Really need some advice
Soooo since I've been pregnant my bf really hasn't done anything...and it's frustrating and heartbreaking that she will be here in less than a month and i've been doing everything!! i told him i'm putting him on child support...he got upset...then i told him that she may not have his last name because one we're not married....2 he hasn't done anything besides get me pregnant....our relationship is def on the rocks...i love him too much to let him walk out of my life...but i just have a strong belief that she should have my last name....i asked my best friend..she said i should have both last names for her...i said no thats toooo much and tooo long....i'm lost and confused and would really like some advice...please :-<
My parents wanted for me to put my last name ...
Ultimately its ur choice what ur gut tells u and what makes u more secure ....
No matter what ur last name or his ur rights will always be put first
@smcox he wants to be involved...he wants to be a better father than his dad was...atleast that's what he told me...but i feel like u should of started that when i told u i was pregnant....
@1stWoodsBaby after i told him abt the child's support thats when things went downhill...i mean we've had arguements but nothing like this....
would it be wrong if i say "yea i'll give her your last name"....but really put down mine on the forms?...i'm not one for drama
He was supposed to be looking for work and for a car, and he hasn't done all. He has spent the last almost 7 months smoking weed and getting drunk with his friends. And has done nothing really. I'm giving our daughter his last name only because utimately he is her father, and I can't change that fact, and I know he will be an amazing dad...just not financially. I also told him he won't be moving in with me until he gets a job and his g.e.d. cause I am NOT supporting his bitchass and our child by myself! So far he has let 3 jobs slip through his fingers due to laziness and failing a piss test -__-.