Newborn sleep frustrations

edited November 2011 in Pregnant
I'm so tired of being told what NOT to do at night. Why can't I find any information on how to get your baby to sleep at night?! Don't let them sleep on their stomach; don't let them sleep in car seat; don't let them sleep in their swing; don't co-sleep; etc. How about you tell me what I can do.
My DD is 4 weeks. I've tried the pack-n-play, elevating the pack-n-play, the bassinet, elevating the bassinet, playing music, swaddling, not swaddling, giving her a pacifier, laying her on he side. I wait until she's out - her limbs are limp - and as soon as I put her down, she wakes right up - she starts throwing her arms and kicking. Around midnight/1 am I give up and put her in bed with me.
I don't want to co-sleep, but I don't know what else to do.


  • I have the exact same problem. Yes, I co-sleep half of the nite as well. My husband is now sleeping in my daughter's room and my daughter is now sleeping in movie room or baby room. Everything has been turned upside down, due to the new baby's not sleeping at nite, but more day and my being exhausted.
  • @mistylou once she is in my bed she usually sleeps 4 hours between feedings. I just don't want to do it. I'm terrified of something happening to her - and I miss cuddling with my husband & sleeping on my right side.
  • Can you get one of those co sleepers to put in your bed? Or try white noise in her bed next to her. I have a little stuffed giraffe I use that plays different noises for babies. I can't get my lo to sleep more then 2 hours between feedings. Every now and again I can but not often enough.
  • Hate to say it but once baby get the feeling of that soft cozy bed everything else is just about out the window..
  • My daughter sleeps swaddled and in her swing.. she goes 6 hrs straight! I suggest that helped me alot
  • I'm trying the swing tonight. She usually likes it but she's not having it tonight. I had to feed her at 11 pm est and she ate for an hour. She was restless so it took me a little while to get Ger to sleep. A half hour later I put her in her swing - she immediately woke up - I had it swinging but stopped it because she was crying. I gave her her pacifier and she would sleep until it fell out. I was holding it in but around 130 she kept pushing it out and crying.
    Bedtime makes me crazy!
  • cosleeping works wonders for me as well with all my kids. yours is still young so its ok to do so if you feel baby might get too dependent on sleeping with you. trust me, when cosleeping you have this instinct to not roll on baby (unless youre on meds or drinking) baby mimics your sleep and breathing patterns so you get more sleep in between feedings. you can safely cosleep and there are studies out there that says its ok and safe and good for baby and mom
  • I have the same problem. Since day 1 my bby will NOT sleep anywhere but on me. Its driving me crazy. & troublesomtots didnt wrk for me. My bby doesnt like swings..bouncy seats..or pacis & whitw noise doesnt even faze her!! Its exhausting. I had a WIC appt this morning & didnt even go because I was finally getting to sleep!
  • Baby won't sleep soundly in their crib until 2-3 months so for now, co-sleeping is fine. Don't worry like ^^ said u won't roll on them
  • Swaddling worked wonders for my son when he was little for the first 4 months. He slept longest when he didn't startle himself awake. I never wanted to cosleep because I didn't want to have to break the habit...and in my profession have had to withdraw care of a newborn whose mother fell asleep and smothered her. They make cosleeping beds that butt up to yours to make it safer while still having the closeness. Being sleep deprived is really tough. You'll make it through though!
  • yes rare case indeed..babies die in their cribs look at that standpoint as well :)
  • Cosleeping saved my sanity lol. I get like 9 hrs of sleep now with only 2 interruptions for feedings. Idk to me it just feels natural to have her with me all night. I love having her close and I actually sleep better knowing she's right there, not off in some other room lol.
  • I put Hope to bed in her Moses basket at about 10.30 pm, she sleeps til usually about 4 where she has a small feed then sleeps with me til I get up at 6 when she has the whole bed to herself til she wants a feed about half 6 then will sleep in her cot or the bed til about 10! So she sleeps everywhere lol :-) sometimes when she has a nap in the day ill let her sleep on her stomach if I'm in the room with her an because she has a strong neck, when its bed time ill start off swaddling her but some days she hates it an won't settle that way so ill put her in her grow bag then. When she comes into our bed if she's been swaddled ill take her out of that an snuggle her with blankets but if she's in her bag I leave her in that. I found when I gave her an early bath she would sleep after it for a long time which would mean she was up earlier so now she has her bed time bath about half 9. It's a case of trying everything an seeing what works! Sorry momma!
  • I have the sleeper rocker u put next to the bed and its the best I had same problem but I put her in there she luvs it.they can sleep in it until 3 months..take baby a night bath and warm bottle with cereal and will sleep throgh night
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