What you don't know about labor & after...

edited June 2012 in Giving birth
What are some things you didn't expect our have any clue about?

Me- I had a friend tell me "i hope you don't have back labor" well I did and I didn't expect it to feel like my spine was being crushed!
the dr said my stitches would sting, however I didn't expect it not to sting until a week later (i thought something was wrong with me) for ftm what helped me was spreading my legs while going to the bathroom!
I also didn't expect that after the stinging stopped that it would itch like crazy!
I knew the epidural would make my legs numm but I didn't think it would be as numm as it was! I'm totally adhd at night and I always move around but I couldn't move my legs when I tried sleeping and that was a little irritating!

Thats all I can think of right now! what are your stories?


  • I didn't expect her to poop inside of me so he couldn't cut the umbilical cord and they couldn't put her on me they had to take her and make sure nothing got in her mouth.

    I expected to be sore but not that sore down there.....but this spray they gave me to numb it helped

    I didn't think my legs would be numb so long
  • edited February 2013
  • I didn't expect to have a cathader put in after I gave birth, since my bladder stayed frozen from the epidural. Then get a uti...then a yeast infection. Ugh. I had major vagina issues for over two months!!

    I didn't expect to be so damn scared to poop afterwards.

    I didn't expect that the final push where she came out would feel like taking a giant shit of a live fish out of my vagina lol
  • @jazzie omg I thought I was spelling numb wrong. I'm totally anal about misspelled words too. My little guy pooped inside of me too! And they said they were going to take him and suck it out or whatever... But they didn't. They put him on me right away. I was so scared at first I couldn't even look down! He later said that when he came out screaming he sounded good like nothing was caught in his throat.
    @stephenie I had hemorrhoids the size of golf balls (not literally) lol but when I took a bath I could feel sitting on them they were so swollen.
    @natashalynn I didn't have a catheder?sp after but had it before. Anyway ever since then whenever I have an urge to pee I can barely hold it I always pee a little before I get to the toilet! Annoying 7
  • Soo annoying. I'm over a year past delivery, and I still suck at bladder control. I freaking hate it!!! I do kegals pretty often, try to stop peeing mid stream...nothing seems to help!!! I think I'll have to go to the Dr about it unfortunately..
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  • before / during delivery ;
    i didnt know that at my last drs appointment, that id get sent straight the the er to have my baby. & that i had to get a foly bulb. and that id develop bells palsey. and that i was unable to dialate (still dont know why). that when they took out the foley bulb it looked like a balloon animal that they give you at the circus. and that every time they check me it felt like they were reaching to my belly, and it hurt more than the actual contractions. and that after 26 hours of non stop pain and 2 failed epis, id be begging for a c-section. and because they already popped my water, that they had to do a csection. and id have to get a spinal, which only shot threw half of my body, and anxiously awaiting it to go threw the other side, and it didnt. and laying on the table, (while my hubby was taking non stop pictures) i was trying to move my feet. and was shaking uncontrolerably. and was despretly trying to keep my eyes open, i was almost asleep for my sons birth!.

    after delivery ;
    that i had a cathiter (sp?) for about a day, and they had to empty the bucket every 10 minutes. they were trying to empty my system. and i loved the cathiter lol. and that i haddent taken a poop in 4 days, and they gave me dulcolax, along with 4/5 other pills. for my bells palsey, and high blood pressure. and that when i eventually could get up to walk my legs would feel like they weighted 40 pounds each. and that the dr would wake me up at 6 am to take my staples out.

    needless to say, i had a crappy birth experience lol! /:-)
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  • Ya. Very bad. Half of its a blur tho.
  • @BabyLuv8 they didn't even want her to cry they wanted to hurry up and not take any chances. And the nurse kept putting my catheter in wrong, my mom had to ask her is she sure she knows what she's doing.
  • I had no idea my hormones would be so whacked out! Talk about a roller coaster ride!
  • During labor I still felt the crowning even with the epi and I didn't know a few days later I felt like I was run over by a garbage truck! Woooo I was sore for days
  • @devins_mommy I feel bad now for complaining you did have it hard!
  • Nobody told me about involuntary pushing, it was weird, like my whole body was spasming. I had no control over it or the grunting noises I made :-)
  • @babyluv8 don't feel bad! All deliverys are different! It wasn't to traumatosimg. Id still have a baby again. Hopefully differently
  • Ohhhh the involuntary pushing is not fun! And the involuntary growling lol I'm glad I didn't give birth on my back or I would have ripped asshole to elbow with my fast labors and pushing against gravity would have sucked!
  • No one ever told me that even without an epidural I would still lose almost all control of my bowels/bladder. But.....Pretty sure my water breaking at a whopping 5-6 feet out past my doctor was worse. Lol
  • edited June 2012
    No one told me that my bladder had attached to my scar tissue from my first c-section. No one told me that my epideral would start to wear off in the OR because of the added time of freeing my bladder. No one told me that my son would have a pnemothorax (collaped lung) and would go straight into the NICU... And my funny one.. No one told me that the game between the Texas Rangers and the Detroit Tigers would go into overtime prompting me to yell at the doctor between my legs to move because I couldnt see the game!!! LOL... Oh and I went into the OR after my team won!!!
  • No one told me that y daughter would have shoulder distosha(total so haha!) And that two nurses would have to jump on my and push her out like I was a tube of tooth paste! No one told me that even with 2 epidural I would still feel everything. No one told me about the uncontrollable shaking that would happen after. Also no one told me all babies are born with jaundice but it goes away!
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  • @HomeBirthAdvocate thank you! I will do because I plan on a few more kids! Oh it didn't help she went number 2 in me they noticed when they broke my water and said it was fine this was at 5pm well I didn't have her until 1210am as she was born she went again due to stress she wasn't moving or crying they thought her shoulder was broken too. It was so scary!
  • @devins_mommy I admire your strength :)
  • Gaskins maneuver! :) fyi good thing not all babies have jaundice. My 3rd born at home didnt
  • I personally didn't think the bleeding was that bad... I didn't know that with my epi I could still move my legs, they were just heavy.... I didn't know that an induction could last 3 days!!! Ahhh
  • I didn't know that shortly after delivery the nurse pushing on my abdomen to make sure my uterus was contracting back down would hurt that bad. I was in tears! Or that you get awful contractions when you begin breastfeeding.
  • My son was also jaundice.
  • I was induced due to my daughter being behind in growth and low amniotic fluid. They used a Foley bulb to help me dilate which worked but then they broke my water. then because they broke my water too early they had to do an amnio-infusion because I had lost almost all my fluid. if I could go back I wouldn't have them break my water so soon. It was heartbreaking hearing my daughters heart decel with every contraction. they threated with a c-section because of this. I told the nurse they weren't cutting me she was angry with me and said there. was no other way. I told her I wanted my dr to tell me that. She then talked to the dr and came up with the amnio-infusion. Im glad the dr worked with me and that that it worked, I don't think I would have handled a c-section im severely scared of being cut as my mom almost died from her c-section. got severely infected and the infection had got into her blood.
  • I didn't know I'd be sooooo scared to poop!! And that waiting longer to poop actually made it worse.
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