smoking while pregnant..



  • I know that my mom smoked when pregnant with me (second pregnancy) and I was born with a large hole in my heart due to that. It required a surgery for me to be out of the woods. I was an incubator baby for the first 18 months of my life. I have decided to never smoke and my mom stopped smoking immediately after I was born. I cant judge u for smoking but there is always a possibility since I was my moms fourth pregnancy. Nothing happened to my older sibs.
  • Hello ladies-congratulations to those of you who have managed to successfully quit! I actually quit smoking before this pregnancy, but smoked for 3 months with my first (and only quit because I got sick) and two months with my second, and managed to wean myself off with the help of my family and friends. It was the hardest thing ever. Just remember that, even if you relapse, any time without a cigarette is better for your baby. Just get back up and try again. You could look for a local chapter of Smoker's Annonymous for support, or try hypnotherapy if your insurance covers it. In response to the worst things that can happen: the further your are in your pregnancy, the more oxygen your baby needs. Smoking inhibits the amount of oxygen that your baby gets, and has been linked to miscarriage early in pregnancy, low birth weight, impaired brain function, and death, as well as behavioral and intelligence issues later in life. Not to mention that there are toxins for which there is no conclusive evidence either way (but most likely aren't great for such a tiny body). This is not true for every pregnancy, of course, but the risk is there in every pregnancy. No matter how you look at it, it's not good for you or your baby. But smoking is an addiction, and all of the warnings in the world won't necessarily help you quit. Support and being with people who understand and will back you up is your best bet. Good luck to you all!
  • Well ladies I did it ! I have only had 2all day and feeling pretty proud , 1 day down only 232 to go :)
  • Oh boy, having a craving so I wanted to look on here at my post & hold myself accountable, the craving only last about 10 minutes so as long as I can find something to do for that time I'm good. On day 9 wish me luck!
  • Our stories are nearly identical except for this is my fifth pregnancy. I am due on March 13 and am 38 years old. The women iny my family have a history of fertility, healthy babies (even when mom has the worst imaginable habits), and a general lack of complications with childbirth itself.

    I don't feel this guarantees health for this child and I frequently struggle with the fact that I struggle with his addiction. To the non~addicts who have posted responses, I want to say that we do think of our babies and the shame we feel tends to have the ridiculous effect of making us light up. Addiction, contrary to some opinions, does not decrease ones capacity to love although it does cause the addict to question this in themselves. And to claim not to judge whilst describing children of a smoking mother who now have "mental problems" is a contradiction in itself. Mental issues like psychosis are rarely atributed to this.

    Here is what I know. Addiction progresses. This is why we are struggling with it so late into these pregnancies. I also know that the only effective way to quit is cold turkey and without chemical aids which only postpones withdrawal. People do this on a regular basis and I believe we can too.

    There is one sure fire way you can fail and that is to try and quit without support. Although our feelings about this addiction may cause us to isolate ourselves, we likely did not start smoking alone and cannot end that way. I am looking to stop now and I can't do it alone. To this end, I would be very willing to exchange emails and phone numbers in an effort to support one another through and beyond the quit.

    Stress I can relate to. I lost my home in September and am still seeking one. I've been on the receiving end of domestic violence while quite pregnant. (This has, fortunately, ceased). My family and I no longer speak so support from that sector is nil. But what I do have is tremendous hope, tremendous faith, and the knowledge that there is nothing I cannot overcome with a little help from my God and the few sincere friends He has blessed me with.

    I'll be out of cigarettes in a few hours and if I don't buy anymore, I probably will not smoke again. I am anxious about this but I am much more anxious at the thought of breastfeeding with a cigarette in my hand.

