How did everyone tell the father?



  • This will be my second child and I have a 7 year old son now. The babys father is my current boyfriend and this will be his first child. He knows my female schedule just as well as I do. I was still a week away from my period but I had a feeling I was pregnant. I told him I was going to pick up a test just to check. Could never hurt. Well as soon as I did it turned to positive. He was at work at the time. I was a single mother my first pregnancy and I wanted to do something special to tell him. I took my red lipstick and wrote this poem on the bathroom mirror: " I do not have a face to see or put inside a frame. I do not have soft cheeks to kiss, I don't yet have a name. But this will change come fall they say, for that is when I'm due. Your precious little newborn child, will be looking up at you." Then I taped the test under it inside of a heart I drew. I then left it there. He came home from work and said ok I didn't ask all day... I cutt him off by saying I didn't want to talk about it. He then hugged me saying there was always next time. He went to the bathroom to wash his hands. I held my breath and waited. He came out a few moments later with a huge smile on his face and kissed my belly saying he couldn't wait...he is still excited to this day <3
  • He was with me when I took the test and when I started to cry he knew
  • He was in the living room while I was taking the test, he asked me to take it then instead of waiting until the next morning. I took the test and sat there for a minute looking at the test. It almost immediately came up positive, I was so excited I screamed his name and he came running in because he knew that it came up positive by my yell. We were both so excited that we couldn't stop smiling. Were both nervous because of my previous miscarriage.. but so far so good :) we have our first appt next Monday :)
  • Neither one of us expected a positive result because I haven't had many symptoms, and they have been negative the last four tests I've taken. My period has been irregular, so I don't know how far along I am..
  • We were ttc for three months and I took the test on the day I was due to have my period when I walked in the bedroom I just smiled and jumped on him screaming we did it he said he was so relieved and that he was begining to think he was broken
  • Well I had to go to the hospital cause I was having sharp pain while I was there they decided to do a cs(cat scan) so they took a test just to make sure I wasn't prego that date was 3/18/11 it was - well the cs said I had a ruptured cyst on my overy well after my period didn't come as usual I kinda supected but they said the ruptured cyst could also make u miss u period so I just made my follow up appiontment well anywho as I was @ the doctors I brought up the fact that I was late the doctor said well they did a test @ the hospital on the 18th its just now the 24th but we'll just take the test anyways.... five mines the doctor comes back in and says yeap your pregnant! We all just looked @ eachother in shock but I think the doctor was more shocked then us lol! :-)
  • My bf was home sick. I called him & said I was gonna check on him maybe talk bout some houses we were looking at. I wrapped the test like a gift & said ya better start feeling good cause we really need a house. He looked at the test& said best sick day ever!
  • I didn't say one word just handed him the test and told him to read it he look at me like what does it mean I said read it again he looked looked up at me then started jumping up and down on the bed lol
  • He was with me when we looked at the test. But he did not believe it as he thought it was too early and it was out first month trying. So I began to leave additional positive tests on the bathroom counter until he was convinced.
  • Haha I sent him a text with the picture of the test and said "wanna go on a date I was thinking dinner and a movie yea?" Haha :)
  • edited March 2011
    We weren't talking and in different states at the time. I had our daughters call him telling him they were going to be big sisters. They handed me the phone saying daddy is crying & I hung up on him
  • My aunt had that day I tested andd said I had a dream u where preggo are u? Andd I said wth noo way lol than just because I was curious I went to rite aide after work I bout three test and they alll came back faint line positive I was sooo happy but didn't believe o felt it was real but than I was like omg I am:) than I rite aide and bought two bibs that says I love you daddy and I wrapped my test than when he picked me up from work than I told him. I'm hungry and he said I'm not so he just went drive thru to burger king for me than I said eat cause if immma get fat so r u hehee than he said What and I'm like yepp u heard than I made him close his eyes than put the bib andd test on his lap andd he was in shock sooo happpy since we've been ttc for 3years now omg greatest day ever ilovemy lifeee.
  • I took a picture of my test and sent it to him in a text. This is my 5th. We have 2 together this will be his 6th. So he wasn't real happy. Lol. Ahhh well he's a wonderful father.
  • He was here wen I took it. He was so excited he ran outside. Then later he called his whole family this is our first baby
  • My babys daddy text me right after I tested. I text him back and told him he needed to call me. Being a typical man, he asked me why. I simply replied, just call me. No sooner the text got to him, my phone rang. I was so excited I didn't even stop to think. I blurted out I'm pregnant as I was walking through the parking lot. He was so shocked, but excited. I can't wait for November to get here so we can meet this little blessing !
  • Lets put it this way he got his 20 min phone call since he is deployed and i was like well hunny how would u like to start a family sometime and he said it would b awesome then i was like good bc ur gonna b a daddy. Never thought he would b this excited.
  • edited March 2011
    I cleared out on of my husbands dresser drawers and filled it with baby items and put a note inside reading " make room daddy...I'm moving in" he thought it was cute. He looked a little puzzled at first but then got the point.
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