How did everyone tell the father?



  • I went to a local jewelry shop and asked for a bracelet box... I wrapped the test in the box and had him open it. My husband and I have been together for 8 years and married for 4 years. April 2010 we found out I have endometriosis, so I had a surgery to remove some of it. We were told that we might have some trouble getting pregnant, but we decided not to worry about it too much cause we were not looking to start a family at that time. Getting pregnant 2 months after my surgery just seemed like it was a blessing...and pregnancy is the greatest gift a woman could ever receive, that's why I decided to gift wrap the test. My husband was so surprised.
  • I had just gotten stationed in WA and he was in Kansas wed been trying for 4 months he wasn't supposed to make it to WA until Feb well I called him n thought well ill try peeing on the stick I was late! So I did n it was an unexpected positive wed been trying for a while!! I was so excited I told him right their on the phone then sent him pics of the stick lol!! :)
  • My husband's ex was pregnant with his baby(or so we thought at the time) so he's been thru the symptoms and read all the baby books already. He had a gut feeling he said "you're pregnant and its a boy". I hadn't even missed my period yet so as soon as I did he went to get my a test. He didn't wanna look at it but already knew what it said when I came out of the bathroom
  • Via text. I think he already knew, but didn't wanna hear me say the words.
  • I bought baby booties of his favorite sports team and left them on the bathroom counter with 2 positive pregnancy tests next to them. I hear this, " WHAT THE HECK? OH BOY!" Lol! It was great. He couldn't stop smiling & hugging me.
  • Aww so many of your stories are hysterical I just wish some of the other ones weren't sad :( ... My heart goes out to ya mine wasn't happy either but oh well.
  • We had a pregnant dog and cat (at the same time) When we were discussing this, I decided to say to him "Yeah..... you might not want to let our friends drink the water cuz it is going around". He looked at me with a CRAZY face and asked me if it was true.... haha
  • my husband had NO clue. i was working and had a co-worker keep telling me i was preg. and i always denied it. I kept having period-like cramps that would come and go and as always i came home and googled what it might could be and one thing was being preg. so after work one night i bought a 3 pack test, came home and took one.. i thought i was seeing things (it had two lines) so i called my best friend freaking out.. i took another one the next morning and same thing! i told my husband we needed to talk.. and i told him.. he was kinda in shock and i made him go buy a digital set, he was cooking dinner when i took it and all i did was scream him name.. he came in the bathroom, looked and was just speechless!! It was completely unplanned but we're both excited, especially him since he has a 4yr old daughter that he doesnt get to see (thanks to his lovely babymomma).
  • Well I wasn't sure when my period was suppose to start this month BC of the short month in Feb. But I took the first test, it said positive! I told him a couple days later and he was actually upset that he wasn't the first to know But he's all for it!
  • I waited till he walked in the front door and threw the stick at him and said "great look what you did again" keep in mind that we just had a son that turned 4 months old. Lol. Yeah he made me pee on 4 more test to make sure they were all right then go to the health department to make sure our tests weren't broke. No not broke at all. Just pregnant. Lol.
  • Well I was at work when I tested. I ran and got one on lunch break all my co-workers were positive I was and 2 were already pregnant so I took the test. I swear not even 10 seconds later it was positive the vertical line was darker than the horizontal. Lol so he calls me on his lunch break and I was like "Hi baby, how's work. Oh well remember that thing we've been working on? And he's like huh! Then I was like well you know the whole mommy daddy business lol. He was like wait what....... And I said yeah baby I'm pregnant. He kinda giggled then went silent. He said are you sure? And I was like hold on I'll send you a pic. So I sent it he we Hung up and called me back and was like are you sure that says positive one of those lines aren't very dark. And I was like yes hunni the darker of the two is the one that means positive. Then he cut the convo short he had to go back inside." So I was like well that's not what I expected but he freaked for a little while then refused to talk about it for about a week. Then he kinda got used to the shock I guess and is happy or at least pretends to be lol he kisses my belly and talks the the little fella he so wants a boy... Idc either way he better live it anyway :)
  • I locked him in the bathroom with me, made him tell ME the results.
