HELP!! (colic)

edited January 2012 in Babies Health
My little guy is 4wks old and for the last week, at the same time every night, he cries for 3+ hours! It's starting to stress me making my 18mth old crazy & my hubby is sleeping in the living room because gw has to get up early for work..

Idk what to do.. ice read there isn't much I can do but I was hoping y'all might have some suggestions that worked for you!


  • They sell something g called colic calm at babies r us. I have personally never tried it, but a good friend of mine swore by it! Good luck Hun!
  • Sometimes a tight swaddle and white noise (vacuum, bathroom fan, white noise apparently on your phone, etc...) can really help! Good luck!
  • Apps*** not apparently lol
  • You can try the Colic Calm although it didn't work for me. I was told by my pediatrician to give baby some chamomile tea with his formula, and it seemed to help. I would discuss that with your pediatrician though because that was nearly 6 years ago and I don't remember what ratio was used. I wanna say it was 1 ounce of tea for ever 3 ounces formula. Also, a good swaddle seemed to help. Hopefully something works for you because colic is terrible!!
  • I had to put my daughter in a chest carrier and just walk around while she was going through hers. I was able to get moredone that was. Also gripe water worked for a little water...
  • You can try wearing her along with using collic calm.
    Moby wraps are great for infants and she would be held in a secure position against your chest. I've that helps a lot with colicy babies and gives you a break by keeping your arms and hands free.
    Just stay away from croch carriers like bjorn and infantino.
    Though infantino has a mei tai style but the quality is poor.
  • My daughter was really colicy I used a carrier and strapped her to my chest. Also try facing the baby out wards with the back up against your chest. Find some songs they like and sing to the with the music. That's what we found that helped. We thought we were gonna loss our minds when she was going thru that
  • oh witching hour i despised! i havent tried the colic calm but i did the swing, wore her, walked around with her on my naked chest, just to keep her moving. the last couple weeks have been better and she is almost 3 months.
  • Thanks everyone!!
  • my baby was like that when she was about a month old make chamomile tea give the baby 2 ounces of the tea every morning before feedings. I did that with my daughter and she's 4 months now and she has been colic free since then. it helps them a lot. u give them to water and when they finish it you can give them their milk.
  • The book 'happiest baby on the block' has a lot of good tips and techniques in it to help babies who cry a lot. My lo is almost 4mo now, so he is sooo much better. However, before he grew out of it, if he was awake he was crying...literally. for him nothing really helped so I would just hold him and rock him and attempt to comfort him. He lived on my breasts for several weeks!! I tried just about everything I could think of and then I found the perfect combination for him which was: warm bath with the lavendar wash, massage after bath with lavendar lotion, full dose of gripe water, lights off, feeding and cuddles while rocking until he fell asleep, straight into swing where he would sleep. When he woke I would bring him to bed with me to co sleep skin to skin. During the day I used my moby to wrap him tight against me. He has a hard time falling asleep so I would have to actively work at helping him fall asleep. I wouldn't let him stay awake longer than 1hour at a time (which is a tip I got from the more/better sleep he would get during the day the better he would sleep at night and the less he would cry or show colic like symptoms. I know this is a long response but bi hope maybe it offers you some pointers. My first only ever cried when he was hungy so now with my 2nd, him being so fussy is new to me, I had to try all kindds of things until slowly I dicovered what worked for him. Also at first he didn't like his swing or moby. So I just had him use it very short periods at a time. Once he got his scent, mixed with a bit of mine on it, he really enjoys both of them and they've ended up helping tons!
  • Colicky babies are having a hard time adjusting to the outside world?
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