Any military wives



  • @army yeah he took a laptop with him and we talked every day while he was deployed. Or we used yahoo messenger because it did the same thing.
  • @armywifemad I am at bragg also. We have been here since 2006. We have probably ran into each other or seen each other and did not even no it. :)
  • My hubby is set to deploy to Afghanistan in June, and im due with my 1st July 26th :( Being an Army wife sucks...
  • I'm going to be a military wife and mother soon...but I'm the one enlisted. I'm terrifed of missing my childs life. Still haven't decided to stay in or get out yet. The father thinks its the best choice financially. But life without my baby is scary
  • I am an army wife my husband 6 years ago this year, when we both were n basic fort jackson..found out I was prego sept 27,we just got Married october 5th 2010. Oct 13th found out I was prego in my tubes and rushed into surgery, then found out I was pregnant nov 19th now I'm due july 26 and he goes up for promotion and we will be moivng from.ohio to a diff base.. I'm scared he will get deployed and I won't know anyone on base and be all alone. Were bth going to be 24 this year and this is my first baby
  • @Dallasphreak
    Lol! We might have! That is so funny! But we were talking about getting him a computer but I just wasn't sure if it would benefit him much but if he is able to talk on it almost every night I might think about it again....

    Where is that located? I am not familiar with the area.... lol! And meeting up would be cool maybe we can chat some more and make sure we are not crazy.... lol.... maybe our husbands can tag along too ^.^

    Bless your heart that would be awful.... I mean I don't know many people here yet but I can't imagine not knowing anyone.... but Facebook is amazing for meeting people.... we have a group here on facebook called "Fort Bragg Army Wives".... see if your future base has one....

    I can only imagine.... I was a military brat with my dad and he was gone a lot but the older I got the more I understood.... My uncle just retired as a LTC and he was in during all of his 4 kids lives.... he missed so much but when he came back he made the most of the time he got with them.... I am sure it will be hard but things will work out if you still decide to enlist.... good luck to you

    Whooo!!!! They are close! But makes for great play buddies.... and hey where ever you are there are tons of army wives to help.... we are all in this together and we have to all be there for one another.... I am sure you won't be all alone....

    Bad timing! Extremely bad timing! I am so sorry....but least he will be gone during the easiest part and come back home when the baby is all ready to be played with ^.^ my husband husband always assures our two year old has a good night's sleep.... lol

    I am hoping you have a boy too.... that is what we want.... are you finding out what it is?
  • My husband will be gone the entire first year the baby is here. He has been gone 24 of the last 36 months
  • @Dallasphreak
    Is it true when they say it is hard to leave Bragg? That sucks though.... my husband is going to miss most of it too...
  • I'm an army wife in Oklahoma right now and pregnant with our second. Yes, military dads do miss out on a lot, but its important for us as moms to be strong and try to do the best we can for our kids. Most of the time I feel like a single mom, but I know that my husband is working hard to support our family and will retire in 6 years. It's best to stay positive and try to support your husband as best you can. My husband supports me in all aspects of life and that has made our relationship strong and we make sure to communicate everything that's on our minds.
  • Yes that's why we are still here. If they go airborn there stuck here most of the time. I have friends here that have been here 20 years. We can't leave because the 82 deployes so much that they are fenced in the whole time.
  • @MamaC
    110% agree.... best thing we can do....
    See that is what both of us have heard and he is talking about canceling his jump status after the three year mark so we can get the heck out of dodge.... lol.... I want to travel before I get trapped in to law school.... I loved moving around when my dad was in.... but maybe because I am a vagabond
  • We have been trying to leave here. My husband can't stand it here. He wants to go to alaska or wesconsin.
  • Am actually planing on joining the airforce but now that am pregnant idk what am going to do am only 17 am scared but don't worry somehow things will work out for you i respect what your family does because it isn't only the soldiers but there familys too:)
  • @DallasPhreak
    I think I am the one complaining.... I miss living close to a big city.... I am from Chicago so I am like going stir crazy.... But I have travel anywhere yet so maybe I need to venture.... I want to go overseas, south, or the west coast.... We almost got Alaska but my husband was determined not to go anywhere it is cold.... LOL

    Well good luck on the airforce but the military understand and works with single mothers.... But I know everything will work out for you.... And thank you for your appreciation
  • No problem.... When are you due?
  • Yeah we r from michigan originally a small town
  • Oh yes our husbands can come too :) & its in Jacksonville, NC.. close to top sail beach! Camp Lejeune is the main Marine Corps base! & I agree.. talking more would help us feel more comfortable :) haha
  • I'm an army wife and we are expecting our first march 27th :) we.are currently stationed at fort lewis and I love it here so far.. I'm originally from ohio so its a big change in scenery.. I'm so excited to be a mom!..just wish I were closer to my family
  • Navy wife having twins Sept.11..he's w the Marines for next 3 years..corpsman..expecting 2 year long deployments over next 3 years.
  • My husband is s marine stationed in jacksonville, nc. We are ttc and he will be deploying for 7 months in July. He was lucky to have been around for our son...he left for 7 months just after 1st bday.
  • im an Army wife pregnant with #2.. Were stationed at ft benning ga! Although this is my second child the pregnancy is different and its hard to remember if something happened last time :"> Are there any others from ft benning?
  • Im an army wife husband is nation in scholfield Hawaii. Pregnant with my husband second child but my 3rd
  • @ArmyWifeMadiD My husband will be at Basic and AIT in Sill come April, and then he hopes to go to Airborne school..

    Im adjusting to the idea of the army life, my husband enlisted in Dec and leaves in April, Were due in Sept. Im crossing my fingers, my toes, and all I can for him to be home for the birth. AIT should end early Sept. Hopefully we'll be able to move to his station shortly after the birth. Its hard to swallow that Im a working mother of a 2 yr old, preparing for our move, and our baby without him, but I've got some awesome friends and family to support me.
  • My hubby is Army and for our daughter he was gone from 8months pregnant to meeting her 1st time at 5months old. (Home 2 weeks) Came home at 8 months old, prep'd for deployment. Left when she was 13months old and didnt come back till she was 2 1/2... Lucky for us we have been together for about 2 years now and are pregnant with #2. He is not slated to go anywhere for a while.
    I will tell you it never gets easy, it just becomes normal. The military is a great life if you can handle it. Moving, seperation, loneliness is all a part of it. But for my family its worth it!!
  • Army wife expecting our little man June 25th (our first). Currently stationed @ Ft Campbell, Ky but moving to Bamberg Germany next month when I'll be 30 wks pregnant. Military life is stressful at times, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world. Hubby's been on 3 tours but due to type 1 diabetes is now non-deployable to Afghanistan or Iraq because they aren't equipped to handle his disease by obtaining the insulin he needs. Not that I'm complaining, each new deployment was like playing Russian Roulette with a loaded pistol as far as whether something was going to happen to him. The last tour something did, he got violently ill and his immune system attacked and detroyed his pancreas.
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