

  • When I went to the dr he told me the onlu thing I could take was tylenol & NO tylenol pm I ask he was pretty blunt abt it
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  • @dncrass, u seem very informed about the meds. Question... I have regular headaches from a motorcycle accident. My doc said chronic headache. I used to take excedrin, that seemed to be the only thing that worked. I know excedrin is not safe, I'm weaning myself off, but tylenol just doesn't work... do u have any suggestions. I also have acid reflux and have been taking zantac? Any help is appreciated?
  • @dncrcass, I spelled ur name wrong... the earlier post is for u? =;
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  • @dawnwaarsbaby and @dncrcass - excedrin makes a product called excedrin tension headache, it's acetaminophen and caffiene (no aspirin like in migraine and other excedrin products). I have chronic headaches as well, tho I don't have a good reason for them, but with my other pregnancies that was a good replacement for my normal excedrin. Actually, even after my pregnancies I continued to take it and keep it in the house bc my mom is allergic to nsaids. You just have to be careful that you watch your caffeine intake after using it.
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  • @magcaw: thanks for that info. I didn't know that medicine didn't have aspirin in it. I just heard the name of it and figured it was the same as every othr exedrin.
  • @magcaw... thanks so much... I'm going to buy some tomorrow...
  • @dncrcass... thanks for the info... i was really going bananas over here. I'm 11 weeks and was really concerned...
  • Just make sure that you check the ingredient list so you're sure you bought the right one.
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  • I got some of that excedrin tension headache today :)
  • Yes you can use tylenol. The generic one as well
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