Bout to flip out - HB is hellbent on giving a bottle - Long...

edited December 2011 in Breastfeeding
We've found that my 1 mo old gets really fussy between 930-11PM almost daily. We've considered giving him a bottle (of my breast milk) during that time to make sure he's eating enough because he was crying so much while trying to nurse. I read on kellymom that it's normal and that babies will sometimes want to clusterfeed and just be held during that time. Also that they are prepping for a longer stretch of sleep. Before I read all of that, I was stressing out completely and had a breakdown where I was crying uncontrollably because I felt so bad for my son. I felt like I couldn't fix it and I thought he was in pain.. So that stressed my husband out too.. So I read that and learned some techniques for helping pass gas, also began giving him gas drops and little by little it started to help and I'm starting to cope.

There's this project that I've been trying to get done for school and my hb is on my case to get it done. It took me awhile to get him to understand that I can hardly work on it when I'm by myself w.the baby. I'm breastfeeding and he nurses for about 40 mins every 3 hours. So I only have 2 hour intervals and he's not always sleeping. So in those 2 hours, I'm trying to eat or nap or shower or do stuff around the house. and that's Not when I'm trying to get him to sleep or soothing him or changing him.. You guys know!!!

so.. today my hb says he wants take the baby all day when I'm not nursing so that I can work on this project. I said fine, great, thanks. well.. the first time Jordan got real fussy, he says 'Ash. We need to give him a bottle.' mean while he's not due to eat for another hour and he wasn't acting hungry. My hb isn't looking for the hungry signs and is just stressing out beacuse he can't calm him down. he's telling me that I'm being ridiculous and selfish cuz I don't want to give up breastfeeding.. and that I'm goign to have to anyway. That I should start now because it'll help me get things done.
My GOD. He doesn't understand that feeding Jordan is not supposed to be convenient, or on our schedule.. He doesn't understand that you cant just give him a bottle everytime he's real fussy. I told him that if I'm home, there's no reason for him not to breastfeed.. and now his big argument is 'how do you know he doesn't want to clusterfeed' and 'you're being ridiculous because you dont want to give up that bond or whatever'..

I told him he was wrong. way wrong. that I've researched this stuff for 10 months and he has no idea what he's talking about. I'm really pist. I honestly DONT want to give up that bond. at all. and I dont want him messing with his feeding by trying to shove a bottle at him when he can't deal

and low and behold after our arguing, jordan fell asleep.....he was just fighting sleep.

am I wrong for holding off on starting him on a bottle (of breastmilk)? I know it's inevitable, but I dont trust my hb to konw when he's hungry and when he needs to keep trying to soothe him.

I don't know how to make him understand... he thinks i'm being ridiculous..


  • Nope your not wrong... But just a thought maybe allowing hubby to feed bubs might increase his bond with him. Dads arent naturals like we are so they need more time and teaching from us
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  • My bf thinks everytime my lo crys its because she hungry too. I had to explain that bbies communicate thru crying. Crying doesnt always mean "im hungry". Now hes starting to understand the hunger signs.
  • ahh my bd is annoying in that way as well alwayd thinking I can produce bottles of bm out of thin air &whatnot... tou gotta explain like explain like explaining to a moron or just show him..they can be hardhead but they just dont understand
  • edited December 2011
    Sometimes Dads need a little more help and encouragement. My hubby also thinks that every time our daughter cries its becausm she's hungry. Show him different ways to soothe baby, and be patient with him. He doesn't have our motherly instincts! And stand your ground about the bottle.. you're totally right, if the boob is available, no reason he can't have it!
  • Youre not wrong mama! Everyone is right! My hubby says the same thing, given my education he doesnt care..I spend 5+hours a night up with my baby during her witching hour and I get frustrated from lack of sleep and having 2 other kids but I manage because I know she will outgrow it. I have never had to pump once this time around or give a bottle-I personally dont want to introduce a bottle for my own selfish reasons LOL (mostly having my MIL want to keep baby overnight, and its a no-go) :)
  • Sounds like you took the time to research and you know what you're talking about. Hubby needs to recognize!! LOL Men kill me sometimes.......
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