moms smoking weed!!!!



  • I agree with @ExcitedNewMom if you dont want the attention stop bringing it upon yourself. Good luck with everything everyone!
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  • This is why i adore my beautiful state of colorado. Legalize 2012!!! But medical marijuana is already legal. Woohoo!! Oh and its legal in denver! Go denver!!
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  • @mommyo3soon2b4
    I can say im functional to drive while high because i've done it and have never gotten into an accident, pulled over, or hit anyones mailboxes or ANYTHING of that matter. All things which can happen to people under the influence of NOTHING.

    If U believe that someone smoking weed constitutes them as a bad or ill parent then I have a few choice words for that that arent appropriate for Pregly or my character. Like I will continue to say, I know what my intake limit is and what different amounts of smoking can and will do to me. Not everyone is on their ass off the same dosage of smoking, one hit can make someone assed out, where as the next person it will take them 4 or 5 to even have the same level. I WOULD NEVER SMOKE TO THE POINT OF NOT BEING ABLE TO KEEP MY EYES OPEN AND FOCUSED. As I stated, there are different weeds that affect the body differently which allow people to do more or less. If you're educated in what you do, especially when its not a dangerous substance (dont give a ass about what anyone thinks of that statement) I say, do what you do RESPONSIBLY. And damn right, if i had a choice, i'd smoke before i take medication that are constantly being recalled, or tell you about liver damage and all sorts of other crap. Only side effects weed has ever caused me were an elevated personality, talkativeness and a sweet tooth. Always took away any ache or pain I had and ALWAYS leveled out a negative mood.
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  • edited July 2011
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  • @usmc @usmc'scheerleader who mentioned her kid?! Wat r u ladies talkin abt?! No one mentioned her unborn child once. I agreed with the woman n she couldnt read the comment correctly n started attacking ppl
    I wont excuse her behavior for anything sorry. Im going thru shit myself but dnt attack ppl
  • ok seriously that was a bit rude. i dont care how much someone is getting to you, you should never bring up someones personal problems, especially something as sensitive as what @USMCwifemommy101107 is going thru. that was extremelly rude and uncalled for
  • @mshahir I would be smart I dnt want feelings getting hurt i think we were doing well for a while though hmmm I think that am going to watch waterboy ;) while I eat hot cheetos
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  • @stevenjsalas_mommy oh that sounds like fun! I shall do the same.....except with Hot fries instead of cheetos ;)
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  • Hehe. I love typing what I really feel just to get it out then erasing it. :O) Feels pretty good.
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  • aww where can i sign up for this cheerleader team?!
  • I want to watch waterboy! That movie cracks me up! Water sucks! It really really sucks! Lol!
  • @surprise_due8_28 I do that too LOL.....its good for the soul I say lmao
  • Lmao. Thx. Now bye
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  • Ill be ur cheerleader! Go @jazzi89 go! What am I cheering for again im so lost!
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  • lol sweet!!
  • Anyway, I am sorry if I hurt feelings. I think us preggo mamas are a bit wound up. :O) Stress anyone? :O)
  • There will always be something that another parents does that someone doesn't like. Therefore they throw out the label bad parent. Nobody will agree with everyone opinions. Think for yourselves and base your opinions off actual knowledge of the subjects...not off of what people have put in your head. Im so sick of people being so judgementle on here because they have a different view. That's life deal with it don't get so worked uped just because someone doesn't agree with your personal view. Agree to disagree.
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