
  • Real recognize real, that's why most of those who CLAIM to be real is always hanging with a bunch of FAKES. I've been looking over all these posts and of course asking Robin questions and everything since I joined and it seems like some of the same people who are for you are against you. A real person doesn't need to proclaim it, Because everyone else SEES it. It just seems really weird to me that someone was able to describe why the group was in fact "real"... Most real people don't even know they are... Its just natural.
  • Well someone just previously commented that yall were real because : simple - we're REAL; not FAKE. Where as unlike Scarrie where she herself does things yet turns around acting innocent. We keep it real. We arent two faced. She has given so many goodbye posts but she REALLY wants people to beg her to stay. Feeds her ego. She needs to feel validated.
    So are you guys the real women of pregly because yall are real friends or because "yall are real and not fake"?
  • And I just have this one account
  • @rwopldybg i'm seeing that now.
  • An ex member of what?
  • @babyluv8
    I kept quiet until this post. I have seen many other posts about us, but when the same person kept trashing us claiming untruthful allegations, I spoke up. Like I said, we would and do, let things go. Its a few certain *cough* ex members *cough* who wont stop. Have you seen us start any trouble? No. Have you ever seen Carrie? Oh yes! She's doing it now.

    @bbianchi Robin please stop. How many accounts and personalities do you have?!?!
  • And how am I acting like a no it all? I believe you have the wrong person
  • @bbianchi why does the name matter? Lol no reason to pick apart the name.
  • Pointless^^^^^^^
  • This isnt Robin wth?????????????
  • @bbianchi
    Real people, real friends.
    We aren't two faced, lying, untrustworthy cold people. We're real about everything. How difficult is that to grasp? Quit trying to pick us, our name, our intentions and our words apart. You're just dying to cause trouble. Grow up!
  • whoa I'm out
  • @bbianchi
    Haha! You mentioned 'ROBIN' before anyone else did. Wow. Sold yourself out first! You gave yourself away.
  • Interesting I've learned new things today lol I didn't mean for this post to start drama I was just curios as to who u gals r
  • Don't worry @dra765 its not your fault
  • Robin referred me here!lol I said that in a completely separate post when I introduced myself. I'm her brothers girlfriend and also her nephews mother.
  • No @dra765 not your fault at all. Some people like to assume things, others politely ask and we politely respond like you! :)
  • Hi. This is Tishika Jacks. Someone mentioned my name earlier. Yes? Does someone want something?
  • So robin was part of our group and she was fine with the name u should ask her what it meant lol I'm sure its different for her now but then she liked it fine lmfao
  • lmao Tish :-))
  • Don't worry @tishj330 some rude person just wanted to state our names for the reccord and only got like 5-6 of us I guess ur just one of the important ones and the rest of us are chopped liver lol
  • Oh hell... Me and my various personalities *turns into Jack Foster and hits on @TishJ330*
  • She was just calling u out so maybe inbox her so we don't have more drama publicly
  • Didn't you get the memo @rwopldybg? All this is fake. Even Robin. I have no idea who that is. Stole her picture off Google and invented the name. I'm a fat white guy living in my mom's basement. My name is Jack. Jack Foster. Nice to meet you!
  • And really I had no idea what the name meant. I just knew I was added one day and started using it...
  • Dnt forget wheelchair bound...
  • Hyjacking is illegal!!!!!! Lmfao
  • Oh I'm sorry I didn't know u could care less robin .......oh wait yes I did
  • Oh yeah that's right! I'm wheelchair bound too!
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