whos still breastfeeding?

edited August 2011 in Breastfeeding
who of you are still breastfeeding? are u exclusively breastfeeding? do u pump and use a bottle? hows it going for you? where do u feel weak and need encouragment?

lets stick together and help eachother!

i struggle to get up for the 4oclock feeding! i miss my 12hrs of pregnant sleep! (aching back or not!) :P


  • I'm still doing it 7 weeks. I exclusively pump and its terrible hurts soooo bad!
  • I exclusively pump also. My daughter is 3weeks old. I have been supplementing with formula because I'm not producing enough milk to feed her alone. I had a breast infection and lost a lot of my supply so I'm only giving 2oz of formula and 2oz of breastmilk each feeding.@babyinblack682 how often do you have to pump?
  • I'm exclusively breast feeding, I hopei can stick to it.. my daughter is only 5 days old
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  • I'm exclusively breastfeeding, one month going strong. He's sleeping four-six hours straight through the night. I'm back in school but my class is only an hour long and I have breaks in between. I pump for work which is three hours long, but papa bear uses daddy finger and a syringe to feed baby bear. Makes him feel like he's still on the boob. :)
    I needed so much encouragement at the beginning but my husband was there every step of the way. He wouldn't let me give up and now I'm totally glad he didn't. It's so much easier to just put him to the breast than to prepare bottles.

    Don't worry if you're just starting out and they lose a little weight, it's normal! My baby was 9 lbs 11 oz at birth and dropped to 8 lbs 12 oz. My milk came in and over the weekend he gained back up to 9 lbs 1 oz. I was supposed to supplement but only did 3 feedings.
    If they don't latch on use a nipple shield. Or a breast pump to help the nipple be easier to grab. If you use a nipple shield take it off half way through the feeding. Skin to skin contact is key. Take baths with your baby on your chest. It'll help your production like crazy. Even if you aren't pumping, buy a manual one and pump after feedings. It's a supply/demand thing, if your body thinks you need more it'll produce it.
    Never think your milk isn't good enough, that is rarely the case.

    Oh, if your lo has hiccups, give them a hair of the dog that bit them. A little boobie milk and they're gone. :)
  • Exclusively breastfeading!! I love it. My son is 2 1/2 weeks old.
  • I'm exclusively breast feeding. She's 6 weeks now. I pump every now and then just to have backup for when we go out. I actually prefer the night time feedings. My boobs have had time to fill up!!! She falls asleep while she's eating every time so I end up having her there what seems like all day. Im so glad I stuck with it, but damn that first week was a struggle.
  • My son is 7 weeks and we are strictly breastfeeding. No pumping, or supplements. It's going great he feeds every 3-4 hours and sleeps 4-5 hours.:)
  • I heard that non-alcholic beer its good for production....I think the name is odouls
  • Its dark wheat beer @monkeymam im strictly breastfeed and love it even though there are days where I want to quit. I pump here anc there but she really doesnt like the bottle. Im bfing until 12 months
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  • I'm trying but pretty hard my milk just came in like two days ago and I finally expressed some out last night. (2oz)

    @lily_glz what day did you have your baby the 21st?
  • edited August 2011
    @vanalkr Im strictly breastfeeding. The drs wantd me to formula feed her cus she was preemie, but she chokes on it! I try to pump as often as I'm not lazy to do it to keep my supply up(im only making 3oz max(both boobs)n then i save the milk for wen i hav to leav her w either 'grandma.' Lily is 5 weeks n i love breastfeeding! It does become a pain when i would so much rather sleep, but i prefer it over having to go downstairs, make a bottle, make sure its not too hot/cold. The first week was horrible! She couldnt latch so i was using the shield, but i wasnt producing either! Now tht shes bigger shes doin great; only takes the shield if I'm too full(then take it off halfway thru), or if I'm out in public cus its jus easier n quicker for both of us.
    breastfeeding is the best n I'm glad I'm doin it! I'll probably stop once she starts teething, or around 6 months.
  • Im exclusively breastfeeding and I love it, iv got such a huge bond with him. Iv bin doing it for five weeks now but plan to carry on for at least 6 months probably longer. He did lose weight at first and midwife mentioned formula but carried on and hes now 9.13 lb from 6.12 lb lowest weight :)
  • @tashalou when did you have your son? my daughter will be 5 weeks 2maro and was born july 23rd.
  • I have been going strong for 4.5 months. Started giving her rice cereal at about 3.5 months. But sure still eats great. Its frustrating sometimes but I love it.
  • @yaya yup I had her 3:48am on the 21st .. she's super good at latching on, no trouble.. but when I pump hardly any comes out I'll get 1.5 oz both boobs in 10 min :( .. and that's if she's feeding on 1 I pump the other. If I pump alone I get nothing.
  • Lol I had my little man on the 21st at 3:26am. That's so funny. I knew we would have our baby's on the same day. @lily_glz
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  • I exclusively breastfed for the first 6 weeks but I now supplement with formula 1-2 times a day. My daughter is a great latcher/eater but sometimes just needs a little formula to stay satisfied :)
  • @YAYA & @lily_glz did ya'll have ur babies in july or august? my son was born on july 21st!

    wow..everyone is doing soo good! Levi is 5wks old and im still breastfeeding..no supplementing. somtimes i pump and give him a bottle so daddy can be involed and so i can check how much milk im making. i only get 3oz...should i be getting more? he weighs 8lbs now.
  • I exclusively bf my 3 month old. I pump and give him a bottle every once in a while.
  • @YAYA @lily_glz haha n/m i read up the thread and realized ur babies are only a few days old...u had them in august! silly me!
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  • Lol @Mama_Kat that's awesome. Pretty good since some moms bodies don't respond to the pump too well
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  • But we can tell that the 21st is a good day. Lol. @vanalkr
  • @yaya cool! Just minutes apart!!
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