edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I was watching a movie on youtube because I was very curious about abortions. Do women really know whats happening step by step what the process is when having it done? On the movie it said that women are victims of it, me personally I dont think that they are victims. I think the whole process is very sad:( it made me wanna cry:'(


  • Was it the "silent scream" video? That video changed my whole view on abortion and is part of the reason I decided to keep this baby. It made me bawl my eyes out.
  • Was it a late term abortion or the "regular" ones?

    I looked them up it disgusted me. I was horrified. I didn't watch a video on it, but just reading about it broke my heart.
  • Yes. Thats the movie. It changed mine too. It was scary.
  • Late term. You can view the video on youtube. If you do its called "silent scream"
  • Im sure its not the same at every clinic and depends how.far along you are but I know that when I had one about 6 years ago I was completely knocked out and barely remembered the ride home. Though I was a depressed mess after! I dont think I was a "victim"...i made the decision I don't understand why the women would be a victim? It is a sad process and I still think about it! :(
  • Ps. Mine was not a late term abortion I dont know anything about those! I cant even imagine!
  • I think the process of having it done is the same. Just the medication process for the pain is different. But sorry for you having to expericene that:(
  • @Laurenmarie729I
    The process is different from early an late
  • That is a scarey video...i don't know why I just.watched it...bad idea....anyway i know that if you wanted information you could make an appointment at a clinic for just info and they wil walk you through everything and answer any questions if your going too have one one or not or maybe some one else was wondering...
  • I just watched it and it was the saddest thing IV ever seen in my life....after seeing that video Idk how ppl go through with it.. :-((
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  • Yea I totally regret watching that video......I was 11 weeks and 2 days about 6 years ago when I had the "a" word I regret it every day but at the same time it scares me where id be if I stayed with that guy and kept the child......I wish I knew earlier what I knew now........I had no idea at the time how much the child had grown omg I feel absolutly horrible now :(
  • I was not educated on anything about it just knew he and I were not right and I had no other choice given to me
  • Please dont judge people for decisions they may have made. no one knows what their situation was and im sure it was not an easy choice and they thought they were making the best choice they could at the time. It is a sad reality and no one likes it :(
  • I think its a big eye opener. Everybody should watch that video an really reconsider what an think about what your doing.
  • Very sad : ( I just believe this is each persons own decision and no one has the right to be be judging others.
  • They make u see a therapist before you get it done but the therapist was in the same office and def didn't tell me anything about the baby it was more about how easy or difficult life would be if I kept the child or if I continued the process.....I wish they showed me ths video I woulda walked out immediatly I had no clue it was that brutal
  • For the record im not trying to pass judgement on anybody at all! I simply thinj that all females should be made aware of how that process is done, an explore other options
  • 5 or more, then u should be ashamed of yourself.
  • I saw it very sad....I do not agree with abortion.
  • Wow, that many times is just careless there is no excuse for that! I totallt understand and sympathize with girls who made the decision once, its rough, but when you arent careful to not go through it again....not so sure
  • Thats crazy an sad. Why cant ppl think about how many families are out here an cant have children that want them. The whole situation is just so sad to me
  • I think this video should definitely be shown to women considering going through with an abortion. Its a shame that the majority of the clinics put no focus on the baby. Im sure if more women were better informed than less babies would be killed. Abortion is a personal choice but its one that needs to be made with as much info behind it as possible. Very very sad :(
  • @ rockinmomma
    I totally agree with you on that:)
  • My best friend had an abortion at 4.5 months. She said it was a 2 day process and that it was horrible. She was just leaving an abusive relationship and felt that she would forever be trapped if she brought a child into it. She regrets her decision.

    When my baby sister lived with me at 15 years old, I watched the video with her. I felt that she needed to be informed and aware that abortion is a huge decision and what exactly it means. Of course I tried to teach that "abstinence is the best policy" but I wanted to make sure she had all of the information she needed to know as a sexually active teen.
  • On an additional note, TX just passed a law that requires that women have an ultra sound and a meeting with thr doctor to discuss the embryonic/fetal development before an abortion is performed. Hopefully it will allow women to make more informed decisions.
  • @txmoorekat
    I think that they should pass that law in every state.
  • Its nobodies place to judge. If it made the ladies out to be victims, the movie probably had the goal of doing so for pro-life, anti-choice reasons. For most, its probably a very tough decisions which you dont know the reasons of. It was their choice- its not anybodies place to judge.... if they did it, it what they thought was best. Not everyone is made to be a capable parent. Parents sometimes cant handle it. Some hurt their kids. Some abuse. Not every kid gets adopted. When placed in a new family- some hurt as well.... some women are in abusive relationships. Some dont love in a nurturing environment. Rape- from experience- is tramatizing. Soul and trust crushing. Some women or girls would be beat by their parents or partners if pregnancy wss discovered.
    A family member had one while she was in a tough time. Now is pregnant again, able to provide, and with a willing to be there partner. I love her just the same. I'm pregnant for the first time and happy, though scared and worried, about it and future years. Though i didn't consider abortion, i believe women should be able to exercise their personal freedom over their bodies. It shouldnt be up to the government to rule over them and make them have the child if the women have reasons against it.
    you dont know 100% of any woman's story but your own.
    just because one clinic or Dr was unjust doesnt mean all are.
  • @IsItFallYet I don't think any one is trying to be judgemental. Were just expressing opinions about a very soul shocking video of an aspiration abortion shown via ultrasound. Im pro choice I just strongly believe it should be a fully edjucated choice. No one is trying to offend anyone.
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