ugh! am i not meant to do this!?

edited March 2012 in Breastfeeding
Bought my Ameda pump and the flange is too small! So I still can't pump until I get new flanges. I swear I'm getting irritated and frustrated with reestablishing my supply!


  • I agree don't give up!
  • @sophiasmom11 @doodles I'm trying not too but I know the longer I have to wait..the more milk is just drying up. I already can only get a few drops out.
  • Few drops is better then nothing..when do u get new ones
  • edited March 2012
    @newmomma13 yea my old pump gets out maybe 5 drops. But the motor is going bad. That's why I got the ameda. But with those flanges nothing comes out. But I have to order new ones because I can't find a store that sells them. Soo...whenever I get them in the mail.
  • Do u own a medela harmony?
    there's a crazy trick that takes 5 min to pump. Pump it until you have letdown then just hold the handle down.
    I think @kristaf22 does this.
    I can fill a bottle after nursing.
  • Its hard I unfornutaly gave up after 31/2 months after I went back to work and wasnt making enough milk the pumping didnt work
  • @Bahamamama4828 really? thats the pump i have ima try that next time lol i only pump in the middle of the night if i feel too full but i havent lately because i am just too tired thanks! urr always so helpful
  • @waitingformybaby yea I'm having a really hard time.
  • I don't know the whole story so if im wrong in my thoughts please correct me. Can you get baby to nurse? I bf and only supplement with 3 bottles per week. Those bottles are sometimes formula because.....I get nothing when I pump. It doesn't matter what kind of pump it is. If I get anything its only an ounce. My baby was 3 weeks old before he latched. He had already become comfortable with bottles. I tried out nipple shields to make my nipples more like a bottle nipple. He did wonderful. I slowly weined him off the sheilds over a 2 weeks span. Sooo... long story short, actually having my baby on the boob is the only way I can do it bc pumping doesn't work for me. Sorry for the book but maybe something in there will help!
  • @doodles she will latch if she can get milk out but now I'm only producing a few drops and that's only from hand expressing..I get nothing while she won't really latch on now. I'm basically just trying to be able to pump so I can get my body to realize I need milk so I can re-establish my supply. I'm not really pumping to get a bottle.
  • Maybe try a nursing day. Stay in bed most of the day with baby...relax watch movies and nurse nurse nurse. Keep bottles handy so when she's very hungry she can have one. Keep trying to nurse when she is not starving hungry to keep her from freaking out. It will take a few days but it will jump start things.
  • Oh and baby gets way more out than a pump or hand expressing so don't just judge your supply on that. :-)
  • @doodles yea I know baby gets out more but I still doubt she can get out more than about a half an oz to an oz. I tried a nursing day..that's how I found out she won't latch on anymore. And I still try everyday. She will latch and spit it right back out or either not latch at all. I don't think she's going to latch until I get a better supply going.
  • edited March 2012
    After my supply gets back up a little I don't think I will have a problem with her latching because she was a huge boobies baby when I was still breastfeeding. Took me two months to even get her to take a bottle @doodles
  • Hmmmm sounds like she might be bottle spoiled ;-) I wish you luck and will help with advice if I can! You can do it!!!
  • edited March 2012
    @doodles as long as it took het to take a bottle I don't think she's bottle spoiled. She just doesn't want the boob if nothings really coming out. Guess I can't blame her for that. She still looks for the boob all the time but when I nurse her she realizes nothings really there. But thank you..I'm not giving up yet.

  • Lol yea I don't like to work for my food either!
  • @Mimii36, do you get WIC? If you do you may ask them if they'll provide you a supplemental feeding system. It will help your LO stay latched and help with milk production.

  • @mijita what's a supplemental feeding system?
  • No no an SNS is OK but you would want a lact-aid.
    An SNS is a tube you tape to boob thats attached to a bag or plasticc container you fill will bm or formula.
    it teaches latching and ups your supply.
  • @bahamamama4828 oh wow I just googled it and a pic came up of a small medela one. I think I have one of those! I bought my ameda off craigslist.and she had a lot if extras to give me because she has tried bfing with both her kids and I didn't work out so she said she just threw everything she had in the bag. I seen that think but I didn't know what in the world it was. It's like a small round bottle looking think with a really thin tube thing coming from it. I just threw it to the side.
  • Yup that's it! Use it every chance you get. Put the cup part around your neck and tape the tube to your boob. Latch baby when the tube is unclamped but be careful it may leak
  • @bahamamama4828 Oh that's great! I'm excited that I have one. I will try it at her next feeding. I hope this works!
  • @bahamamama4828 well I tried it and she wouldn't latch. She was fussy and sleepy tho so ill try again when she wakes up.
  • Keep trying :) make sure the flow is going.
  • @bahamamama nope she still won't latch. It was just like 2 weeks ago she would latch. I swear everything is pointing me in the direction of just giving up. I guess I just have one stubborn baby.
  • This could be a totally ridiculous suggestion. @Bahamamama4828 feel free to shoot it down if it is. But what about putting a little bit of sugar water on your nipples to get her interested. Maybe once she starts sucking she might realize the sucking alone is comforting even when the sugar is gone. Just a thought.
  • @kjackmom that's actually something I have suggested to another pregly! :)
  • Great! Glad I'm not thinkin crazy. :)
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