moms smoking weed!!!!



  • @USMCmommy101107 I dk ppl can abuse anything pills, anything over the counter hair spray spray paint. So anything can be a drug. I used to smoke I know how it is if u look back I was only talking about ppl who go overboard with their kids not ppl who do it in general. no one is arguing it is just a simple decent debate.
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  • Oh and on the point of me saying I think it should be legalized...I still wouldn't do it if I had my kids. If I was on a weekend getaway with the hubbby, maybe. But we don't drink if we have or are going to have our kids. I am here to take care of them and I don't want anything to mess me up to where I couldn't do my job. Emergencies happen and I can't be prepared i im high or drunk! I have never smoked ciggs and would never subject my child to that. PS I'm not judging anyone who does any of the above...I am just stating my views on how I parent my children.
  • @Sara102011 yeah the Asian chick was driving and they were filming her. she was hanging out with her kids to and she hit a blue greenish bong infront of them. we watched the same one :)
  • @jazzi89 um if I smoke I slur and stumble... it effects people different. If I drink I don't unless I get trashed but that never happens. Weed screws me over way more then beer. Everyone is different. Things effect different people in different ways
  • I said the OPs post going sour. Lmao wtf r u reading? Harsh wrds? Lol give me a break
  • N sry i dnt "need to smoke weed" lol im perfectly fine with the natural high i have while pregnant. But thx
  • @jazzi89 as I said, I still think that comment was very offensive to people with medical conditions who need to take medication to control pain levels. I hope no one suffers the pain I can be in and is made to feel guilty about taking a painkiller. This isn't aimed at you, I'm just saying the conversation in general! And I have tried weed, I became very chilled but surely this has a similar effect to small amounts of alcohol in slightly lengthening your response times etc. I'm not against weed, just think driving and smoking around kids is very irresponsible
  • PS if you want sympathy dont post mean things. Thats not a way to get sympathy about a different topic. Just sayin.
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  • @USMCwifemommy101107 I know what you are going through I have been keeping up with your posts but there is no need for being mean I know you are hurting and I'm sorry I lost my baby at 28 weeks. stay strong momma I hope everything works out for u.I hope they close this post soon instead of a debate it is a fire ball throwing bak and forth
  • Well put =D>
  • hmm well ur an odd one then lol @mandac10 idk i personally have never had that happen to me or to my friends. with alcohol i slur and stumble when im trashed but not with weed.
  • Ya I think some comments here are getting out of hand. Stop jumping on people and u know who u are.
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  • @usmc shouldnt u havr better things to do than harrass ppl? Geez get a grip. Cuz now ur not only reading wrong ur also typing wrong
  • @jazzi89 ya lol I must be! It really messes me up that y I never liked it! I thought I peed my pants after one hit years ago! But I can drink n be fine! Weed just isn't good for me! Im " that girl" when I have smoked! L-)
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  • Surprise_due8_28 really? Some people shouldn't have kids? Who made you god?? Who said you were perfect? I think your comment is very reefer madness. Just bc someone smokes doesn't mean they shouldn't breed. I think closed minded ignorance shouldn't breed
  • I am no longer a pot smoker and haven't been for years. However, a majority of my friends are. From what i've observed, parents who are "high" around their kids are more engaged and present in their kids activities, read to, talk to, and play with them more, than many parents who dont smoke. This being said, pot slows reaction time (not to the extent that alcohol does), and driving while high is completely irresponsible (regardless of whether children are in the car...there are children and adults in OTHER cars and crossing the street). Pot smokers may be able to operate the car effectivly barring any unusual circumstances; but all it takes is a split second delay in reaction to cause an accident.
  • @littlenat86 im not trying to offend anyone..and i know what pain is. i am supposed to take strong pain pills and muscle relaxers on a daily basis because i have arthritis as well as fibromyalgia. but i personally would much rather smoke to ease the pain then pop pills that are entering my little girls system, i would rather suffer than take my meds. but on some days i have to take them, and i regret it every time.
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  • So ladies how do you close this post? We r all civil people. Maybe we can stop commenting on it? We all agree to certain things and hey we r all good mommas!

    ♥ bunny
  • Lmao i jumped dwn ur throat? I see ur milking this victim thing for all its worth. Ur clearly offending n bothering ppl n to say ur going thru things is not an excuse.
  • @stevenjsalas_mommy i didn't see her smokibng in front of them. I know she was driving but it wasny crazy and she wasn't being crazy. I'm just sayin
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  • i dont understand y the post has to b closed, theres nothing bad going on a bit confused, are we not allowed to debate on here anymore....
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