baby food (meats)

edited April 2012 in Solid Foods
When can I give meat baby food to my lo. She already eats stage 2 foods so is it fine now?


  • my 8 month old started getting them last month. but I have to thin the plain meat and gravy dinners out as they are very thick.
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  • I've read in a paper that my pedi gave me that some suggest starting baby off with meats
  • My daughter is 7 months an we just started meats last week
  • I've never given my kids the meats. They don't like them when i've tried, so I just don't do it.
  • my daughter is 6 months and she dont really like them unless i mix them with apples or pears. but she loves turkey and rice she can eat it all day long lol. Meats are really dry though thats probably why she dont like them. but anyways to answer your question.... 6 months lol.
  • @mommylovessparkle yea turkey and rice is what i was going to try. Its the only ones that sounds appetizing to me. lol
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