teen mommy group =]



  • SheridanML1991 I know. I have already bought some stuff that would look cute on either sex but its so hard not to buy everything.lol. babies things are adorable. I'm hoping to have a girl this time so I can buy a bunch of cute pink stuff. But another boy will be fun too lol
  • Yeah, really want a girl so it'll probably be another boy lol but healthy is all that matters :-)
  • That's exactly how I feel. I have already prepared my self if its a boy Lol. I just really want to decorate a girls room not another boys room and I have two neices and it looks like so much fun lol.
  • I'm just thinking when they're older. Will be fun to have someone to do girly things with but then all the mood swings too haha
  • Does anyone know where 2 get cheap maternity cloths
  • Hey everyone I'm 19 this is my first babi and also my mom 1st grandchild wen I told her she was nervous happy disappointed all at the same time but now she can't wait I wasn't as happy at first but I am now I want a boy I'm 6wkz goin on 7 the father is not in the pic its okay cuz ima strong younglady that's goin to take care of hers but my whole fam is excited n they claimn the babi already
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  • I'm 18 and pregnant.. I know how u feel I jus found out in thurs, I should be a month.
    My mom is not very happy, but u I wrk and I'm on college, by the time I give birth ill finish school.. and I cry and feel alone, I'm not with the babys father
    . But I'm still happy I'm going to b a mommie
  • I'm 20 and 6 weeks of pregnant . This is my 3 child and I'm so excited and happy :)
  • Hi im 18 and im 15 weeks and 3 days pregnant with mi first child mi due date is July 14... Everyone in mi family knows and we are very excited mi mom pass in July of 09 but mi father was disappointed at first but he is very supportive nw as of da babys father we are great we both want a girl so hopefully we will find out on feb 3
  • Hi everyone!
    I'm 17 turning 18.
    Might be pregnant, not so sure if I wanna be caz its a lot of responsiblitiy and my moms head would explode if I tell.
    I'm just waiting for one more week to take the test!
    Ill get back to you in a week.

    All of us:teen mom are so beautiful in our own special way.(no homo shit) (just enlighting the mood) were not alone.!
  • Im 17 was 16 when I got preg im 31 weeks and due march 27th I didnt tell my dad I was preg until 6 months because I wasnt big so I just had a small baby bump he was disapointed but came around but just a tip dont wait too long to tell them
  • Im 15 & pregnant for my first time. Im scared but Im excited to have a lil angel growing inside mee. I think all you teen moms are amazing and anyone who hasnt gone throught what were going through has no right to judge:)
  • Hey girls, I need your help, I'm 15 my bf is 19 and I'm pregnant, Idk how to reveal the news to my parents, they would flip, they're really religious, strict, and kinda over protective. Help!
  • Well your bfs over age soo they could possibly get him in trouble
  • Hi guys, im 17 pregnant with my first baby. Im 6 weeks and very excited. I am with the man i love and been together for 2 yrs and im proud to be a teen momma. It was unexpected but it happened and im blessed and gratful. Im getting married in july so yeap. Im happy, no stress, none whatsoever. I have a great education and i will keep pursuing on for my little soon to be family.
  • @mamikailee I know but my parents went through the same thing with me so we are hoping it doing happen
  • Hi..I was 16 whn I had my first baby..a girl..I told my mom thru a post it on the fridge...lol...she was mad but got ova it I am now 22 pregnant wit twins boys..27wks.can't wait to get thm outta me..
  • I'm 19 about 2 have a baby march 9. Its scary I didn't tell my mom till I was 6 mths kuz I was scared of wat she wud say. Wen I finally told her she sed she already knew kuz moms know and she wasn't as mad as I thought. I was realived we strtd getting baby clothes n stuff 4 da baby. But she's taking advantage of the fact that I'm dependin on her n everything I say n do is "wrong" n she keeps threatinin tellin me 2 leave. So now I'm w8ting on my bf 4 him 2 come get me n wen I move out I'm not comin back. I cnt deal with that stress. She blows things out of proportion n the other night she listened in on my convo wit my best friend like a lil kid n wen I sed she's actin like a lil kid dats all she got out of wat my fren n I were tlkin about like it was so bad n she's done wit me not 2 ask 4 nething not even a metro 2 go 2 the doc. Smh its annoyin I'm done wit her 2.
  • Lol a post it note I would do but eould be scared 2 come home lol
  • @mommy2be92: no I havent , not until 20 weeks :(
  • Im 19 yrs old 2nd pregnancy but hopefully the first baby I had miscarrige last year ; I havent told none of my family yet cuz there so judgmental; But the daddy knows and were very happy to expect our baby edd oct 1 2011 yay and iam little scared but once I see my baby nothin in world will ever be the same itwill be better!! Ugh cant wait im gettn a feeling it might be a boy I wn hear its heart beat already super excited
  • Im 14 and im due sep.8th. im in middle school n ive been with my bf since I was 12.. Im still with him :). Any advice?
  • To all the girls that have graduated high school and are 18+: do you consider yourself a teen mom? I'm 18, in college and living with my fiancée. I don't feel like a "teen mom" at all!
  • Hi im 18 19 on valentines day and im11 weeks pregnant due 21 aug my fiancee is 21 and so excited he cant wait iv already got a bump and when hes dn college he comes home kises my bump then me lol my family seem ok so im trild x x x
  • @OverJoyed
    I'm 19, graduated last year, and I'm married to an older guy. This is my first baby and his fourth. I don't really feel like a teen mom, but after reading a couple other posts in teen mom threads with 19 year old moms, I guess I am technically a teenager and a soon to be mom.
  • @rees18baby hey my birthday is feb 14th tooo =] and I'm turning 19 also my due date is august 7th =]
  • @mommy2be92 don't be afraid o2 teLL them because after awhiLe your gonna start o2 show, iwas scared shitLess as weLL o2 teLL my parentss but idid. it was a totaL disaster(not saying that o2 discourage you, jst being honest),but they came around. I'm 19 iguess that's why they were mad because ihave a whoLe Life ahead of me but because i`m aLso working in coLLege have my own car its not Like they have aLot of responsibiLitiess! i`m 17weeks && my parents are excitedd o2 be grandparentss now! it jst aLL takess time that's aLL! jst don't w8 to Long o2 teLL, itoLd when iwas 6weeks ;; your weLL overdue :D jst hope it aLL works out for you!
  • Lol my Bday is Feb 28 and I'll be 19 , I'm also 11 weeks pregnant, my due date is August 20! Looks like we have a lot in common lol
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