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  • I yelled through the bathroom door to my hubby: "honey! Two lines!" He told me to come back to bed to snuggle! This is #3 for us :)
  • I was at home when I took the the test....I freaked out when it was positive...I was told for 9 years that I was infertile..that was perfect cuz beta my bf and I we have a total of 5 kids.. I was queasy for a week and sore breasts for a month...kept telling him something wasn't right but it never registered....I cried and cried scared at how he would take it...didn't wanna tell him in case he flipped out..(& I thought he would cancel our vegas trip that was 2 days away.) I realized I couldn't carry this stress with me the entire weekend so I called him while he was working...he sent me to I sent him a text saying it was important that he calls me right away.. He called about tenminutes later...I started with reminding him of my symptoms and saying I took a hpt...and I'm preggo...I broke down into tears....he said " geez what have you been doing naughty girl....and laughed....I was bawling...he aa great tho...said wr are adults and he's ok with it...he's been awesome ever since....granted its only been a week and a half but still...
  • The father broke up with me 3 days before I found out, I sent him an email to tell him. He rang me said he didn't believe me, then he said it wasn't his, haven't heard from him since and dunno wat to do now.
  • I threw the stick at him and said congrats daddy!
  • @mummy2rhys09 don't worry about him. =) focus on you and baby. I broke up with bd 2 weeks before we found out and he tried to accuse me of cheating and saying it wasn't his. Honestly, girl, the man ain't worth it.
  • Took home test woke him up he fell off the bed and was shocked this is #5
  • My fiance told me i was pregnant. I was always sleepy and he told me his guys dont play they get the job done lol. He was rite.
  • I told my bf I was going to the clinic to take a pregnancy test. When they told me the test came back positive they gave me a gold pin that showed how big the babies feet would be at 10 weeks!! When I got home I gave him the pin n he instantly knew!! He started to cry n was very happy!! Best day ever!!!
  • He knew before I even took a test I was preggo. My attitude was more fiesty and I been more tired. He told me to take a test and it seemed opposite it was like he was telling me he was preggo and I was more surprised at the positive sign then him but he was also very excited
  • This might seen funny or stupid but I had taken the test an it came up positive and he knew I took it.. when ur asked what it was I said u have to pee on the second one and well compare... so he did and I switched them and was like damn no baby and when he looked at his he damn near fainted and was like shi+ there's something wrong with it... and I said oh look you're pregnant... idk it was funny
  • I love these! My bf knew before I did n made me take the test. As soon as I peed on the stck I saw 2 faint lines but I figured it would disappear. I didn't say anything n had him go check a few mins later. He walked outta the bathroom w a "someone shot me" look on his face. It made me feel like shit bc it was positive! But he told me he was sorry for making me feel like that n he was just in shock bc we had been ttc n he's finally going to be a dad!! We weren't going to tell anyone until we were 3 months but he couldn't wait n told his whole family n all his friends the next day! Lol he couldn't be happier n is still in shock!
  • OMG I just sent a pic of my pregnancy test
  • He doesn't believe it his wat can I do just wait till its born for a DNA test to prove it I am 100% sure its his but way can I do
  • I gave my husband the two positive tests in a fancy bracelet box with a big bow on it for Valentine's Day. I took a picture of his face when he was opening the box and he said "that better not end up on Facebook". Afterwards, he said "I knew you were pregnant". :)
  • I found out on valentines day, so when we got together later that day, I wished him a happy v-day and told him he was going 2 be a dad
  • Mine was actually the one to tell me I was before I even took the test cause I didnt want to get excited too early when I told him he was like I told you lol were very excited and nervous our first :D
  • wish i had a happy tale to tell but i was scared to tell him cuz we have an 11mth old and a 9 yr old i had to beg for then leave him to convince him to have my 11 mnth old.. the one im preg with now i was on bc an not trying.. so he has no choice... lol.. i told him i was.. and he said dont tell me your preg i dont want another kid.. i melted.. and said ya.. hes warming up to it now but i wanted to kill him for a min cuz of some o the mean things he said.. wishing it dead.. hes stll on my shit list..
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