How common is it for a doctor to issue a C-Section? Whats the best way to avoid a C-Section?



  • Can I send you an example birth plan from one of my past clients? :) just something to go by.
  • If u have a link post that on my wall through pregly..
  • I was in labor for about 10 hrs with no progress and my dr kept saying we should just go ahead and do a csection. My babys heart rate was fine and o was handling labor "ok" but i think they were ready to get me out of there. I made them hold off...but by 29 hrs of full on labor my body just couldnt do it so i had a csection. Its not terrible but i soooo wanted to experience natural childbirth.
  • @Summergirl22 is definitely right on the water. They broke my sons when I was at a 7 and my daughters broke about a push and a half before she entered the world! Just make sure you are in charge :)
  • I had a c section, was consistently having to tell my Obgyn I didn't want one. She was pushing it for months. We knew my baby was gonna be big but didn't know how big. I made the mistake of letting her talk me into an induction. They also broke my water early on saying it would help progress my Labor.... Guess what, it took almost 12 hours to get to a 4 and 23 hours later only made it to an 8, so that was bull crap. I personally had a horrible Labor but the only reason I caved to three c section was because I had spent most of the 23 hours puking, had a high fever they couldn't get down, baby wasn't dropping what so ever, I was mentally and physically beyond exhausted! And my sons heart rate was consistently over 200. Because of the bad Labor my c section and recovery were even worse. Honestly though, the surgery itself wasn't bad and if you for some reason do need it, don't stress yourself out about it. Labor was bad enough for me that next time I'm skipping it lol just going to have a planned c section. My son was high up, sunny side up, and 9 pounds 8 oz so in the end, kind of glad he didn't go through my hooha! Lol he would have torn me up and I'm sure it would have been many more hours.
  • You can ask about c-section rates for your dr's practice or the hospital. My dr and hospital has a low c section rate, which made me really happy.
  • I thought I would end up having one cause it was going on 2.5 hrs of pushing and it was Christmas Eve. Luckily the dr on call was patient enough. We still had to use forceps but no c-section.
  • @SaraS I should do that. Thanks!
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