Is it possible to start bf again

I stopped bf right after my son was 3 was less hectic for my schedule because I couldn't pump at work...etc. Is it possible to start again? Every now and then a little milk get squeezed out.


  • I think it depends on how long it's been. @homebirthadvocate may be able to help you/ give you more info
  • How long has it been? Do you have the time to dedicate starting up again? That's the first step.
  • edited March 2012
    It is possible. Our supply doesn't actually completely dry up until well over a year after quitting. Even if you think you're empty, your glands are still stimulated by prolactin. In order to produce again, you'll need to provide the demand to your breasts. Lots of skin to skin, supplements, water and food intake, vitamins, power pumping sessions and feeding/pumping at as frequent intervals as possible (even at night). Good luck!!

    It's not a sure thing, but many women are able to do it.
  • Getting baby to relatch often is another step.
    Pumping inbetween feedings, reducing bottle feedings slowly. If baby handles it take fenugreek combined with blessed thistle 3-4 pills 3x a day. Plenty of water. Take a nursing vacation - skin to skin in bed as long as possible or even taking a bath together is relaxing.
  • Even moms who adopt who never bfed are able to lactate
  • @bahamamama4828 can you give me more info on how an adoptive mom can breastfeed? I have a friend that is in the middle of adopting and we were just wondering the same thing
  • The same way that a mother would re-introduce BFing. There are also medications a doctor can prescribe, but have some dangerous side effects so I'm not sure if they are still regularly prescribed.
  • It's possible but VERY hard. I was not able too.
  • like mimii36, i tried but couldnt.
  • It has been almost 3 months. I'm going to try again soon!
  • It had been a month and a half for me. I hope you have better luck.
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