Okay ladies, let's let it all out

Let me start this off by saying I am NOT creating this post to say our SO are the worst persons ever and we need to leave them but there are things that just plain DRIVE YOU UP THE WALL lol. So let's hear about it.

I love my husband to death but....
1) you make more messes then 10usual children and don't clean up after yourself
2) everytime I put your clothes away I have to refold and organize everything in the drawer so 1I shirt will fit
3)you spend money like we won the megamillons
4) your stuck on your moms tit

Ohhhh Lord I feel sooo much better lol


  • My man is so "manly" sometimes he is insensitive :(
  • He won't wash the damn dishes!!
  • You are such a good person that sometimes I don't feel good enough...
  • Uses about 50,000,000 cups in one day, lol.
  • Leaves trash and stuff every where

    I have to tell him more then once to do things

    Sometimes I feel he is selfish and only thinks about himself

  • Why is it so many men are mommas boys its ridiculous!!!
  • edited May 2012
    Lmao @Molly
    My SO is so great I have nothin bad to say NOT!!!!!
    After I tell our son he can't have something he gives it to him anyway that drives me nuts
  • @sophiasmom11 I'm glad mines not to.
  • @sophiasmom11 your lucky I should've nabbed one of those guys lol!!
  • 1) He smells to fucken good

    2) He makes me laugh so Damn hard I always leak a little pee in my panties.

    3) He works a lot of OT and brings home way too much Damn money.

    4) He's always waking up on Saturday morning and getting our LO when she cries... Errrrr!... It pisses me off so much! Doesn't he know I've already been up all night rocking the little teething monster.. who needs sleep.


    Sorry ladies... He's racking up brownie points lately.
  • edited May 2012
    You guys listed everything I was going to say!
    He uses too much toilet paper and leaves empty rolls on bathroom floor.
    He makes me laugh when he acts like a goober.
    He is on the same page as me when it comes to the upbringing of the kids.
    He hides dirty socks under the bed!
    He leaves soda cans everywhere!!
    He too metro sexual!
  • Ugh socks are everywhere

    He wants sex everyday

    he asks me the same question a million times
  • @Molly lmfao mine too!!!!!!

    He can't find ANYTHING. EVER.

    He plays WOW way too damn much.

    He hogs the bed.

    But he does work very hard :)
  • Hmmm where do I start!!!!!!

    Has more clothes on the floor than anywhere else

    Is ALWAYS late

    Have to call him so many times to get his lazy ass outta bed, cos he's so damn tired after 8+ hours sleep

    He doesn't seem to know where the heck things get put away, suprising seen as he can find them to get them out

    Can't put his dirty dishes in the dishwasher, but why should he when there's a perfectly good work top!!!!!

    When he has our son so I can have some 'me' time (cook, clean sort the washing etc) he shouts me to pass him remote/drink etc cos he can't get them cos he's holding our son!!!!

    Never does anything round the house til he's been asked a million times & then I'm supposed to be grateful, where's my thanks for doing all the chores, cooking your food etc whilst looking after our son all day?

    But he ain't all bad, he makes me laugh like no one else does, tells me he loves me every day & makes me feel special, just wish he'd pick up after himself for a damn change
  • DIRTY SOCKS EVERYWHERE!!! he's a super neat guy usually to the point if annoying, but he hates socks, so as soon as he's in the door, socks are off and left anywhere and everywhere.
  • He is the laziest sob ever. I feel like i have 2 kids.

    Doesnt care how loud he is in the morning and is always waking our dd up at 5 am and i have to get up to get her back to sleep.


    He will take dd when he gets home and i get a half hour to myself.

    Still loves me despite all my crazy
  • -OMG about the SOCKS!!! Hubby is a sweater... he works outside all day. So he comes home, takes off his socks and leaves them in a nasty sweaty BALL for me to pick up and unroll to wash!!!
    -He's the MESSIEST cook there has EVER been (I mean really? You got the WALL dirty??? and you LEFT it?!)
    -He used to be the king of soda cans... if I didn't pick them up he'd have a wall of cans around his chair (thankfully this has changed)
    -He loves the sound of his own voice. I cannot tell you how many times I (AS THE WOMAN IN THE RELATIONSHIP) don't get to get a word in edge-wise in any convo
    -And my goodness he swears he's a nascaar driver... in my little nissan rogue... zoom zoom... Very Very hypocritical about driving, he gets SO mad about things other people do (like staying in the left lane so he has to go around them to continue racing the wind) but he does the same thing! X_X

    However, he is my rock and I'm madly in love with him.... nasty ass socks and all. I've never had a man treat me as well as he does. :X (even if I don't get to talk)
  • Ya my man is usually outside too. So not only is it annoying they're smelly and either wet or crusty!
  • 1) take his sweet ass time taking care of our screaming baby.
    2) will not wake up after I've tried for hours
    3) always complains that he is tired.
    4) don't ever seem to have enough for family time.
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