My dog tried to bite my baby!
I'm so mad! I tried my best to get my dog to feel like nothing has changed and he still flipped the script on me. My boyfriend was playing with the baby and brought him toward him and he came over sniffing as usual.. so far so good.. Then he rolls on his belly like he wants to play so my boyfriend brings baby over and sits baby on his tummy to rub and this dog jumps up and tries to snatch my poor babies leg! I'm still in shock and don't know how to treat the situation. I dont wanna give him away. I can only imagine though how he will act when my son is older and more curious and tries yanking his tail and other baby things. What do I do!? I remember taking baby on a walk with him once when we first got home and all my dog wanted to do was walk ahead of his stroller. Usually he's all in peoples grass and trying to pee on every post he passes by. UGH WHAT DO I DO?? I've tried so hard to include him... I've only had him since early December of 2010 but he's like family now... I can't just get rid of him but my baby is number 1. He's not even that big! Just about 20lbs.. a maltese mix. Oh, HE EVEN BIT ME TODAY WHEN I SPANKED HIS BUTT FOR BITING BABY! This dog has LOST his damn mind in a matter of 7 weeks!
I'm all for making it work for animals. They are family. But you have a baby now. What would happen if you left the baby on the floor to go answer the phone or something and the dog attacks the baby? A 20 pound dog can still cause so much damage even death.
If I were in your position I would be finding the dog a new home.
Also, have there been lots of ppl around the house, more than usual to visit?