smoking while pregnant..



  • Good luck, quitters! Hang in there and try to find good distractions! I know you can do it. Find what works and stick to it!

    And, most importantly, don't beat yourself up too much if relapse. Keep positive and refocus.
  • Ok I'm on day 2 of no smoking at all and I'm really craving a bong right now to the point where I think im going to have one but I don't want to spoil all the hard work .. what do I do ahhhhh help !
  • Chew gum or eat more lol like gummy worms or chips.. I know its junk food, but it does help! I promise!
  • I agree with many, I think quitting cold turkey all depends on the woman. Done women are a little but stronger with being able to chore with stress our able too have better willpower. It all depends on the woman. I am a strong, confident, determined person & I always have been so quiting cold turkey was the only option fort me. Tomorrow I start week 3 as a non smoker & with each week it becomes that much easier. I know each of you can do it & will do it as your body is equipped to handle it. Each of you are all making the right steps for your baby & should be proud!
  • Yay didn't have one girls :) :) went an had a sleep !!! Feelin good!! I picked it up an held it for abit looked at how discusting it was an that seemed to help . Thanks xxx i feel so proud :)
  • edited January 2011
    Put all you cigarette dumps in a jar and fill with water leave for 24 hours and then smell it. that's what your baby smells when you smoke x
  • Its my first day without a cig and not getting paid for 4 more days is helping lol
  • Ha ha I feel ya baby_3 that helped me at first not having the extra $ for cigs. I'm now on week 3 of not smoking still adjusting, some days are god some are bad, but my baby used healthy everyday I don't smoke. I also like yummymummy11 idea. What helped me if I was craving was to think about the smell of cigs, so the jar thing would make me vomit.
  • Smoker of 8 years and with each of my pregnancys when the morning sickness comes the ciggs got put down...this time im not going to pick them up after the baby gets here. I'm done. It would be way easier if the hubby would quit but he just looks at me like I'm crazy. He don't know to not mess with me when I'm preggo yet.
  • Have any of you ladies tried those vapor sticks? It has a low dose of nicotene so you still get the flavor, and is mostly water vapor, I heard they work great! Good luck I know addiction is hard, I struggled with bulimia for a long time and coping with weight gain has been tough for me, you can do it ladies!
  • I'mnot a smoker and I never have been but I've lived with them for a while and I completely understand how hard it is... this may sound like a joke but I'm addicted to soda (doctor even told me) which is bad because they're afraid I may get diabetes as it runs in my family plus I'm pregnant and the caffeine is not good for the baby... but quitting anything is hard.... our habits aren't healthy and to those who have had healthy babies, God bless all of you... just remember every pregnancy is different. But stay strong everyone, actually working to quit is so far from selfish.. so I'm glad you're not paying attention to what other non smokers are saying... keep at it and remember you're not alone!
  • I am a smoker too, i smoke between 8 & 10 a day... i smoke Menthol fags which have less nicotine and tar in them... i am cutting down but so many stresses in my life arent helping and i'd rather smoke than turn to alchohol! don't let people judge you, i've known people smoke all through their pregnancy and have healthy kids, you quit when you feel you can, do it for yourself becuz trying to do it for someone else will just make it more difficult. good luck x
  • I smoked for 9 yrs last 3 years on and off I know how hard it is to quit but I know every single mommy and mommy to be can do it atleast till it safe again stress doesn't help but jus be a lil stronger for that lil bundle of joy inside of u I quit I don't know if its till I have my baby ..I think about a cig everyday especially on those stressful moments nice to know I'm not alone ...I looooove the smell of nicotine grrr lol ...take care ladies
  • So it will be three wks smoke free for me on friday! I'm so excited & I have noticed I am getting better with each passing day. I know 1 thing i will not start smoking again after the baby is here, easier just to quit once & ber done w it. I'm excited to no longer feel trapped by smoking & feel like an outsider & have to worry about smelling like smoke etc & saving $. I fig by the time I deliver I will have saved $1200 that would have been spent on cigs! That's an extra 2 wks I can spend w the baby that is equivalent 2 a paycheck of 2 wks! I can't wait to save a bigger amount in a year!
  • I always said I would quite smoking when I got pregnant, but I smoked with my first child. I am currently smoking with my second. My doctor told my sometimes it is more harmful to quite. You could send you baby into withdrawals and miscarry. For years and years women have smoked while pregnant. If something happens to your Baby you have no one to blame, but your self. For anyone who thinks we are bad moms for smoking don't comment we aren't listing.
  • Oh yeah made it 3 wks, smoke free! I figure once I hit a month I'm home free. I'm so proud of myself. It was hard, but everything was worth it for my baby! Congrats to all who have quit, you can do it! Good health, good times
  • My obgyn gave me a script for zyban to help me quit.....I have tried and tried but it seems that my boys are fighting ......and I crave......something goes wrong I crave and I give into my craves cause....I feel like my blood pressure goes up...... starting the pills tomorrow wish me luck.
  • I can deffiently relate, I use to smoke a pack a day as well as marijuana before I got pregnant. But for some reason once I actually became pregnnt I would get soo sick just from the smell of cigs! I didn't stop me completely, but what helped me was putting up ultrasound photos of my son and everytime id wanna light up a cig, or a bowl id look at him & think about what I could happen while he's inside of me. My little sisster was born premie & has really bad ashtma and I wouldn't want my son to go through with that.... it took me a couple weeks, it went from 3, to 2 a day to none. But now I've been completely smoke free for 6months now. Its really hard but everyones different. Good luck ladies. Wishing the best for you and your little ones xoxoox
  • Congrats on quitting!
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