List of hospitals who do/don't support VBAC!

edited June 2012 in Pregnant
Hopefully this helps. Just have to find the provider who delivers at your hospital.[]=**ALL**&op1=5&filter1


  • Wow not many hospitals around me do it...
  • The ones are around me are farrr!! :( I hope i find one soon
  • Awesome all four of the major hospitals around me do.
  • I feel stupid, but what is the difference in "de facto ban" and simply "banned?"
  • edited June 2012
    I just looked up a list a few days ago and luckily mine is approved. The csection rate was like 19% and the repeat csection rate was 13%. I'm glad because if possible I want to go for a vbac.
  • So I've been working NICU about the whole month of May and I've been paying attention to L&D since I'm assigned deliveries, and I've noticed my hospital has tons of VBACs. They do several a cool. :)
  • YES! All hospitals around me (ALOT!) allow, including the one I delivered at last time.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • De facto is kinda like not a complete ban so to speak.
    That's awesome guys!
  • Make sure you click the hospital name and read bc some that say allowed have said they they don't do them anymore...most of the info that I've seen came from 2009
  • @MrsStanley_x2 I think it means that the hospital doesn't have a policy against it but obs may not support it...Not sure though
  • Yes that's right haha. A better explanation
  • @bahamamama4828 @Tootie08 thank you both!! I was wondering. Lol not that this applies to me, I was just curious :) Good thing, though, because I think there were only 2one in my state that allowed it. Haha
  • Its cool I had no clue mercy medical in nampa id (now saint als) supported it they r ass holes over there hhaha they almost sent me home when my water broke because they said I was just peeing my hubby demanded a water test nd it was postive I'm sorry I'm not te kinda person to sit there and pee my pants for a half a hour straight lol
  • Next baby will be a vba2c for sure for me. As long as my hospital still allows it in 5yrsish
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