Is there anything I could drink or eat that can up my chances of be able to breastfeed?

edited June 2012 in Breastfeeding
I've been kinda worried if I'll be able to breastfeed mainly because my boobies are too small. Silly thought I know ;)) I know there is the ability that I still can breastfeed though. My babygirl is due the day after 4th of July.


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  • Nope, you won't know until baby gets here, and when she does make sure you drink enough water, and eat enough calories to produce milk! Also you can get some fenugreek, blessed thistle, or brewers yeast to take if you have any problems with a low supply. Try to find #s for lactation consultants in your area to help if problems arise, WIC has an LC too
  • I told you they said small boobs make more milk
  • I have huge boobs and I couldn't nurse at all. Personally I think smaller boobs make better bottles for the babies. :) Like EricaK22 said, those have been proven to work and my sister said drinking carrot juice upped her supply.
    Good luck! You'll do great!!!
  • My boobs are tiny and I had a great supply. Just make sure you east enough and drink water.
  • My friend has basicallly no boobs and she has a awsome supply and extra at that
  • I have huge bamboozas and my supply is alright :) . I couldn't nurse my first but my second kid was good. I did try mothers milk didn't notice any change in supply. I tired fenurgreek and my supply acutally DECREASED! Just keep nursing. Then pump after nursing. Drink lots of fluids! And eat protien and fruits and greens. Pretty much a balanced diet.
  • I have A cup boobs! And some of those bras are too damn big! lol. I breastfed just fine. Went from a A/B to a D when I was breastfeeding. Your boobs will make milk..and they will expand to make room. TRUST ME!
  • Tuna is a good source...I used to eat tuna salad after I had Kaylee and it had breast milk flowing from everywhere
  • @newmomma13 I know but that seems hard to believe. I could be just a little bit over reacting.

    @EricaK22 Thanks I can try those where do you find those brands?
  • @musicmomma That seems so strange but could make sense. You would think bigger boobs would produce more since there naturally huge. Then I see mine all extra small.
  • Since big boobs are big lol they have more tissue and stuff that's taking up space so that they don't fill up milk and little boobs have room to grow for the milk
  • Any health food store like Whole Foods.
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  • Im natural ley small boobs 32 b and I came out the hospital milk came in and I'm 36 c right now my lil one it's 6 months and no formula at all!! My best recommendation it's not giving up trust your instincts your kid will not starve breastfeed as frequently that you can try not to pump first few weeks you could always hand express just for comfort !!! I do t gonna lie it's not easy at first and you maybe will not have support but it gets better you will adapt baby will learn tO latch on and it gets easier !!! I love breastfeeding !!!
  • Ahh I gotcha now lol thanks @newmomma13

    I'll try, Thank You! @HomeBirthAdvocate
  • I am small chested as well and have a great supply! I only pump when engorged which isnt that often and I dont ever drink the teas or take supplements. Its just hard to get comfortable at night when laying down to nurse because your boobs arent as flexible! LOL
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