smoking while early in the pregnancy

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Plz HELP!! I have truly cut back since I found out last week that I am pregnant. However, I still smoke 3-4 a day. Any advise on how to quite completely??? I'm trying sooooo hard.


  • Have you asked your doctor? They usually know different techniques you can use to quit
  • My first appt is Wednesday. Gonna ask bc I really wanna stop. I don't want to do anything to harm the little one.
  • Think of your baby's health, it will help. I know you can do it hon, be strong for you and your unborn child. Good luck
  • I am. Gotta stay busy. When I'm busy I don't think about it.
  • Well keep busy and think about that babys health. Good luck!
  • Thks ladies!
  • Your body should just make you stop. you shouldn't crave them anymore. My wife smoked basically her entire life and just quite the day after we found out. As did I. Just think how neck (redneck) it is for you to smoke while pregnant. how disgusting it would be to see some woman with her belly hanging out of her shirt, inhaling a smoke on the street corner, her make up running down her face like a clown that's just been fired. This isn't about you anymore. It's about the kid inside you. That kid is the strongest anti-smoking medication a smoker could ask for. Good luck! You can do it.
  • i smoke 5 a day im 16 weeks i use to smoke 15 a day so i cut down alot but it helps to keep me sain coz of everything im going thro atm
  • Your body should make you quite but mine hasn't as of yet. I'm really working on it. I went from a pack a day to a pack every 5 days. But I just wanna stop completely. I hate the smell but its a craving. Weird huh? I only smoke at work bc they get on my nerves. I've tried hard candy an that didn't work or gum. It's really a mind thing but I am determined to quit today....I think smh lord help me
  • @ mum....good job at cutting back. Do your tummy cramp when u smoke? I'm 6 weeks today. My last pregnancy, 13 years ago, smoking made me barf so I stopped.
  • no nuffin hunni lol but my body know i need it so i dnt go mad
  • Most women's body's don't respond negatively to smoking during pregnancy, which leaves you with little other option than willpower to get you through quitting. With my first I quit completely at a little past 4 months (I weaned myself down to one a day and then got sick, which helped me kick the last bit). With my second I quit at 2 months, and that one was incredibly hard. This time I actually randomly quit a little over a year ago because I couldn't stand touching my kids when I smelled like smoke. I never smoked near them, but the smell just sticks to you and it bothered me. I'm grateful to not have to go through quitting for a pregnancy. It's harder, in my experience, because everything reason that you smoke for is exacerbated by your hormones-but you can do it. My doctor told me that it's most important to quit by your second trimester because as your baby grows he begins using more of the oxygen in your blood. Smoking limits that oxygen, and so it can cause issues with growth and such. Go slow and don't beat yourself up for falling off the wagon-it doesn't mean you're a bad mother, and berating yourself will just stress you out more. Every cig you don't smoke is an achievement and a gift to your baby.
  • I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude, but you need to cut that stuff out pronto. your kid's gonna hate you when he's fifteen and still in the 3rd grade because his mind didn't fully develop. Please stop altogether. I dont mean to sound...well, mean, but maybe it's the only way to get you to fully stop.
  • i am going to a quit smoking clinic 2moz so fx i only have had 2 fags 2day woop woop so hopefully after the 3 i have left thats it i will put the money aside that i use to spend on fags and buy baby summit nice
  • Just think of it this way....the first trimester is the most critical time in pregnancy. Its when all the major organs and everything starts developing, so you must take good care of your body. I know its hard but you can do it! Best of luck to you and your unborn :X
  • I've known a lot of kids whose parents smoked the whole time throughout the pregnancy and not one ever have I met with brain damage. They have all either come out really small or premies, had asthma or other breathing problems. So saying something like being 15 and still in the third grade....?

    I'm not disagreeing about op or anyone else needing to stop. You do need to stop. But sometimes its easier to ween yourself off, and it might be better for yourself and the baby that way. Everyone's brain and body is different, you might have more receptors in your brain that detect nicotine and make it much more addictive and difficult to quit than someone like me, who has smoked many times before but cannot get addicted.