    I know the post was long but I had a lot to say. Contact me if you want to buddy up.
  • Oldmama, I totally understand what you are saying & do agree with you! I feel the best way its cold turkey & to make just the small decision that when your out of cigs your done. Don't make deals w yourself like 1 more pack etc, our it will keep going. The first 2 days I isolated myself & didn't leave for I knew if I was driving I would want a cig more then. My bf is not helping for he is stressing me out & doesn't understand my emotions are high anyway & on top if it I have quit smoking. No family or friends are really there to support me, or to tell me they are proud. To them its just a given that I don't smoke but they don't understand the work that it involves. I will be your support & hold you accountable for your progress. Here's my email Good luck keep me posted
  • Septemberbub-congrats!!
    Oldmama-well said! I'm sorry for all the stress in your life and wish you the strength to be able to quit.
    Tlg81-your fam may not be proud, but from a fellow quitter, let me tell you that I'm proud of you-9 days is an awesome accomplishment. I haven't smoked in over a year because I decided that I wasn't comfortable touching my kids when I smelled like smoke (it was a sudden aversion, but I used it to my advantage), and since I got pregnant I've had crazy cig cravings. You can do it!
  • Whether you have quit fully, or are sincerely trying, everyone should be proud of themselves. Unless you smoke you have NO CLUE what its like. Although I haven't had a smoke in in 2 weeks I still think about it often!! So don't let anyone bring you down!! :)
  • Well said starrxoxo9!!
  • I am 29 weeks and I was doing good in the beginning but have been smoking a lot more now. I feel like whatever damage is done is already done and there is no point quiting now. It is so hard to quit. I've tried gum and patches and they didn't help me. Any advice?
  • Im not a smoker, but good luck to u ladies. My mom quit a couple of mths ago becuz she is going to be watchn my daughter when I go back to work. It's easy for non smokers to have something to say but its not fair to have input when u don't know. So Im just saying good luck and ill keep u all in my prayers!
  • Wow yesterday was hard! Me & my bf were fighting &i was stressed out so bad over it & crying all day, I really had some bad cravings. I just kept thinking about the smell & how far I had gotten & said its not worth it to have to stay all over & I made it. My advic is its never to late to quit each cig you don't smoke is better for your baby,& when you do tell yourself its not worth it to have to start all over. Even if you quit a hour ago, that's still 1 hour of not smoking! Keep up the good with & try for hour 2. Good luck ladies!
  • Alright 1/2 way through my second week as a non smoker! I am not getting as many cravings & its becoming easier each day, they are still there but I have put in so much hard work 12 days of not smoking, I'm echoed to celebrate that first month. I'm so proud of myself & what I've accomplished for my baby! Great job to everyone else, every bit of your hard work is worth it.
  • @ blessed niccorette SUCKS try ginger gum, and my mom smoked 2 pcks a day with me, I NEVER had problems and was a full 7lbs., I also have been a pck a day newport smoker for 14yrs now, and smoked about 4 grams a day of pot, for the past 10yrs, and im bit of a manic depressive already, so coupled with the cravings and now raging hormones, im excited to be down to 3 a day, and no pot! But once you stop this time LET EM GO GIRL I am sooo ready to quit being a slave to a horrible habit!!!
    The idea of getting one of those smokeless cig, that still delivers nicotine was an idea given to me, maybe it would help you to at least cut down to nip it b4 the baby gets here and you wont have a real reason nemore.....
  • Hey awesome job on trying to quit oh man I know how hard it can be. I had my last cigarette on Halloween , I'm due May 26th.Anyways I can't stand smoking now.So hang in there..oh and you should check into nicotinegums and those fake smokes..I've heard they can be more damaging to your baby than smoking.
  • Had to comment as im also a smoker. I askd my doctor about quitting cold turkey bt bcoz I smoke 20 per day he told me not to as the stress of quitting cold turkey could cause a mc. Ive previously had a mc and do not want to go through that experience again. He advised I cut dwn. Ive got to try get down to 10 a day by end of the week then keep cutting down til I stop completley. Ive noticed sucking on hard sweet helps alot and try to keep your hands busy. Doctor says aslong as im smoke free by 14 weeks baby shouldnt have any effects wen born frm my smoking. Hope this helps. I really would love to quit cold turkey bt if doctor says not to am gna take his advice
  • Hi everyone, I am 6 weeks pregnant, and eversince I found out 2 weeks ago, I quit cold turkey. I have not had a single craving since then and I am so grateful to God for that. I keep hoping sometime down the line, I don't fall back into the habit.

    Not everyone can do that, simply because our bodies function differently and we all have varying levels of support from those around us. My husband decided to quit as well when I told him about the pregnancy, and I find that its easier when your partner also stops.

    I know, as a smoker, that it is really hard to stop, coz I have tried unsuccessfully to stop in the past. However, thinking of the possible damage it could do to your baby should help you too. Like i said before, our bodies are different, and our tiny babies are different too. What did not harm your first baby, or 3 other babies, might harm this one, and sometimes, effects start manifesting when your children are older.

    I think for those finding it difficult to quit cold turkey, you should set yourself targets, or milestones, and reward yourself when you achieve that, with a special meal, or a movie or anything that celebrates your accomplishments.
    I know its easier when you have a good support network, but if you find yourself without one, surround yourself with positive things, and pray a lot. Miracles happen.

