Get it off your chest!

edited March 2011 in Just for Fun
Maybe it's just the hormones, but I'm a little irritated at a few things and wanted to let it out somehow. If you have something, ANYTHING, that pisses you off or makes you sad, let's hear it. I'll go first:

I hate it when my fiance walks ahead of me in the store or anywhere and gets mad if I ask him to slow down. I feel like a dumb little kid behind him and he's tall and has longer legs so it's hard to keep up.
I also don't like when the cats puke on my pants on purpose, or lay on my pillow.
I hate when he doesn't take the trash on his way out and it makes the whole apartment smelly when I wake up and get sick from it.
I hate losing sleep because he takes up the whole bed and snores and breathes on my face and it makes me nauseous.
And I hate seeing my very pregnant neighbor on her patio smoking a cigarette.


  • I hate that I can't say one sentence without bursting into tears.
    I feel like garbage when my fiance is gone for two weeks for some stupid cattle,I feel like if I was a cow,I'd have a better chance to see him.
    I hate all the judging looks I get caused I'm the preachers daughter and I'm prego out of wedlock.get over it people.

    ...there,I feel better
  • Got up in the middle of the night for some water and discovered my husband took my last bottle of water. He never drinks water but just had to take the last one. Now I'm staring at him while he sleeps contemplating whether or not I should punch him in the face. Hormones are so much fun!
  • @mollybygolly that last part made me smile...

    I hate having to repeat myself 4 billion times for people to "hear me"
    I hate being itchy and not sleeping when im suppose to...
    I dislike sleeping alone while my bf plays on the lap top all night
  • Lmfaao! I love this!!!
    * I hate how my bf is telling me to have an abortion! Like its up to him! And saying I should see his point!
    * I hate how I am working and nursing school full-time living on my own and my bf still lives at home and is not allowed to spend the night out! (And he is 21)
    *I hate how my landlord smokes right infront of my mailbox every morning! I drives me insane!!!
    * I hate when people ask me why I don't call or text then and I have like 0 calls from them! Ummm hello how about u call me!
    * I really hate that my throat has been sore for "like a week now"!
    * I hate hate hate that I have to wake up for school in about 4hours and I am still up because I can't sleep!!!

    Lol thanks I needed that!!!
  • @mollybygolly LOL!! it's like I can see you standing there debating. I don't blame you tho, what he did was rude
  • Ok. He just farted in his sleep. That definitely deserves a punch in the face. :> I'm usually so calm and easy going. But last week I told him I now have a raging bitch living inside me and if he's not careful she's gonna come out and get him. I've never experienced so much anger over little things!
  • edited March 2011
    *I hate wen ppl stare at me 4r long periods of time.
    *I hate wen ppl touch my stomach w/o permission.
    *I hate wen my mom n I order food n then she wana taste mine "she shuld hve ordered it 4r herself"
    *I hate wen im tryna sleep n my s/o r son breathes n my face.
    *I hate dat my s/o wants me 2 hve a 3sum while preggo.
    *I hate dat my s/o wants 2 do anal cuz da dctr tld me no sex due 2 me havn placenta previa "anal iz 2 painful."
    *I hate my math instructor & da fact dat I cnt slap da b***h.

    Ok I feel beta now
  • @mollybygolly lol that is so funny
    I can't help but laugh when ny bf farts in his sleep because he gets so embarrassed when I tell him about it
  • Also...I'm only 7 weeks but have been really bloated so I went ahead and bought maternity pants. I hate how everyone keeps telling me it's too early to wear them! I'm feeling fat and the pants make me happy, so get over it people!
  • @mollybygolly good for you girl!

