i feel like its all being taken away

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
So... I've pretty much figured out that I'm not going to be able to breastfeed... n now my Dr might wanna schedule me for a c-section.... I just feel like all the important stuff is being taken away. It really depresses me...


  • I had to have a c section and I have flat nipples so I can't breast feed. I was a little bummed, but I pump, so she still gets my milk and we still bond just fine. It doesnt make you any less of a mommy.
  • I was pretty much talked out of breastfeeding at all. Even pumping. The reasons are good but its eating at me
  • Who talked you out of it? And why? And why do you have to have a c section?
  • Y can't u bf? And y do u need a c section?
  • My mil talked me out of bfing. I watch a one year old for a living, my hubby works all night so I wont have him to help me and we're apart all day. I wont know till Thurs if I need a c-section but the doc thinks he may be too big to deliver vaginally.

    @324babymama1120 @Kingsmama
  • If you REALLY want to BF.. don't let anyone talk you out of it. Its ultimately your decision. Sure it will be hard at first, but after a while you'll work out a schedule and get the hang of it. Pumping some can even help with feeding times like while you are watching the one year old.
  • I say if there's no medical reason as to why u can't bf, u shud. Don't let someone take that away from you. Sry bout the c section tho :l I know I don't want one either n I'm hoping he doesn't get big so I don't have to
  • I'd try to bf if its what u wanna do. Don't let her talk your of it. And as for the c section, it sounds like ur Dr only wants to do it cuz he would get paid more than if u had a vaginal delivery. They threatened me with a c section also saying my son was over 9lbs and I couldn't deliver him but I wanted to try anyways. He came out weighing only 6lbs 15oz and i had no trouble at all delivering him. Plus recovery was much easier even tho I tore a lil. Don't let an OB force u into a c section just so they can get more $ from u. Tell him u at least wanna try it 1st!
  • How big is your baby? Don't you still have a couple months? Could u talk about inducing a bit early if he is looking to big so u can have a vagina delivery? Is that the same mil who yelled u for eating..
    Smh she sounds weird....
  • If you want to breastfeed then you should! When my son was born I also babysat my 6 week old cousin and I still breastfed even though it was tough at times I did it! Don't let someone else choose how you care for your baby or you might regret it. I would start out breastfeeding and then quit if you decide that's best
  • all the more reason to bf.. its not like you physicaly cant do it.. especially in the begining when its most import.. at least try it and if its too much.. than give up but dont let your mom or anyone else detear you from doing it.. at first youll have to make adjustments but thats even if you bottle feed.. you still have to hold the child when bottle feeding only difference in the two is the quality of the milk.. really i hate to hear woman get discouraged by others.. cause you will regret it.. or at least i think you will.. at least want to kick yourself in the booty for not going with your natural instinct.. good luck and i hope you do what you want and not listen to others veiws really girl.. you can do anything you want .. its your child.. $-)
  • If you want to bf you should. Like I said, I can't, but I like beung able to pump. I have milk in the freezer and I have bottles in the fridge during the day. That way my hubby can feed her anytime, but she can still have the milk. I am sure if it is really something you want to do, then I am sure you and hubby can figure out how to make it work :)
  • @314babymama1120 i dont know exact measurements just yet, we find out thursday. and yeah, its the same woman that fussed at me for eating too much...
  • Maybe talk to the Dr about steroid shots and earlyish ( new word lol) induction so u could try to do it yourself. And PS that woman sounds crazy and selfish.... go with ur instinct momma :-)
  • Screw what other people think lol.... im sorry but I think bf is a hell of a lot easier! No prep time so bottle warming no heating the water up and letting the milk set in hot water to get warm no bottles to wash etc. Do what YOU WANT not what everyone else wants. No one could talk me out of that idc who they are or if they turn blue in the face. Forget them! Its your kid not there's. And if you bf ot will make things not so hard on you. Sorry about the csection. Good luck with everything hun. I had 3 natural births and an emergency csection and with this one I am going after a vback bc no way in hell unless its another emergency am I having a csection. I hope the best hun. Just don't let people run all over you and make your choices for you!
  • I agree with @dra765 if there is no medical reason you should bf even if it is by pump half the time . Women do it with multiple kids all the time . Yes it won't be easy but it is important . Don't let your mil make decisions for you , it is up to you dear. Sorry about the c sect. But at least your lil boy will be here safely. That's why I trashed my birth plan, all I care about is my lil girl getting here safely. Moms need to realize its not up to us how they do in labor nor is that our fault, the important thing is our lil ones get here safely and healthy. :)
  • @314babymama1120 she is crazy, and she's one of those women that isn't happy unless she's making some one else miserable... i'll talk to the doctor about options when i go to my appointment thursday. i still think its funny she went from "i dont think he's as big as he should be" to "i think he might be too big to deliver vaginally" in a matter of 3 weeks... D:
  • Thats too bad she is like that and ur stuck living with her :-( i agree that is very suspicious of the Dr. And Drs do get more money for c sections and they are more "convenient " for them also. I would definitely question it A LOT.
  • well i'm not the one paying for it, medicaid is.... but that's what people keep telling me, that she's only pushing for it cause its more convenient for her... no having to be woke up in the middle of the night cause i'm in labor... its all planned and scheduled.
  • U dont have to get a csec either many woman push out 9 10 & 11 lb babies.. Good luck
  • @Damiens_Mommy considering your crazy mil is on your hubby for how much you eat (which is ridiculous), you'd think she'd WANT you to bf. Formula is SO expensive. Breast feeding is so good for your baby and way more cost effective. Do what you want hon. It's your baby. As for the c-section, I'd express wanting to labor, and if you fail to progress or the baby doesn't tolerate labor, THEN get a c-section. There's no reason to for through major surgery if you can give birth vaginally. Good luck.
  • It doesn't matter who is paying for it im just saying that could be motivation for your Dr to want a c section BC like @lae3 said women push out big babies all the time. And for her to say that without even knowing the measurements of the baby and without u even trying to deliver seems way way fishy.
  • Why would you let someone tell you if you can bf or not? Stand up to her! She can't tell you what to do. All these things are only going to be taken away from you if u allow them too. She's not a doctor! You do what's best for you!
  • I have flat nipples a.d I was in pain at first then they gave me nipple shells to bring out my nipples. You wear it in your bra between feedings. I used it for the frist to months. Now she can bring out my nipple her self. Heres a link to what it looks like. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B001XDKTXQ/ref=redir_mdp_mobile

    I got mine at the hospital. The small hole one if the one you want cause thats the one that brings it out.
  • How did you get talked about of bfing?
  • @314babymama1120 i agree with you about the fishyness.. the stinch is strong.. :0& it.. i pushed out a 9lber no problem.. got three stitches.. but i did it.. Im 5'3.. i would at least see if you can get another oppinion.. and this being your first.. of course you dont want to go straight to csec..
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