has anyone had weird dreams

edited September 2011 in Sleep
I had a dream that involved my husband that seemed so real everytime I think about it I get pissed


  • I have those dreams too :(
  • I have had weird, crazy and very vivid, almost real dreams throughout this while pregnancy
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  • @mshahir @stillsurprised @kaykes
    thank god im not going crazy anson not the only 1 :-?
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  • @mshahir that's what he said when I told him about the dream
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  • @usmcwifemommy101107 that's the thing it wasn't Nate and I it was him and some blonde and it was so vivid. Shit girl u could practally hear her moaning
  • I had one last night where I went to go to the bathroom and I was bleeding. I went to the doctor and was told I was bleeding do to all the pressure from the babyS (yes 2 babys). I said what do you mean babys? and the doctor said well you know ur having twins. I was like um no im not and then she showed me. Lol it was so weird i woke up almost thinking I was having twins lol
  • I've had weird dream bout my husband cheating an I wake up real pissy at him, but lately I been havin the nastiest sex dream bout me n my husband... ahhh its intense. ;)
  • I've had the craziest dreams every single night for about 2 weeks now.. and my hubby has too. I used to have awesome sex dreams but unfortunately they went away and these weird ones have come.
  • Ive had dreams since ive been pregnant that are so crazy & funny that I actually have woken myself & my bf out of our sleep unintentionally because I was laughing hysterically out loud! Too funny!
  • & I have very intense sex dreams! Which is crazy because I have absolutely no sex drive at all.
  • edited September 2011
    I had two of the weirdest dreams of my life last night. First my family and I were in my parent's backyard when a rabid buffalo appeared and started threatening us. My dog (who in reality is an 8 pound pekingese) turned into a cow/golden retrever and proceeded to growl/moo at the buffalo and head butted it in the side. As she did so the buffalo then transformed into a sasquatch and picked up some other random dog and threw it over the fence. My dog/cow charged the sasquatch and was going to fight it to protect the family but I was awoken by my 4 year old kicking me so I missed the would be battle. After I fell back to sleep I then had a dream that I was in the ocean when suddenly I had my baby (how? I'm really not sure. She just kind of appeared) but she, though totally formed and seemingly healthy, was incredibly tiny. No more than a pound or two and maybe a foot to 14 inches long. I was about to let her float away when she looked at me and said mommy and I nearly cried and realized I just couldn't let her go. So I held my cold naked baby to my chest and tried to make our way out of the water. Then I woke up. I've never been a big believer in dreams having any real meaning but the last one really made me worry that there was something wrong with my baby and only her movements started to put my mind at ease. They were incredibly bizarre dreams. I hope to have semi-normal dreams tonight.
  • I dreamt that i was in th or about to have a c section and i had to sign off on how big of an incision for the dr to make. There were no nurses and the dr was using my kitchen knife. Another dr walked by and told the one operating to be careful not to cut too deep as if i were some project. He set the knife down on my whoha and i woke up.
  • I keep having dreams that some how the doctor had messed up and missed it but that I'm having twins when I'm not
  • I have the most vivid crazy dreams about the strangest things.... esp for some reason about being pregnant in high school... even tho I have been graduated for almost 3 years now. but its every night the dreams get more and more real. lately its been about my water breaking in odd places, and I always wake up and check to make sure that I didnt either just pee the bed or my water actually broke lol
  • earlier in my pregnancy I would have the most intensely vivid sex dreams that I would actually have multiple orgasms in my sleep.... oh what I wouldn't do for another one of those dreams right about now! :D
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