Do you let your baby cry?

edited April 2012 in Babies
Growing up, i always knew i was going to have disciplined, well behaved children lol. My plan is quickly backfiring and lo is only 6 1/2 months. Some people ask if i've learned her different cries, and the truth is i haven't. I don't let her get to the point of crying, so idk if she even has different cries. I think i'm creating a monster lol.
For those with older kids, did you let them cry? How did they turn out? I'm scared that i'm making her "high maintence". We've been wanting to do the ferber method at night, but i dont see it happening, it breaks my heart to hear her cry; She's my sweet baby princess (nickname).
Does she have a chance of being a disciplined child? Or how do i let her cry a bit? Dumb questions i'm sure, but i stop whatever i'm doing if i can tell she's getting fussy


  • I'm the same @kimberly4411 ... My LO is 9.5 months now and is so so attached to me now... Plus I stay home and go to school online so I'm always here. She's a very well behaved baby... She is going through cut'n those top teeth so she hasn't been feeling well lately or doesn't want to be bothered by anyone but me.

    But usually she's an awesome blossom.

    I have 4 kids and they all were cottled and I always rushes to them all.

    I think what makes a difference is your ability to be consistant and mean what you say and say what you mean.

    I'm a push over but I have GREAT kids... All honor roll and well behaved.
  • @YNVTish Wow that's great. :D
  • @ynvtish thats good to hear! How do they sleep? Since i'm not willing to let her cry, i think it'll be a little different once she can understand though
  • edited April 2012
    They all slept different... To be honest.

    I stayed home with them all for at least the first 1 to 2 years. Except did one that went to daycare at 6 weeks old. This one ended up being way more independent and feisty ... But very well behaved.

    But the rest slept well.. they're all BF babies and nursed to go to sleep. After I would move them to their beds and they'll slept through the night meaning.8pm to 7am ..

    My 9 month old is teething and fussy.. her eating habbits are off because she's in pain so she doesn't eat much which leaves her hungry through the night wanting to nurse ...I know its just a stage/faze
  • I don't run to them as soon as they start crying. I take my time like go to the bathroom or make their bottle first unless they're hurt of course! But I will talk to them while I'm getting it done so they "know" I'm not forgotten about them. When she cries before going to sleep I just her. If she does it for more than 10-15 minutes I will go in there to tell her its time to sleep.rock her etc then I leave her alone. Shes been pretty well behaved and has learner to keep herself entertained from like 2 months old while I'm in the kitchen cooking or doing laundry. She has slept through the night since then. Its all about consistency and letting your child know that you're the one in control(kinda sounds mean when you put it that way lol)
  • @YNVTish 8pm-7pm! They are good sleepers lol (sorry I couldn't resist)
  • I dont ley my lo cry either. He hardly ever fusses, is very easy going baby because I meet all of his needs.
    I dont need to know his different cries because I learned what signals/signs he gives me before he reaches the crying point.

    You should look into attatchment parenting.
    Youre not ceeating a monster by not letting your lo cry. :)
  • Also, my guy is an amazing sleeper and napper and ive never done the cry it out method
  • edited April 2012
    I have a 6 year old and a 10 month old, I never let any of them cry. Babies cry for a reason and I couldn't just let them cry :(
    My son is a very well behaved, sweet, compassionate little boy! He started kindergarten this year and I always hear such good things about him, from his teacher and other parents. At school if he sees someone playing or eating alone, he will go over to them and say "I'll play/eat with you" and he also sticks up for kids who are being picked on. Everyone in his class likes him! He's not spoiled and he's very down to earth.

    Like @YNVTish I too am in school fulltime online. I'm always home with my daughter, she's not clingy though and very independent already!

    I don't agree with the Ferber method, I think your kids should be able to have that trust in you. My kids know I'm always here for them, they trust me. When you let kids "cry it out" I feel like they lose that sense of trust in you.

    my daughter is such a happy baby and my son was always a happy baby as well!

    Don't let anyone talk you into raising your child a way you don't agree with, trust your instincts and go with them.
  • I agree @littlefae my daughter sleeps great and I have always held her until she's asleep.
  • I have 3 kids. I am big into attachment parenting like @littlefae I never let my kids cry, they know I'm here for anything. They all sleep well unless its growth spurt or milestone time lol. I have a friend who tries to control her kids in a negative way, they scream and hit and her 4 yo son even choked her. But all in all I never knew a method existed until a couple yrs ago, so I went by instinct. Babies need something.
    I'm back at school as well and my 6 mo old was awful for the first couple months so I took her in for a chiro adjustment and she's never been better. My 9 yo is well behaved and sensitive and has always slept 10+ hours a night and my 2 yo didn't really sleep that great until close to a year. He was preemie.
  • I go on instinct. My girl isn't a typical baby in the sense she doesn't want to fall asleep with anyone. She wants in her crib, by herself, in the dark. Lol. I'll sometimes let her cry for a bit, if I know she's safe, but I won't leave her there for a long time.
    She doesn't cry much, but I know the difference between a pain cry and an over tired cry.(which are basically the only two she does. She doesn't cry if ger diapers full, or even if she's hungry)
    I think you have to trust that you know your baby, and go from there.
  • I know the difference between my sons cries some are because he truly needs something the others are because he is spoiled and just wants me. I only rush to do certain things if I know they are needed if it is feeding time or if he doesn't feel good. When we get home it is hard to get anything accomplished because he wants to be held I do not run to him everytime when I know he has eaten, is dry, and just wants attention. I am a single mother I am 6 months pregnant I work and go to school. He is in bed every night at a decent time and I hear nothing but praises at day care. At night my son cries for about 5 minutes and then he falls out for 10 hours.
  • I can tell the difference in my babies' cries, too, so if it is a "hey I'm spoiled pick me up" we usually don't pick them up. Give them a few seconds and they go back to playing with each other. Lol mine come to college with me at times and never make much noise or get fussy, and they sleep from 8:30 to about 7-8am- everynight. Have since they were two months old!
  • I will let my baby whine but not cry. Sometimes she whines when she's fighting sleep and I let her but if she cries I will get her. She also whines sometimes when we do tummy time and she's to lazy to roll over. I let her whine for a bit so she realized she has to do it on her on.
  • @michellebelle ... Oops... Fixed it ;-)
  • No my baby doesn't cry hahaha she's spoiled. ok she cries but its mostly a "I want my mommy" cry lol
  • Thanks everyone!!! I was freaking out, i can't get anything done and putting her to sleep is crazy, she is all over the place, sometimes she wants swaddled, i bounce, pat, and sway all at the same time, she's getting heavy!! Lol And she wont let my husband put her to sleep ever, it sounds like it'll eventually go away
  • Ive never just let aadyn cry for long periods without picking him up, but I also dont rush to grab him the second he makes a sound. I can tell the difference between "mommy get here NOW" and "hey mommy, come get me" lol. The only time I just let either babies cry without picking them up was when we were breaking david of his binky at about a year old. I would go in to comfort him, but I didnt pick him up. It took 2 nights & he was completely off it and going to sleep without it, no problem. Its really hard to do though & absolutely heart breaking. Its.not for everyone. Just go with your instincts. Mommy knows baby best :)
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