I would go in. At 14 weeks you can have difficulty completely passing the fetus if it is a miscarriage. The pain will increase a lot because if it is, it feels almost like labor this far along. At least it was for me. I hope its nothing though
They couldn't find a heart beat, but she said sometimes they can't this early. (they did yesterday though!) The doc said my cervix isn't dilated at all & she checked the fluid under microscope & it didn't have any amniotic fluid. I have an ultrasound set for 1:00 so I guess that will be the true indicator. Prayers please!
The doc said it wasn't anything I did & they couldn't have done anything last night either. I'm sitting in Walmart parking lot crying, I hope no one sees me, they'll think I'm nuts lol. I have a bad feeling about this. The baby could be heard kicking & squirming around yesterday on the doppler thingy & today nothing. I hope the ultra sound can give me a reason if it is a miscarriage. Idk why my baby would just randomly die in one night when he/she seemed to be fine yesterday.
Thinking of you hunny. I have had bleeding on and off with this pregnancy and fingers crossed I'm now at nearly 30 weeks. I hope all goes ok for you xxx
I am so sorry. This is the common mistake women make with dopplers, especially ones that buy one for home use. If they have issues, they check the HB- hear it and are reassured and often forego the doc. Hearing a HB is not necessarily an indicator that everything is okay, especially closer to the end. Just a warning for ya ladies. They should be used for fun- not reassurance.
@homebirthadvocate, I know. I was just going off topic because she had said the heartbeat was located at her appt yesterday. I'm stalking this post hoping for good news!
I am sending good vibes and luck to you. %%-