How common is it for a doctor to issue a C-Section? Whats the best way to avoid a C-Section?

edited June 2012 in Third Trimester
My Q basicly discribes everything im curious and a lil worried about..


  • It depends on a lot of factors, if the baby is positioned wrong then you will have a csection, if something bad happens during your vaginal birth and the baby cant come out then chances are you will have a csection, sometimes the umbillical cord gets stuck around the baby's neck too many times and the doctors cant loosen it, then a csection will have to take place so they can save the baby.. i am not sure of other reasons since i never went through a scection but i have seen some posts that explained some of it

    Why are you worried hun ??? You are going to be ok
  • edited June 2012
    Unless baby or you are in immediate danger, there is no reason for a c-section! If you are progressing slow and you and baby's vitals are fine, have your dr wait it out.

    Don't be bullied into a c-section because they are rushed!

    Sometimes things are not in your control and require a c-section, but they are not common.
  • depends on your labor and how baby tolerates it. if your baby's heartrate drops at any point during labor for a prolonged amount of time, they'll give you an emergency section. if her heartbeat does fine during labor, you shouldn't have issues. there are other problems that may arise, but c sections really aren't as common as it seems. just know if at any point labor is a danger to you or your baby girl's life, a c section may be the safest option. there are so many variables, it's hard to guess what will happen. we just hope for the best :)
  • I think the best way to avoid is to say NO! I had to have an emergency csection because either me or my babies blood pressure went up(honestly don't know which one because I had already had the iv pain meds and I was pretty high) and they couldn't find a heart rate. Everything happened so fast and I had about 8 nurses and doctors rushing to me at one time. They didn't even give me an option. My doc just said we are doing an emergency c-section and rushed me to the OR and put me to sleep. Me or my bf either didn't get to have an input. It was intense and scary for both of us. He cried when they took me away because he didn't know what was going on or if me and the baby were ok. So from my biggest advice is to be your own advocate and know how to tell them NO! I honestly don't know if my baby would have been okay if I would have said no though. I'm not sure how serious a high bp rate is doing labor. I wish I would have known if a csection was trully my best option though.
  • @Mimii36 in your situation it sounds like your BP was the one that was high. In that case, you're at risk for seizure/stroke. And depending how long your baby didn't have a HR, he could have died in's scary, and should have absolutely been explained to you better, but sounds like it was the right thing medically. Sorry you had such a bad experience :(
  • @rtmommy yes I wish they would have explained it to my bf at least. I understand if they had no time to explain to me what was going on but I wish they would have told him. Or at least explained it to me afterwards. I'm glad you explained it tho. Thank you.
  • @Mimii36 yeah, it's really scary when you don't know what's's scary even when you do. hopefully your next experience goes tons better! :) you're welcome.
  • My first ended in a c section cuz labor wouldn't progress after 23 hours. I was completely exhausted and was ok with the c section. If you don't want one, talk to your Dr before hand and let them know you want to go over all options first. My second was scheduled cuz since I had failure to progress, my chances of a successful vbac were lowered.
  • Thanks ladies!
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  • edited June 2012
    @sands3 is absolutely correct! Express all your concerns and/or wants to the individual who will be delivering your baby.

    I repeatedly expressed my concerns to my OB and told her that I wanted to do everything possible to avoid a c-section. When after 18 hours of labor, and after being stuck at 5.5 cm for over 6 hours, she asked me what I wanted to do. Take note it was 1 in the morning! I told her I would like a couple more hours, she complied and said she'd stay the night and go get some sleep. In those next two hours I visualized myself dialating with every contraction and it worked. I avoided a c-section and baby was out in 3 pushes.

    Remember you're your best advocate!
  • @ArmahnisMommy Exactly what im affraid of, its hard to find good doctors these days..
  • @Mijita thanks, and 3 pushes wow :D
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  • It depends on a lot and on the Dr. Some drs will let you do everything and some will push a c section on you. I had to have a c section with both mine due to how big they were and my pelvis was too narrow. I wish I could have had a vaginal birth but two babies close to 10 lbs each I needed it. :)

    You just need to RELAX!!!! try not to think about all this you will be fine! :)
  • I almost died and they couldn't find my babys heart rate and I was blacked out. I woke up on my way to the OR. It was scary. I blacked out in the table. My bp was only 70/30 after it had been 198/100
  • As long as something crazy doesn't happen you'll be fine.
  • @Steph_Due_101611 Wow glad everythings ok now. That sounds very stressful and hectic.

    @ArmahnisMommy I understand, thanks Mámá :)
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  • Well it depends. Some drs are more incline to rush to a c section, others it is a last resort.It also depends if it is medically nessicary. In my case..... I am a diabetic (before pregnancy) and I also had pre eclampsia at the end of my pregnancy. I was induced at 36.5wks because of it. After 11hrs of labor and not progressing past 4cm, they decided it was the safest thing for me and the baby to just go ahead and do the c section. It was not a.bad experiance for me at all, and if I had to do it all over again the same way, I wolf in a heartbeat. It really just all comes down to what is safest and best for you and your baby. I definatly didn't plan on it happening that way, but my baby girl is almost 9mos now and the most perfect thing in the world. Trust yourself and your drs and everything will be just fine :)
  • Sadly, c-section rates go up the week before a holiday. My daughter was due on Thanksgiving & what do you know, the week before at her ob visit the baby wasn't head down & he wanted to do a c-section that night! Didn't try to turn the baby, wait & see if it would turn, didn't give her a trial of labor or anything. So if you're due near a holiday be careful lol!
  • Oh man I am but not sure if she'll actually come on or that close to her due date. Now I hope she eather comes late or early but not on the holiday omg scary. @Wilsomom
  • Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, just be aware lol. :)
  • I already gave my hospital my birth plan and told them what not to offer me and to only talk csection if my water is broken (I also put that I want my water to break on its own) and time is up for infection risk or if of course an emergency csection is completely necessary and ran by BOTH me and dh :)
  • @Wilsomom I know you ment well, thanks ;) ...

    @victoriarenee Great plan!!
  • I would definitely avoid them breaking your water at all costs!
  • because breaking your water won't magically make your labor progress. What it will do is require a c section if you don't progress. Once your water is broken, the clock starts ticking.
  • your water doesn't even need to break in order to give birth... but it's best to let your water break on it's own
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