Update #2 ok so idk but i think its too soon to test but.......



  • @Prayin_4_twins well glad i can help... im praying for you ;-)
  • edited July 2011
    In sorry hun but Its ok now at least u know u can start the provera and clomid soon that was my lucky charm the first try so I'm praying for u lots of baby dust and now u get to have more baby making sex yay! Have u been on clomid before?
  • know exactly how you feel. It was a year and a half and then I finally got pregnant. I know its very hard, but honestly what did me was just calming down about things and not trying anymore. I stopped charting, obsessing and making it my every thought. Trust me its harder then people try to make it seem when they say just stop stressing/thinking about it. I just found many things to distract myself and finally wouldn't think about it so bad. Then one day I started feeling different, but I was so scared of the test being negative and my symptoms being from my mind. Luckily it turned out positive.
  • Sorry to hear that... ugh!! That happened to me too. But maybe you're someone who doesn't show till way late? That would be sweet! Lol
  • Thanks ladies!
    I've been on clomid before I took 50mg my first time & nothing happened so the next month he put me on 100 mg. But then the day I was suppose to ovulate af showed! Then my issues happened & thsn I just did another round if clomid at 100, but if af shows or I takr proera & af shows then were doing 150mg.
  • Ah still hoping for a positive result for you hun, keep your chin up it will be your turn soon (*)
  • Omg Hun have they tracked u to see if u r even ovulating at all during the time u r supposed to be?
  • They drew the blood on Monday to check my progesterone levels & they were suppose to be above 3.5 mine was 1.6 :'(
  • I know but they can do us to see if u r ovulating
  • So how much longer r u going to wait before u take the provera?
  • Yeah they told me. I didn't ovulate. But on Sat when I went to the bathroom I had a egg white looking & it stretched like 2 or 3 inches. I know its too early to tell from last sat but I don't know how to explain symptoms. I will prob wait till next week maybe wed just to be safe! I don't want to risk anything.
  • Yea sounds like u ovulate late like me I'm still praying for u mama! And I hope u don't have to take that nasty clomid again I only did 50 mg and my nipples were like ground beef I can't imagine taking 100 or even 150 mg prayers and fingers crossed
  • How are all you mamas doin!?!?! I HOPE EVERYONE IS STAYING HYDRATED & COOL!!!
    I took another test but nothing. I've been sick the last few days, we believe due to the heat, bc I only drink water, so I have o make sure I get some electrolytes some how. I tracked the days from the day I truly would have ovulated & today would be day 10 after ovulation which does not explain the symptoms I was having before! Sunday (sorry tmi) I had a brownish discharge & today I am spotting sooooo idk if I'm having implantation bleeding or af is starting but either way I'm excited!!!!!!!! If it is implantation bleeding then yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
    If its af them good! This means it starte
    d on its own no damn provera & I can take 150mg of clomid w/out the waiting for af.........we will see!
  • Fingers crossed!
  • Good luck!!! ;)
  • I agree with Marie, I know how rough this is for u. Maybe u should stop trying and stressing yourself and body out and see if it happens on its own. I know each month that goes by and seems like a month wasted but maybe u trying so hard is putting to much pressure on u and your body. It will happen sweetie one way or another. Hang in there:)
  • This site helps me soooooo much with my symptoms I had/having...


    Tons of baby dust for youuu :)
  • That long thick discharge has always come the day I ovulate. NEVER HAS FAILED! I get pregnant EVERY TIME I have sex that day or coincidencely the day before I get that discharge
  • I really hope that you ovulated that day and this is implantation bleeding!!! Best bet, wait until next Sunday, the 14th and test that will be just over 2 weeks since the ovulation discharge. With all these truckloads of baby dust im sending you, you may have triplets, just warning you! :D
    ******BABY DUST******
  • edited August 2011
    Sorry, double posted
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Good luck girl ill cross my fingers for ya! :D
  • Thank-you so much! & hey triplets would be fine w/ us lol.........maybe :)
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