"Potential VBAC Moms- Wake Up!"

edited June 2012 in Health
@2ndbutfirst (didn't want to take over your thread!)
I love this article!

YOUR Uterus
"Most OB’s give a lot of lip service to VBAC. A lot. They talk the talk, but hardly ever walk the walk.
As much as it ruffles my feathers to hear some OB’s outright tell women that it is their way or the highway, I prefer that upfront ego to veiled half truths and lies. For those OB’s that like to string you along until your 38th week of pregnancy, telling you that a VBAC is possible, it becomes all to common that your pregnancy is the one that is that rare exception and – oops, sorry, we just have to schedule another cesarean, but all that matters is a healthy baby, right? If you’ve read my book, you will laugh at that last statement, because you know it’s the ultimate in manipulation and cowardice, and it’s what OB’s say when they want you to agree with them, because challenging that makes you look stupid and negligent. So then your eyes glaze over, you just smile, nod your head yes, and quietly die a little bit more inside, right?

I have been around birthing women for a long, long time, and from experience let me tell you that the rare exception is that the VBAC actually happens, despite all the mountains of evidence out there to support VBAC’s for women that have had even 2 or more cesareans, not to mention that nagging feeling in your gut that tells you that you are right and ‘they’ are wrong.
Look, I’m the first to acknowledge that every woman, baby and situation is different, but they all aren’t THAT different that you shouldn’t be asking questions and seeking second opinions. If I’ve learned one thing as a doula and childbirth educator, it’s that you have to be willing to walk away and say no in order to get adequate care sometimes. I’ve also learned that the obstetric community doesn’t change until a certain threshold number of women will walk away from them.

In Other Words, OB’s Eventually Do What We Tell Them To. Period.
Now, this is not to vilify OB’s or pit you against your OB, but you do not have the luxury of time. You cannot afford to wait until your OB’s ‘gets it’. But let me suggest this. If you aren’t willing to research, work and question your OB…if you aren’t willing to walk away and go somewhere else, if it is true that OB’s eventually do what we tell them to do (and I personally testify that that is the case), then may I suggest that the problem is not your OB, it is YOU.
You can take all your OB’s reasons, wrap them up neatly in a package, and throw them away, and just say it….you want another cesarean. Just go ahead and own that. Whether it’s fear, not wanting to face your innermost core, or shear laziness, you don’t really want a vaginal birth, do you? It’s all just too much work and too much of yourself revealed, isn’t it? Just like with the OB’s, I’d rather have a pregnant mom outright tell me she prefers a cesarean than to hear veiled half truths and lies. “I’d like a VBAC, but my doctor just says no”. Rrrriiiigghhhhtt…..
Look, it’s okay with me, and every other VBAC advocate out there, if you prefer the surgery, scheduled, no less. Yes, if all VBAC women took responsibility and owned their birth experience it would ultimately make access to VBAC easier for those women who are willing to fight for their safest and most peaceful birth, but ultimately you are the one who has to live with yourself – and your decision to repeat your cesarean experience isn’t going to stop someone who is really committed to their VBAC from manifesting it. And no one can force you to unveil those parts of yourself you need to in order to open up and release your baby under your own power.


You have a ton of studies behind you to back you up in achieving a vaginal birth
Even if you’ve had 2, 3, 4 or more cesareans you are still a VBAC candidate
Even if your cesarean was the result of the rarest thing on the face of this earth, there is nothing saying that you can’t research, ask questions, seek second opinions, and explore
Even if you are due tomorrow, you can still say no
You are not a victim of your body, baby or doctor

This is really about you, and not your doctor. Women are often their own perpetrators. Do you want a vaginal birth? Do you?! Then stop giving voice to all the trauma and pain you have endured, start healing and acting like you want that baby to pass through your legs and into your arms. Start looking for resources to help you acheive it, instead of just blindly walking in and out of your doctor’s office like some mindless womb pod waiting to be relieved of your contents. Connect with those parts of yourself that knows how to birth, how to claim what is yours. Don’t say you can’t do it, you’re the exception, or it’s just too late or risky because there is a 99% chance that you are wrong. I’ve seen scores of women push past all those terror barriers and the beauty and glory waiting for you is indescribable and it’s what gives me the motivation to be so bold. Of course the outcome is not guaranteed, but the satisfaction with yourself for taking the journey is.
I don’t care if you are scheduled to have your cesarean tomorrow, you are the captain of your own ship, start steering it.



