He is super cute! Thats crazy that you picked the name courtney! I have only known one other guy named Courtney and he was my boyfriend in high school! How did you decide on that name?
@ashley_smashley thank you! & his dad's name is courtney! So if it was a girl her named would of been Courtney as well! He wanted the baby named after him so I said sure.
@yummymummy1 thank you :-) but i was induced so pitocin was kicking my ass & I was shaking & dizzy because I was so tired & haven't sleep at all the night before.So I got my epidural & fell asleep and was dilating every hour like they wanted & at 3:00pm I found out I was fully dilated & at 3:20 pm I started pushing,I popped lol & kept pushing & he was born at 3:49pm! I didn't tear or anything
@BigBelly thank you
@Hot2Cold87 thank you