    You might be fortunate to find the willpower to stop, or you might be lucky to have a healthy baby even when you smoke. But as we are not certain of the medical risks, my advice would be to try 200% harder to stop.
    Good luck everyone, and God bless us all, and give us the strength to win this battle.
  • Thanks macgaw xx
    @firstbaby well done chicky I'm in the process of giving up the pot too and also suffer from being manic depression an bi pola . No exactly how u feeling there . I'm day number three of no cones, my fella still smokes so I get major cravings watching him , but I feel so proud every one I don't have . and I'm also so proud of all us smokers on here .. we all doing well!. Luv yas xxx xxx xxx
  • It is hard, no doubt about that. I am quitting right now and am about 5 weeks. With my last I smoked the whole time. Always said I would quit but I never did. My son was born at 7 months due to placenta abruption. We almost lost him and me. He was in the NICU for the first month of his life. I think that memory has made it so much easier this time. I don't want to smoke this time because what my son went through. Just remember to stay strong and do what you need to do to keep you and your baby healthy. Even cutting back a great deal can help tremendously. Tell those around you that you need help. You can do it!
  • I smoked with my first child he was a month early (had nothing to do with me smoking) I had food poisoning and a kidney infection. My son is 2 years old and has only been 2 his whole life. Im pregnant with my second child in cutting down slowly but I plan on quitting. If people judge me I don't care im doing my pace I might be selfish but I heard quitting cold turkey can harm the baby.
  • I don't smoke buy I have seen these cigarettes and my friends mom has one it looks like are cigarette buy its not when you puff on it smoke comes out nut its really just stem from water they said it taste just like a cigarette you get 300 puffs out of it. It would be worth trying
  • I've been pregnant once before in july and smoked for about a month. I quit when my husband told me I was starting to show. I then had a mc in sept. I'm now pregnant again [6 wks ] and quit smoking the day I found out. Its so so hard to quit. I just think about the baby & what is happening to it. But I do know a lot of girls that smoked and their babies are ok. When I do get a craving I chew gum. Its been 6 wks smoke free for me. Just be patient and don't stress so much about quiting just try to cut back. Good luck !
  • & also ;; I just wanted to say congrats to all the mommies trying to quit. Ill keep praying for all of you!
  • I quit my pack a day habit cold turkey the day I found out I was expecting. It was a lot easier than I thought it was. Eventually I started having dreams about smoking and have the cravings again but resist. I am lucky to have a great husband who keeps a lot of stress off my back so that helps. I was a premie, my mom smoked but I have little problems related to it. For those of you who want to judge the smoking mommas to be...hope you realize you could do more damage with aspartame, sodium, things contained in meat and preservatives in your food then smoking. Good luck to all of you trying to quit, if I could kick it anyone can .
  • Well said AmyMae
  • I have been pregnant twice but I miscarried because of stress but I never quit I just cut back I have smoked marlboro reds since I was 16 all I did was cut down on how many I smoked and I changed to marlboro lights or red 72's. It is bad to quit smoking because the nicotene is already in your system and quit while pregnant there's a chance in stressing out the baby. I hope everyone has a healthy and happy pregnancy :)
  • I smoked for almost ten years nd the day i found out i was pregnant was the last time i had a ciggerate, that was 2 1/2 weeks ago. it was so easy to stop cuz i did it for my baby who now is my priority. Think about whats best for you and the baby take into consideration your health and financial stand point.
  • Good for those who are trying to quit.. keep your head clear of others negativity. Just keep trying your best...
    Ps have any of you taken adderral for add while pregnant? I have been on. It for quite some time and tried to stop taking it when I found out last week we r six weeks prego, but my headx is not clear at
  • To firsttime mom an septemberbub, I know all how u feel, I smoked both but now im down to no pot and 4 cigs im 15 weeks an the smell of it makes me throw up my hubby has not quit or slowed down,,on either so I make sure he is always out side or somewhere else,, o used to love the smell but oh hell no aan o smoked since I was 16 now 24,,,, but im proud of all of u and im glad ther are others like me, I hope I can quit cigs asap ..butv thank u all
  • My doctor told me if you quit cold turkey it could be worse than smoking while being pregnant. I'm 3 months now.. & I just take hits here and there.. sometimes just a little helps. Try that :) or just work your way down weekly.. chewing gum also helps! You'll go through lots & lots of gum, but it helped my friend stop! Good luck!
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