"Potential VBAC Moms- Wake Up!"



  • Thanks.. @caroline8_p guess I could've just Googled it also.
  • I've had 2 successful VBAC's so far. 15 months apart :) I plan on having all of my children this way in the event that my uterus and cervix co-operate.
  • I had a succesful vbac! Hard work i got to a 7 before an epidural but i did it
  • I'm up for a vbac on January 28th 2013. I had my csection November 27th 2011 because of a prolapsed cord. But I had two vaginal births 5 and 6 years before that. My Ob says I'm good for the vbac and have a 75% chance of everything going fine. I'll be 35 weeks Monday. I'm not able to go to another doctor if he starts to displease me because we're military, and live on base. Do y'all think that my ob is stringing me along? I'm terrified to have another csection. That shit is no joke. Plus it hurts a lot worse, and takes longer to heal from.
  • I'm curious about his 75% prediction. Aside from short interval between pregnancies (which I share almost exactly with you 11/6/11 and 2/12/13) are there any other complications @emmieken? With two vaginal births most doctors wouldn't think twice, but some just seem to prefer cesarean. That's why it's up to mamas to advocate for themselves and their babes.
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  • edited December 2012
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  • No, my water had broken long before the cord prolapsed. I was about 8cm dialated, and told them I felt like I needed to push. It happened while one of the trainees at the hospital was checking me, which they did every 30 minutes. I thought once the water breaks, they aren't suppose to check so often? Regardless, there wasn't anything that I'm aware of that went wrong due to my body or the baby. I'm pretty nervous about giving birth again because I'm terrified of another csection. So y'all think my chance of delivering vbac is pretty high?
  • @emmieken definitely high! Chances of anything bad happening with the right and less intervention birth is around 0.01% ;)
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  • Thanks guys. It's really comforting hearing that. And supposedly, the trainee was only checking to see how dialated I was to give me the okay to push or not. I just remember a bunch of fluid rushed out after she had stuck her hand in me, and they Sayyid it was the fore waters...? Or something like that, and it pulled the cord out, then was clamped off by my son's head. When it happened, she jumped up on my bed, shoved her hand inside of me more to keep a pulse, and they wheeled us both into the er. I was in so much shock. I remember them having him out before my husband even came into the room. And then I fell asleep from all the meds they gave me. When I woke up, I had forgotten I even gave birth, and literally went into shock when they told me about my son, who came out perfectly healthy btw! Lol I didn't wanna hold, or breast feed him. I'm so so terrified of going through that or anything similar again. I feel like my labor experience and first moment bonding with my son was stolen from me.
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