moms smoking weed!!!!



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  • i personally dont see anything wrong with smoking weed. i used to smoke alot before i got preg and once in a great while when i was. and it hasnt affected me at all. i used to smoke before and during work, and i worked in a factory, and was fullly capable of doing my job and acting normal. i dont see anything wrong with smoking while you have kids. i wouldnt do it right in front of them no, but but getting buzzed in a diff room or something sure y not. it doesnt make u a bad parent just because you smoke. my parents have been smoking for as long as i can remember and they are good parents and me and my brother turned out fine.
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  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe the videos showed otherwise and with what is on the videos and the way they were acting that to me is being a bad mom smoking in front of their kids driving nuts swirving and laughing about it not looking at the road and turning around to yell at your kids then laughing when they swirve
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  • @usmcwifemommy101107 i DEFINITELY agree with ur last statement. I would never smoke a cig in front of a child. That is so freakin wrong n i dnt respect any adult who does it
  • ya i dont understand why everyones making a big deal about smoking weed, weed is far less harmful than alcohol, cigs, and even prescription meds. i think some ppl are just ignorant when it comes to weed.
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  • I dnt think the OP has a problem with the weed smoking itself. She was saying in front of ur children n not fully functional is wat she doesnt agree wit. Plz no name calling ladies, tgis discussion is going well. Im enjoying it
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  • i didnt call anyone a name.. i was just stating a fact, many ppl are ignorant when it comes to this drug...

    @USMCwifemommy101107 yes exactly, there are no ill effects from smoking weed. unlike the other illegal drugs. and what really confuses me is ppl are comparing weed to cocaine and heroin saying they are in the same catagory O_o um ok.....lmao
  • @USMCwifemommy101107 I agree with the taxing issue I just don't agree when people go overboard on smoking weed and handle their kids. I used to smoke weed and I dnt see the problem I didn't have my son though. i just dont like seeing the videos of moms that are driving crazy and smoking a bong infront of theirchilden is all. I've smoked weed to were I can't walk but i have also smoked weed to were I am fine. some people know their limit some ppl don't. if u like to smoke more power to you. you know what ur doing. watch these videos and tell me you don't agree.
  • OOh and I would not smoke a cigg infront of my baby so many women do. hello! 2nd hand smoke
  • @usmcwifemommy101107 i said i agree with ur last statement n said i dnt respect anyone who smokes cigs in front of their kids. Before u jump at me plz read the comment correctly
  • This is awful in my opinion! When people say they function normally on it I get confused - why use it in the first place then?! Also even if you step outside to smoke a cigarette, the stuff hangs around on your breath and clothes for 2 hours after, so you are still exposing your child to harmful chemicals.
    I am also concerned about the tylenol comments, I'm guessing this is a basic painkiller over in the US? I have to take painkillers to control my rheumatoid arthritis, to say this can be compared or is even worse than smoking weed is so offensive. I do not do anything illegal!!!
  • yes i do not agree with smoking the point of retardation lol. not with young children atleast. i too have smoked to the point where i cant function, but to b honest, it takes ALOT to do that, atleast for me.
  • Come on ladies I'm not a weed hater I would smoke a filly all the time its just the other things i agree with @ExcitedNewMom its going well no drama. All the posts get out of hand.
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  • Smoking anything at all is wrong in my eyes. Ya some of you are saying that it is ok if you dont smoke in front of your kids or if your kids are in bed. What if there is an emergency and you are as high as a kite and cant function right to take care of said emergency? Man! Some people make me sick! Some people shouldn't have children!
  • I actually think weed should be legalized...I think its safer than alcohol. Before I had kids I smoked it. Now that I'm a mommy...I choose to not do illegal things because then what kind of example am I setting for my kids. Laws are there for a reason and I as mommy get to be the one to teach my child right from wrong. Even if I think its a dumb law...that would be like my child breaking my rules because they don't like them. I choose to teach by being a good example.
    As to people knowing their is someone getting stoned but knowing their limits different than getting buzzed from alcohol but saying they know their limits any different? My mom used to thin she was fine every time she had a few beers and got in the car with us kids. So since she knew her limits it was OK that she was impaired enough to take out a mailbox with the side mirror, or put the car in the ditch. But hey she knew her limits so she was OK! I used to get high and drive and you know does slow your reflexes. I guess I just wouldn't want to test my limits by risking my children's lives. I think that we have to decide what is more important...our babies or keeping the same lifestyle we had before kids. Don't have babies until you're ready to give up all that junk.
    Sorry just my opinion...not trying to start an argument.
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  • Oh my! People r horrible. I had a friend that would blow smoke in he babies crib n tell others to do the same. Mind u I said had. Not anymore. People r stupid n horrible! I've smoked a few times in my life and I think in the past 4 years u smoked one time. Thas how rare. I just don't get re effect. I dont think its that great n not worth the court fines. N how can u only get a little high? I can drink a 12 pk n hardly get a buzz but if I take one hit off a joint im under the table messed up! I would never part while prego or around my kids or knowing I have to go home or get up with my kids. Im 27 years old time to grow up! It doesn't make u look cool. It makes u look like a child trying to act like an adult. Just like cig smoking. Speaking of which I made it to smokless day 4 and got a pack. I had an epic fail! I need help with this nasty habit so bad!
  • @littlenat86 yeah I noticed when Idid smoke ciggs the smell is on my hands I would always wash my hands when I would smoke even if I didn't have my baby at the time and the weed has a lingering smell too I used to love it but now to me it smells weird. I guess cuss I couldn't notice it back then
  • @littlenat86 you do function normally while on it, u just get more relaxed. i smoke because i have a temper and anxiety. its not like when you drink and you slur ur words and cant walk straight, u simply get a chill feeling and thats it. and as for the tylenol comment, just because it isnt illegal doesnt mean its good for your body. any otc drug or prescription has chemicals in it that can harm your body, read the labels, most of them warn about liver damage. weed on the other hand has no man made chemicals in it
  • @stevenjsalas_mommy i saw that episode and i didn't see any videos of any mom driving crazy with their kids. Or a mom hitting a bong in front of their kids. Not trying to start drama but i didn't see anything you are talking about. There was the asian woman hanging out with her kids high but if you weren't aware she was high she would've just looked like a mom with her kids
  • @usmcwifemommy101107 n ur not name calling? U asked me if it was ok to smoke cigs in front of kids and not weed n i answer u n u refer to me as pippy long stockings? Lmao good one. OP sry ur post went sour. Good luck on this one cuz im out
  • if youve ever smoked weed, you sober up pretty quickly when you need to. most of it is a mind over matter thing. so in an emergency youd b fine
  • After reading some more comments im more concerned about other people smoking n driving or drinking and driving then them sitting aroud tree place. Scary thing with slower reactions
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