  • Btw, I don't really agree with the antagonizing of women who chose not to do VBAC. I just like the other points and the motivation that if it is what you WANT, you CAN do it! Women are so misguided by their OB's. Don't let them. Don't believe everything someone tells you, even if there is an MD at the end of their name! Every human is fallible.
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  • Love this article! I know I owned my vbac at home!
  • I scheduled a c-section because my baby was breech. My sister was born breech and hard so much bruising on her butt and back it was horrible. But if we ever get pregnant again my doc knows full well c-section is not the plan unless the baby is breech and Inversion does not work.
  • Inversion scares me! @candy101. I am glad it's something I have never had an issue with. Did it not work for you the first time? Or did you decide against it?
  • A breech baby should not be messed with during vaginal that's why there's so much bruising. It shouldn't be a reason for a section but sadly most mds are not trained...
  • PS my baby was frank breech and I was prepared to birth her but she flipped last min. A client of mine birthed her baby breech unassisted only because it went so fast and I didn't arrive in time.
  • Lol sorry I like talking about this stuff.
  • edited June 2012
    David was breech too. I decided against inversion. With Aadyn, I was very upfront about wanting a repeat csection. Of course my OB didnt try to convince me otherwise. I agree with this post, almost entirely (minus the "lazy" comment). Most doctors are very quick to go with csections. Not just with vbacs, but even first time pregnancies. If labor stalls & its keeping them from getting home at a reasonable time, they convince you there is some problem, only solvable by csection. Like I said though, I dont agree with the "lazy" statement. I, in no way, feel like I took the easy way out. I may not have pushed my children out, but I labored for hours & hours with no meds, got sliced open while wide awake and stapled back together. The pain from recovery was by far the worst pain ive ever experienced in my life. They may be easier or more convenient for a dr, but not the person who has to recover from one. Having a baby is hard and its painful, no matter which way it happens. @captivated im not directing that toward you or saying you do or do not agree with the lazy statement
  • @davidnaadynsmama, I understand hun. That's why I added my comment underneath the article saying I didn't agree with the patronizing of the women who undergo CSecs. :)
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  • I was just looking for some good info for
    @2ndbutfirst post and came across this one! Thank you @armahnismommy!
  • @captivated I have one of the only doctors around columbus that would do it. Nope, it didn't work doc tried 4 times b4 giving up. I knew the minute he said his last 4 were successful that mine wouldn't be.
  • Love this. My next baby will hopefully be vbac!
  • Vbac for me!
  • edited June 2012
    I'm so glad u posted this...I want another baby in the future but I had a csection and the midwife told me that no ones does VBAC in south Ga
  • I wanted one but its too close together no doctor would try
  • I just found a list of hospitals that allow vbac in Ga....Looks like I'll have to relocate if I want a vbac
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  • I tried with mine.. It ws a failed trial of labor... but I sure as heck tried... my son had a pnemothroax (collapsed lung) which caused his heartrate to significantly drop and they had to call it. They found that my bladder was attached to my previous incision so they had to cut into contractile tissue which means no more VBACs for me. :-( But its actually medical and not a doctors laziness on that decision.
  • @lilbit01_209, wow! That is terrible!!
  • @captivated Suprisingly enough it was the easiest out of my 2 babies deliveries.. lol... Once he was truly in danger then the vbac wasnt important anymore. He was 2lb heavier than predicted so that was also a factor. I have an android pelvis so heada dont fit very well... lol... His heart rate plunged and it took over a minute for it to come back up. They pulled him out and wisked him off to NICU. My surgery ended up twice the time it should have b/c the had to detach my bladder from the scar tissue and move it and then sew me up. But its ok. I triedthe best I could and even though it didnt go as plannedmy boy was good and healthy after 4 days in the nicu.
  • I am glad it all turned out well! @lilbit01_209
  • Thanks God I tried a Vbac. It was the best for me. I'll try a Vbac again if I get pregnant.
  • I actually posted a thread about wanting a VBAC and I still do but even now doctors are denying me. I want to have a vaginal this time so bad so I'm still looking around my doc refused and juat started talking to me about worst case cenarios. I am still lost still haven't gotten all the info I desire and much less have found a good doctor that will perform the VBAC
  • edited June 2012
    Not sure where u live but my doc will do it we r in columbus ohio.@saladmommy
  • @candy101 you r very fortunate! My doctor sucks she won't -__- she keeps trying to scare me out of it
  • Oh I'm in Texas
  • @salasmommy give me a few I'll search i-can group
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