Stupid question but....What does it feel like the very first time you start to breastfeed.

edited May 2012 in Breastfeeding
Just curious ;;)
Planning to breastfeed when my daughter is born.


  • Like nothing is coming out! Lol but there is! When your milk comes in however, it feels like you have boulders on your chest! Lol and then when the engorgement goes down, it's awesome to see how much your baby is satisfied from your milk! And the bond is indescribable. :)
  • AWESOME decision!! My baby is almost 6 months old and this is my first. We are having a great EBF(exclusively breastfeeding) relationship.
    First, it may be awkward. Is the baby in my arms right?? Is his/her head ok. Is my baby eating enough. I could go on.

    But yes. Your baby will get enough. Your suppose to have the baby towards you. But I find it difficult holding him belly to belly. Not sure why. It might be painful. The creams rly do help. If you use the creams, make sure you use a breast pad. In my experience the cream stains. If you leak a lot, try the lilly pads. They are silicone and prevent most leaks. At first it may be uncomfortable. But I got used to it.
    If you try to pump and nothing comes out, don't panic. Your baby is still getting milk most likely. For some reason I only get about 3 oz when pumping. I prefer a hand pump over an electric pump. I have the medela dbl breast pump but I like being able to change the pace and intensity right away.

    Hope this helped :)
  • the first days hurts and you feel really sore the baby will e constantly on your breasts and they could bleed after the first 2 or 3 weeks the pain its going away and the baby will masterize the latch on ! at the first days its going to be hard i don't gonna lie but be consistent and every time you gonna give up try harder not to! It's an experience unique the bond between you and your baby ! the fact of knowing all his nutrition comes from you and nobody can't replace it! lol i get exited talking

    my lil one its 5 months healty and really active 100% breastfed!
  • @Leggs2011 What kind of creams are you reffering to? I never knew there was such thing as creams made for breastfeeding mommas.
  • They have different brands, Lansinoh - HPA Lanolin Cream, Medela - Tendercare Lanolin , My Brest Friend - All Natural Nipple Cream, The First Years Lanolin-Free Nipple Butter, 2 oz are a few on the walmart website :) I used the Lansinoh brand. Cheapest and works.
    Also here are the lily padz I was talking about I've also seen them at target.
    Not sure where you are located. But many of the stores carry them online. Even Amazon had them
  • Thanks that'll come in handy i'm sure :-D
  • I found it handy :) Your welcome hun. Good luck
    Dont give up! I almost did. He was in the nicu for 8 days and it was tough at first. To take the stress off. Feed baby at the first signs of hungry. It is very hard to get a 'starving'(as they like to think) to latch on.
  • ^^^^awesome explanations! But it shouldn't hurt if baby latches correctly. I have never had sore cracked nipples. Just when I occasionally pumped. :)
  • It hurts because your nipples arent used it it. You may crack and bleed but it gets better, then it just feels nice. It's not easy and you may want to give up. But just keep telling yourself all the good things about bf to help you get past the difficult stage
  • edited May 2012
    Yea they all pretty much explained it up above...the first few days will be hard. As this was my first time bf I kept feeling like nothing was coming out lol and bahamamaba is right...I had sore nipples but luckily I had LC to help me and once they taught me how to position the baby correctly my nipples healed up and was never sore again.
  • Lol ya I agree about the worrying! When I first had Ollie I was forever stressing about breastfeedibg holds, abd my boppy, and if I was doing it all right...NOW I just hook him up everywhere in every position! Lol his favorite position is for me to lay on the floor while we are playing and he will lay on my chest useing one boob as a pillow while he eats! Lol. It will be fine Hun! Make sure you get some breast pads and nipple cream for the beggining.
  • I didn't do it for as long as I would have liked too but all I can say is if your nipples are sore and cracked make sure you have cream on tap cause if not your nipples will stick to the breast pad and omg! That definitely hurts!
  • If your nipples end up cracked dry or sore, squeeze out a little breast milk by hand and rub it on. Breast milk is truly liquid gold.
    The first few days will be hard. But it does get easier!
  • Only thing I can add is it I had v painful let down on one side in the beginning, felt like being stabbed it was awful!! Went away after a bit, can't remember when exactly but now breastfeeding is the easiest most wonderful experience, just make sure to ask for help if you need it, breastfeeding may be the natural way to feed your baby but that doesn't mean it comes naturally :-)
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  • @Bahamamama4828

    How do you know when you latched on properly?
  • It didnt hurt my body was still in shock when i fed Isaiah for the first time. But after my body got over the shock. It hurt at first then stopped.
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  • ^^^agreed. A deep sucking feeling is what I would say.
  • If it hurts ask for a LC at the hospital. For me it hurt for anout 2 weeks cause I didnt want to walk around looking like madona with nipple sheilds on. Nipple sheilds you wear in your bra to bring out the nipple. Its for flat and inverted nipples
  • But I gave in and wore them until she was 4 months. And it got so much better anf pain free
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate You explained it perfectly Thanks! :)
  • Emotional! I wanted to cry. I had to have an emergency csection and was put to sleep. Didn't come to until about 4hrs later so she had already been given bottles! I was so afraid she wouldn't latch on. But when she did it was so emotional that I couldn't even tell you the actual physical feeling. I just remember it being wonderful!
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  • :D Great!
  • @wyattsmommy thats alot of work glad it became easier for you with time..
  • It was awkward to be honest the first time i tried with my daughter...maybe because my damn MIL was in the room at the time(grrr) or it was just because it was all new to me. Idk but it didnt work out too great the first time(i lasted less than a week with her). The second time i felt more at ease and my son latçhed on right away and almost without trouble. My nipples were fine with him. Mine cracked and bleed with my first child...major owie! This time I would put medelas nipple cream on my nipples nightly a few weeks before I had my son (i had read an article online saying to do that...dunno if it helps or not but i didnt want ti chance it lol) and I used it religiously after every feeding. I liked the medela brand much better than the laniosh one because its easier to spread on your nipples. I had a c sections so my milk didn't fully come in til about the 4th day with each of my kids. But I reccomend breastfeeding wholly. Not because its good for you and your LO but because you really feel(or at least I do) like you're doing so much more. I feel proud to know that I'm providing food for my son and that hes thriving because of me :)...just an awesome feeling
  • The lactation consultant told me to put my nipple to their nose or their upper lip to make them open wide then to "shove" their head right onto the nipple lol she had some interesting terms. But def talk to a LC at the hospital. Mine was a life saver!
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