    With every cigarette you smoke, maybe try taking one less drag than you normally would, or two if you can handle it. Or maybe smoke a ¼-⅛ less than you normally would, and save the same cig for later and do the same. Smoke slower and savor each inhalation to help cut it. I had to do this with alcohol a few months ago (long before baby) and that's how I had to do it.....good luck!
  • @ashes congrats on your recovery. @wacovic you're being inappropriate and nasty, take a step back. Its a serious discussion, yes, but this is a place for support, not abuse.
  • Thks to everyone for their comments. I'm just looking for support on trying to stop. I have over looked mean comments but its his opinion. One thing is correct, I need to stop smoking. I'm going to stop. I don't smoke at home only work. I have to get past that wanting a cig first thing in the morning. That's Hell. The longest I've held out was till 9 am an I get up at 6:30 am. Any suggestions on how to get past that initial cig in the morning???
  • @ashes Congrats on your recovery!!
  • i cant just give up like that i have alot going thro my head atm its hard and all i wanna do is cry but know i cant
  • @blessedmom11 have you tried changing your routine? Get up a bit later, or eat first and then go straight up to shower so you're busy while you're going through that after-meal craving? If you smoke at work it will be hard. You can always try lollipops or sugar free gum. When I quit while I wasn't prego I carried a water bottle with me all the time. Whenever I wanted to smoke I drank water. it sort of worked. It's all about mastering the mental craving-the physical one isn't nearly as strong.
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  • Try getting an electronic cig that u can put the liquid in. Get the liquid with low nicotine and then decrease it over time. I have one that has no nicotine at all so its just vaporized water no bad stuff in it at Ll but I still can get the feeling of smoking whither smoke and all! I use Volcano e cigs brand. They r expensive but well worth the investment esp that I know I'm not transferring harmful toxins to my lil one :) hope this helps. Go to volcano e cigs website they have tons of options to choose from even flavors of the liquid and all of them have an option with 0 nicotine.
  • @mum you can do it. We have to do it for our health and the child's health as well. It's hard but it has to be done. I don't want to have another miscarriage bc of it ya know.@magcaw those are great ideas. I will try eating first in place of the cig. Yea that's what I'll do.
  • i dnt wanna lose no more bby #7 stick pls il give up promise
  • What is the website for this app? I was told that I had to use all natural methods bc of the pregnancy.
  • @ mum how many miscarriages have you had? I had one last May but prior to that, I hadn't been pregnant in 13 years so I guess that's why my body rejected it.
  • @wacovic your comment was really rude and unneccessary! Blessedmom11 is trying to quit smoking and was asking for advice and support not judgemental comments. I am 7 weeks into my 2nd pregnancy and I am also a smoker. I had a lot of trouble quitting with my first. I eventually did but it was really tough and it took longer than I wanted to quit. My son will be 4 in may and he is living proof that smoking during pregnancy does NOT cause mental or developmental delays. He is very smart. When he went to his 3 year check up his doctor said he was as mentally developed as a 5 year old. He has known his abc's since he was a year and a half and can recoginize all 26 letters (both upper and lower case) on sight, knows all his colors and shapes, can count to 30 in english and he can count to 10 in spanish even though noone in my family speaks spanish.
    I'm not saying that I recommend that pregnant women smoke. I know the dangers and am trying VERY hard to quit during this pregnancy also. I just think people some people shouldn't look down on others who are struggling and throw out a bunch of unsubstantiated judgments.

    @blessedmom11 I really hope quitting isn't too difficult for you! Just don't stress yourself out about it too much; it will make it much harder to quit. Good luck!!
  • @blessedmom11 5 preg 6 babys lost 4 last yr n twins in 2005
  • The volcano site is which is what I use. Like I said expensive but worth it and my Dr said they r ok and actually better than normal cigs cuz it doesn't have all the additives in it just nicotine or no nicotine and just vaporized water if u get 0 nicotine cartridges.
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