He kneed me in my stomach now im in agony



  • edited February 2011
    Opinions, everyone is entitled to have them. I just hope u n ur baby r ok
  • edited February 2011
    Praying for ur health
  • I hope you're okay, and the baby. Regardless of your relationship issues which is your own business. He should get you home once checked over and treat you like a princess, all through your pregnancy, if it was a one off, milk it for all it's worth! Fingers crossed everything is ok X
  • I hope u and the baby is ok. U posted this about the baby not about what he did so people need to realize ur here for support and not get talked down too. My dad was very mean to my mom and no matter what anybody says ull do what u need to do when ur ready to do it. Please let us know how it goes at the dr. Im sorry for what has happened and u come here for support and ppl talk down to u instead of helping u.
  • edited February 2011
    What's funny here is there's a lot of talk about "domestic violence" starting for her, but no one cares about the fact that she stood up to "push him away". I'm not putting her down but the fighting between both of them was obviously to blame by her own words. I'm sick of men always being called abusers. An er nurse at my obgyn office admitted to me that there is just as much abuse from women to men... its just that men are conditioned to be embarressed to talk about it and dont seek help. My partner is an abuse survivor and for the first year of our relationship I couldn't move my hand suddenly near his face without him flinching. Its ridiculous to prosecute someone without knowing all the facts... but it happens all the time.

    I Do hope the baby is fine btw.
  • Thank you @rachy606 and @Ittybitty that's the support i was looking for, I've got to to back to the epau tomorrow to be scanned but things seem fine.. my partner has been in tears all night and day and is trying to make things ok. He knows what he did was silly and wrong but he never intentionally ment to harm me. And ill state agen like I have before.. this is not me making excuses for him! I know what domestic violence is and an odd argument is not it! I came on here for support and advise about my baby and all half you have done is critisize and judge! Thank you to those who have offered kind words.
  • Glad u and baby are ok hun :) xxx
  • I'm glad to see he's taking care of you & that baby is okay. I think you should keep in mind that a lot of women jumped on the abuse train because they care! Most women who are in that kind of situation tend to downplay it to everyone else, and we were all just scared for you!... and I'm really not being a jerk when I say this but your first post about it wasn't super clear about the situation... please keep that in mind before you get mad at us for trying to help. We just want the best for you & baby.
  • Ur welcome.. Thats good to hear.
  • Happy to hear everything seems to be ok. x
  • I'm glad the baby is ok MummyNumber3.
  • Am glad to hear that the baby is goin ok. Am glad he learn his listen. At least he said sry n he is trying to fix himself
  • Went for my scan and babys fine :) other half is still pretty cut up about the situation and is proper taking it out on himself.. this is how I know he never ment nothing.. thank you to the girls who offered kind words it ment a lot xxx
  • @mummynumber3 i think u.should go n get checked out, if ur in pain.once it starts it will always happen once u forgive them and wen they apologize and u take em bk then ur askin for it to happen again. Men will take he piss as much as we let em do. Trust me u need to get rid before its too late hun. Or u will end up resenting ur life with that partner. And deep hatred will be buried deep inside waitin to come out. And trust me the only one who will fall will be u in the end. So plzzzzzzz take my advice and protect urself and ur kids. U let a man get away with it and u literally sayin hit me again. U are th one in charge pf ur destiny hun. Its building the strength to make it right. U dont want to be sat there in 10 yrs tym hating th person who u once worshipped.
  • This is from my own personnal experience i was beaten through my pregnancies too.
  • @mommynumber3 I'm glad ur baby is ok and I'm happy to see you back on here. I was afraid you were scared away by all of the criticism you received. I hope you have no more experiences like that. Hugs and best wishes
  • @coolbabybeans thanks babe :)Nah people and there opinions ain't gonna scare me off, if there not gonna listen to what I'm actually rating then I ain't got time to sit there and dwel on there criticism :) I won't.. it wasn't a purpose matter so all is good xx
  • Wheres he at. . . ! Il kick his ass . . . ! Get that fu... In jail. . . !!!my responsebillity as a dad is to protectmy girl because shes carrying my pride. . . !!!!!!!!!!!!
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