smoking while pregnant..
I am on my 4th pregnancy and I have smoke cigarettes with every child and always managed to stop at 3 months.. now with this pregnancy I'm soo stressed out and I can't quit smoking and I'm 7months.. I go thru nearly a pack of cigarettes a day... does anyone in here have any suggestions on what I can do? What will help me quit.. bcuz I do want to quit really bad.. just can't do it dealing with all this stress I'm going thru... uugh

Jus as smobley stated... smoking has nothing to do with ur cousins baby not being able to talk.. that's another issue cuz my kids talk fine...
I thank everyone for their advice and understanding... as for mami2b... u r selfish I c... to get on here and knock someone for seeking help from others its like u seriously have a mental issue urself... only God can Judge me and until u have walked a day in my footsteps u cannot talk... so u could of kept ur comment to urself... but I do appreciate everyone else..