@ExcitedForOctober Robin is murphy89, bbianchi, yourstruly, rickibobby. She likes to pretend she is her, her sister, her brothers baby mama, her baby daddy. She's bored. :-q
I'm on PFA and I think its great fansupertastic...am I not suppose to be on more then one Mommy Group? Cause I'm in about five or six different ones...
@ArmahnisMommy omg plz goo away ur dumb...how many profiles u need??? And ur apart of the fb groups as well huh??? Aww I forgot u were tobeforgotten...
With that personality disorder medication you should take something to control your rage when you don't get your way. Poor midwife. Poor NICU. Counseling maybe? Psychologist? Psychiatrist?
No Im going to go with NO on that one. I have no idea about who Robin is nor do i care. Are you still pissed because i said something about your group?
@sweetiepoprwop yeah she changes her name so she gets a somewhat fresh start since she couldn't have another account since registration was closed. @dra765 really? I find that funny!
Yea cuz I guess no one liked her there either so now she plays nice n fake but ppl were deleting her when they figured it out. We're also puzzled as to who lurker is
As I was login in my hubby says "the only time girls get along is when they talk about sumone or gather to destroy sumone (aka guys)" ROFLMAOOOOOOOOO! (thought I shared!)
Geeeeeeez pregly sister's this has been going on for days! lets go back to giving advice!!! Likeeeeeeeeee my 3mnth is teething....& hates teething rings...wat else can I do?
Robin is murphy89, bbianchi, yourstruly, rickibobby. She likes to pretend she is her, her sister, her brothers baby mama, her baby daddy. She's bored. :-q
yeah she changes her name so she gets a somewhat fresh start since she couldn't have another account since registration was closed.
@dra765 really? I find that funny!
She never wants to grow up, playing pretend is fun! She should move to Never Land...
ROFLMAOOOOOOOOO! (thought I shared!)
Geeeeeeez pregly sister's this has been going on for days!
didn't you know the bird (abortion) is the word? Yup. She had one. Then instantly started TTC. L-)