for your complete post:) congratulations on your Bentley! He's beautiful!
  • Aw look at that big healthy baby! Congrats :) I was 16 n small my first pregnancy and pushed my baby out that fast too! Lol
  • Congrats mama, you are a tough one I love hearing birth stories and hearing yours comforts me cuz I haven't put on too much weight this pregnancy. Can't wait till its my turn. ;)
  • woo wee! you went on and on and on and then finally BAM! congratulations and enjoy your first night home!
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  • Congrats mama! :)
  • Thank you everyone! I will definitely keep y'all updated on Bentley and can't wait to read your birth stories (if I haven't already :) ) he does have jaundice and they have him in a photo therapy bed in my hospital room right now. He'll be on it till tomorrow morning. I'm pretty sure we'll be able to go home tomorrow. Fingers crossed! I miss cuddling with him already and he's only 5 feet away :(
  • Ahhhhhhh congratssss doll! :D
  • Love the story Hun and congrats again. :)
  • Congrats on baby bentley
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