
  • edited December 2011
    Exactly ladies!! I love you all! @Bambi @sweetiepoprwop @sparkle_rwop
  • Shmfh... If that were only true. I left that group. All they do is stalk on PFA and then talk shit about everyone in their own RWP group. I've seen it all. They are nice to your face but TRUST me... It's an ACT. I have been shown many many nasty convos they have about other women. It's one big bashing session. And I'm not bitter... It's no sweat off my back. I left because I didn't get along with one of the current members. Many women who know about that group will tell you the same thing... It's all BS. They're close, that's true... But they just talk shit about everyone all day. Oh and the members are kellie kellz bell, Jordan leigh samayoa, ashley nicole mccaston, kelsi ann frayle, addi calderon, Tishika jacks and a couple others I cant remember. They have mutiple accounts and are here to start drama. Now please @mamakat or @homebirthadvocate delete my account. I was NOTHING to do with these disgusting women. Have a nice life.
  • Someone PLEASE beg her to stay!!!! [-O<

    Be on the lookout for her swan song exit post, where she'll look for people to stroke her ego and then magically decide to be the bigger person and stay.

    Then all will be well in Bipolar Land, hooray! >:D<
  • @medstudent1986 you only say that cuz you left and no one really gave a were one of the ppl who were talking about others why you tryin to act like a goodie two shoes...stop playing the innocent card...its played out and so are soooooo sick of you literally have nothing else better to do with dont know what we talk about becuase your not there....and you have multiple accounts as well , thats why you are saying that you can get deleted cuz you will just sign on your sure we will see you giving some poor clueless soul your crappy medical advice...stop it pleeeese you make more enemies than friends and you really suck a being a person..
  • edited December 2011
    Bye carrie! We wont miss ya! b-(
    lmao @The_Truth
  • Lmfao ok I'm glad ur happy trying to bring others down I hate when people talk shit and then run away so the other person can't defend themselves its not being bigger its just a big ego!!!!!
  • :O Carrie"s leaving again!!!! on no..someone stop her....
  • What's wrong with RWOP? Nothing. Its a great group with wonderful members & a couple EX bitter members who are sad they are gone. Carrie LOVED it & wanted someone to get deleted for her all because she didn't like her. When that demand was refused Scarrie left. We wouldn't defend ourselves or talk about anything other than our own business if others quit provoking us, trying to get our private information. Why is PFA, the due date FB groups, etc okay, they aren't being scrutinized but we are? Leave us alone. We aren't here to make trouble. Scarrie shouldn't talk, she was the one who not only was involved in the Pregly Attack just a few short months ago, she organized it! She used other peoples accounts to go off on others here, now she pretends to be their friends. So who is the fake person now? 8-|
  • So why do you call yourselves the real women of pregly? What is it about you guys that makes you real?
  • @bbianchi that name was made after the blow up on here, which again, carrie organized. It was about us being real. Since then we have formed a sisterhood.
  • Amen ldybg
  • The name is no big deal lol just means were real friends ooutside pregly
  • O ok then. I'm all confused but
  • I really wish there was a love button @rwopldybg
  • edited December 2011
    We're the bees knees! :bz
    simple - we're REAL; not FAKE. Where as unlike Scarrie where she herself does things yet turns around acting innocent. We keep it real. We arent two faced. She has given so many goodbye posts but she REALLY wants people to beg her to stay. Feeds her ego. She needs to feel validated.
  • I guess I'm more interested in knowing if they are here to help others with advice and encouragement or just to keep to themselves, because if thats the case then why have a pregly. Everyone here should be here for the same reasons whether it's ttc, pregnant, mothers, fathers, suffering loss, etc. to help give advice to those who have maybe gone thru stuff already. I just don't see the need to yell at ppl and call them out for no reason.
  • @BabyLuv8 we all joined again for that reason. To help, discuss motherhood, keep updated on other friends we had here, etc. People keep thinking we aren't, but that isn't the case.
  • We are here to be part of pregly we haven't started not one drama post yet other members keep starting posts running their mouths about us so we defend ourselves
  • So that classifies yall as real?
  • No were here for that lol the fb group was created because of banned people lol so we miss everyone and want tic show support but ur just seeing us talk about us because people are asking.....@babgluv8
  • Everytime I see something on here related to the real women of pregly its so negative.
  • Like what was just said above. Can ppl not move on & change? I think that is what "growing up" is. @the_truth are you just here to start drama with "the truth" or are you here to actually give advice?
  • Before we got deleted we gave advice etc.. and we will do the same now... people just can't get enough of us... and Carrie was the main one behind the drama last time... do I need to upload screenshots??
  • The name REAL is because were REAL friends outside of pregly NOT to say anyone else is FAKE its just a name...... no need to pick apart the name really
  • @bbianchi
    How many accounts do you have? RWOP ladies - we've got ourselves a scorned ex member here! Don't be sad we kicked you out. You went on to make your own group; remember? You and Scarrie should become best friends! You're both fake, love drama and acting like know it alls.

    @babyluv8 yes we are real. We don't start drama. We're just defending ourselves. Why people keep calling us out is beyond me. Goes to show theyre the ones with the issue; not us. Things that make you go HMMMM.
  • @bbianchi the thing is, people talk negatively because they don't understand our group. They THINK we just start drama, that's not the case. We all are very close and share a strong friendship. We aren't two-faced which is where the real comes in. We don't sit there and bash other people, like some lead you to believe. We ask for help, share stories, share pictures, share personal things, play games, etc.
  • RWOP is a wonderful group full of wonderful women and we have haters surprise surprise the haters are the ones that got deleted because well they didn't make the cut for whatever reason.....The ones trashing this group are clearly bitter and jealous just sayin :>
  • edited December 2011
    Well then why not give advice rather then yell & swear at old so called bitter members of your group? if your not mean like you say you aren't then why not ignore what those old members say. This whole discussion has turned into your group members going back and forth about one old member. Who cares if she called you out? You shouldn't give a shit! Maybe she did start with talking shit like you said but maybe she is over it!! It's like high school all over again friend today, talk tomorrow.
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