breastfeeding but being pressured about solids...HELP!

edited January 2012 in Solid Foods
My issue is should I feel pressured into starting solids or let her
decide on her own? I just don't want to start solids any earlier
than I need to or she wants to, as she is still satisfied with
My daughter is 5.5 months old. She is combo nursed and bottle
fed with pumped milk. She was 6 weeks early and is just now
getting the hang of nursing. Everyone tells me I should be starting
solids, as they think I'm starving my daughter. She still isn't
showing any interest in food. She eats approx 25-28oz a day. She
is still sleeping through the night getting up around 4-5am then
going back to sleep until 10am. Her last bottle of the nite is
between 1030-1130pm. She eats 5oz every 3.5-4.5 hours. I'm just
really frustrated with my friends and family trying to pressure me.
I've managed to get people to leave me alone about
breastfeeding. From day one they tried to pressure me into
formula. Most people I know say nursing isn't normal, as I am the
only one in my friends and family that has nursed. I plan to nurse
as long as my daughter wants to. How do I get them to leave me
alone? I work 3-4 days a week (12 hr shifts)and my uncle and
grandparents babysit. They are the main ones trying to get me to
start solids. I just worry they will give her them without me
knowing about it. I have no other babysitters so I just don't know what to do. I want them to respect my wishes but don't wanna be rude. but well I guess that is what I may shave to do.


  • Tell them the doc said no solids yet! Nurse as long as baby wants too and when.she shows an interest in food then start. Don't let anyone pressure you into something you don't wanna do! Stick to your guns girly! You know whats best for your baby!
  • Nyla shows interest in food but i wont let any pressure me into giving my Baby food not my husband Or his mother. I tell them noooo do not freakin tease her. Im not giving her food til shes 6 months bc she gets full off my breastmilk :) dont give in mama :)
  • Tell them pedi says no. Also check out it has breastfeeding info galore! You can always print stuff off and hand it out :)
  • I formula feed, don't know if it makes a difference but my doctor told me to start my daughter on solids at 4 months my daughter was 3 weeks early, I told the doc I didn't think she was ready and she said she wants her on solids by her 6 month appointment so I started her at 5.5 months. Baby food is not to fill the baby up or even add any nutrition at all its just to get them use to the act of eating. Even with feeding solids you should not decrease the amount of bm or formula baby gets. You know your baby better than anyone so you do what is right for yourself and baby. In my case I found that I was just holding onto the baby stage my daughter did great once I started her I just didn't want to let go and admit my baby was getting bigger not saying that's your issue with it but it was for me. It won't hurt to give baby food and she should still take the same amount bm, but it also won't hurt to avoid it for now! Just think we were eating eggs and gravy , drinking pop at our lo's age. That's probably why they think she should be eating solids by now it was a different day and age when they had babies. Talk to them and let them know times have changed we don't feed our babies as early and most certainly not the same things they fed us. Maybe look up some factual positive info on starting baby later on solids and put it in her diaper bag for them to find or just hand it to them if you want to be blunt. Lol good luck. I would kill someone if they started my baby on solids without me knowing and I wasn't the one feeding her for the first time.
  • @taztwister84 I also ebf and am not planning to introduce foods until she is 6 months. She's gaining sufficient weight with bf alone. I don't feel there is any nutritional value to cereal so most likely I will start with veggies. As long as they are sleeping through the night and eating well leave it that way. Its difficult when people try to convince you otherwise. Do what you feel is right. Bf is hard enough to do without negative comments. You're doing great. Go with mommy instinct
  • First, let me say that I'm proud that you are sticking to your guns! I too was in the same situation with everyone around me trying to pressure me into feeding my LO -- Lily, solids. I held firm and allowed her do the guiding to when she was ready. Even, at six month people were tapping their watches and pushing. UGH! I started just a few days ago when she started nursing at 12, 2, 4 and 6 am. I thought it a growth spurt but it continued like this for almost 2 weeks. I'm introducing solids very slow.

    You're the mom, so you do as you please. I know the pressure. I hold a masters in maternal and child health and was able to throw statistical facts and the benefits of delaying solids and I still got scoffed at. I don't care, I just shrugged it off and changed the subject!
  • I am all for baby led. Waiting until baby shows interest is so much more healthier than forcing them before they are ready. And yes, bf babies can go up to a yr without solids and only snacking after 1 as long as you're nursing.
    A good motto is food for fun til they're 1. And that's legit lol my kids naturopathic doc said it lol
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