can i have a vbac?

edited August 2012 in Labor
My daugher was born 11-8-11. I am 5 weeks pregnant now. I had to have an emergency csection with her because her heart rate dropped. Idk what makes you "ineligible" to have a vbac.


  • I think you can have a vbac but it all depends on your doctor, some doctots prefer a csection after the first one.
  • @Janet_2011 I haven't chose a doctor yet. I was thinking of a midwife this time around but I didn't know if that's an option. I sure hope I can.
  • Yes you can. You will have better luck with a midwife or birthing center. Doctors are too afraid of liability.
  • @captivated do you think I will have a problem finding a midwife that will take me?
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  • @homebirthadvocate I'm in nc so you cant take me. Lol. But no I didnt have pitocin. I hdnt been in labor long when her heart rate dropped. And my incision is bikini.
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  • ^^^yup! I got pregnant 18 mo after c section. Definitely the key is to find someone supportive of vbac. I have met a few clients who had a successful vbac before the 18 month between births but that is the preference for a care provider.
  • @bahamamama4828 18 months between pregnancies or between births?
  • Im sure you can im trying for one i had my son 3.17.11 and my baby is due 12.1.12
  • Births is ideal.
  • My son was born 11/6/11 and I'm 13 weeks and definitely going for vbac. I just had my first appointment and the intake nurse told me she thought they'd want me to do a scheduled section and it would be sooo much easier. Yeah right! A newborn and a toddler with a c-section recovery that prevents me from going up and down stairs or picking up my son?? I almost walked out. She brought up the chance of rupture which I view as more of a scare tactic as rupture rate is less than 1% and even non prior sections can rupture. It's one of the many "freak" things that COULD happen but likely won't. Anyway....both docs I met support vbac. I just think it might be a good idea to ask about their vbac success rate. Some doctors say "sure no problem" then end up finding some reason to section once you're in labor. That's where midwives are so much more successful! And trustworthy! ;-)
  • @ourlittlenugget yes I think I will be going for a midwife because I don't want to be taken advantage of but a doctor.

    @bahamamama4828 great I will be exactly 18 months between deliveries.
  • That's great! My hbac was a tiny bit higher chance of rupture because I have a uterine anomaly. So trust me, you'll do great!
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