Any military wives

edited January 2011 in Military moms
Pregnant with my second.... I am a military brat but this is completely different experience.... he is home now but may leave shortly after baby is born.... any advice or stories?


  • Ex Military wife. The father missed everything. Our son is almost 4 and he has no idea who his real father is.
    But...the man I have been with since my divorce has been more of a father than the real father ever wanted to be.
    Very sad. Maybe one day he will realize what all he has missed and all the memories he will never be able to get.
  • :'( don't scare me like that.... as a military brat... my father missed a lot.... but I don't think my husband will do that or least intentionally.... I am sorry to hear that though I hope every thing works out in the end
  • I'm sorry. I should of put, he also CHOSE to not be there. He was always given a choice and he chose no.
    In the end of that end, I was the stupid naive one. I learned from it and I will never let something like that happen to me again. All the "sorrys" in the world wouldn't help the lonely rut he has made for himself.

    But everything is getting better now.
    And I'm sure everything will be fine for you and your husband. :)
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  • My husband joined when our first child was 7 months old. Since then he has been deployed most of her life. She is 5 now and he has been gone for 3 years of her life. We are still together we love each other very much. We new that he was going to be gone a lot before he joined. We deal with it.
  • Very true.... but he will defiantly come home if he is in training still.... where is he?
  • @Dallasphreak
    How does Skype work out? Do you get to talk to home often that way?
  • Am actually planing on joining the airforce but now that am pregnant idk what am going to do am only 17 am scared but don't worry somehow things will work out for you i respect what your family does because it isn't only the soldiers but there familys too:)
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  • Well thank you @Jenflowers.... and if it helps I was thinking about doing.the same thing until I got pregnant.... have the baby and see what you think.... go on the the perforce information site and start a forum.... trust me there are moms on there that will give you helpful tips....

    My husband just got out of airborne school back in December @ Benning and he went to basic and AIT at Sill..... lol.... that weird.... we are at Bragg now.... its not too bad....
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  • Yea.... I heard that it fills up quick.... My husband is thinking about range school.... I hope he is not in the middle of something.... my husband's grandfather died during basic they told him if he left he has to start all over
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  • I'm a Marine wife (:
    I'm due Aug. 2nd with my first baby!! So excited!
    The only thing is, my husband deploys to Afghanistan in October, so he'll be sent to training in September.. & it makes me sad to see he'll miss a lot, but I'll always support him!
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  • It is not too bad yet.... have not experienced him going over seas....
  • marines do year tour too, right?
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  • 7 months.. not too long, but just misses all the holidays & cute baby experiences! & I don't mind the military life.. sometimes there's a lot of crap my husband comes home complaining about & I just stay as supportive as I can! But with any career, I'm sure there's pros and cons!
  • & no ma'am.. Marines do a 7 month tour unless they request longer deployments.. or recon/marsaw.. those type units!
  • Lucky.... my husband does year tours he is supposed to be leaving in November....
  • Oh boo to that! That's gotta be rough... if you don't mind me asking, are you in NC stationed?
  • I'm at Camp Lejeune! Oh I wish we could get info & meet in the middle for lunch or something one day! We're soo close! I just dunno how smart giving info out on this site would be..
  • I am a military wife. Living in Oklahoma cause he is stationed at sill ... anyone else here??
  • I'm a Navy wife pregnant with my 4th. It's hard at times but we get through it. We have 3 girls hoping for a boy this time [-O<
  • Awe (: maybe you'll have a boy.. surrounded by the 3 girls he's bound to be a stud!!! Haha!
  • I am a army wife. Mt husband is in AIT and I am home with our 5 month old little girl, and expecting another on sept 20. He still 4 months of teaing left. I am nervous about being pregnant again so soon and doing it alone, my first pregnancy I was on bed rest half the pregnancy.
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