    I hate these headaches! They make me irritable and last for hours.
  • I hate that my fiance gets mad that I'm not in the mood for sex. I end up feeling bad for not having a sex drive anymore but to tell me "I need a fiance that puts out" as a joke or not is hurtful!
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  • edited March 2011
    I hate how just because my husband & I are young the older people stare at my belly when we're out in public like they're casting a spell on my belly. Like really, if being young & pregnant (married or not) is sooo bad.. then what do you think about judging someone because that's just as wrong if them old farts wanna get technical.
    I hate when one of my hubbys work buddies comes over without calling. I'm preggo.. if I wanna walk around my house with just a big old tshirt on, so be it. He could at least give us a heads up! Rudeness.
    I hate when I can't sleep (like now) all because I either gotta piss, eat, or something is aching.
    ***something I LOVE.. seeing us ladies have fun & chat without fussin on pregly again (: oh, and my loving husband who just woke up for work & said, I hear you pressing buttons, you're on pregly aren't you? (: hahaha!!!
  • I hate how I can be in such a deep sleep, I wake up to pee and it takes me an hr to get back to sleep! Or being so hungry but nothing sounds good.
  • I hate my exes mother who is the reason my daughter is suffering emotionally and can't get past things.

    I hate my partners ex who teaches his youngest son to Call him names because she's a wacko.

    I hate giving up control And not being able to remodel our house and leaving my partner do it all aaaarrrrgggg.

    Ok that's all the hatred I can muster for one night.
  • @mollybygolly I am laughing my ass off at your comments right now, sorry, but they're funny! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy, and good luck to your husband :)
  • I hate that my husband is the one who doesn't want sex. He doesn't mind getting a blowjob tho.
    I hate that I can't afford to buy baby and art stuff at the same time.
    I hate that I sleep way too much. I missed an important appointment yesterday because I was asleep and my phone didn't wake me.
    I hate that I fart so much. They usually aren't stinky, but they're really loud. I accidentally Dutch ovened myself a couple weeks ago. Not cool.
    I hate that I can't sleep or lay on my tummy now. It feels weird to do it :(
  • I hate that I pee everytime I cough or laugh real hard.
    I hate that cause I pee when I laugh or cough I have to stop what I'm doing and cross my legs like an idiot.
    I hate that when I don't catch the pee I have to change my underwear sometimes two or three times in a day.
    I hate I can't find pants that will stay up.
    I hate that I moan everytime I sit out stand or pick something up of the floor.
    I hate that I can't travel to visit family this summer.
    I hate that I'm starving and don't want to eat.
    I hate my GINORMOUS boobs!
  • I hate the xbox!!!!!! I wanna chuck it out the window.
  • edited March 2011
    @Heather its ridiculas...i feel like Im married to my husband AND his xbox. Im like thinking were the Hell is my "out". Now that Im prego i had to give up alot of things i enjoyed. But heaven forbid he puts down the stupid controller.
  • lol i think you ladies really covered it all. @misspreggers6989 my husband does the same thing walking way in front of me, sometimes I just stop and see when he realized I am no longer there.@mollybygolly my husband wakes up in the middle of the night and finishes off all of the milk n i tell him i need it for cereal in morning! and he farts all night, no, he just farts all the time. @babylyon11 that happens everynight, i dread waking up to pee and hard as i try to stay sleeping by the time i make it back to the bed im wide awake. in fact, what pisses me off even more is i wont drink anything hours before bed and still wake up to pee like a whole gallon, wtf??
  • I hate that my fiance sleeps so damn good at night while I can't ever sleep! I hate that when I try to wake him up he's in such a deep sleep that he wont wake up for anything & if there were to be an emergency i'd be screwed. I hate that when I want sex he doesn't want it but when he wants it i'm supposed to jump on it. I hate that he watches porno & gets off to them when i'm not around, then tries to be all sneaky and lie about it when I catch him. I hate that I can't ever get comfortable & always wake up with sore legs. I hate that I can't sleep on my tummy anymore. I hate that I feel so fat & insecure :(
  • edited March 2011
    *I hate that i get so angry over stupid stuff
    *I hate that my Dad and my brother have been here a week and have been drunk
    *I hate that my brothers drunk friend came over passed out on my couch and pissed himself and my couch and the floor and then denied he did it
    *I hate that I'm getting fat
    * I hate that my bed it small and my 6'2 bf pushes me off everynight
    *I hate that my sex drive ran away
    * And i hate that i hate so many things

    Thanks ladies :)
  • I hate that my husband wants sex ALL the time!
    I hate that my husband wanted me to quit my job because I have a ton of apts then gets pissed because I don't have a job.
    I hate that when he comes home & the house isn't clean, supper isn't on the table, the laundry isn't done, then Im being lazy.
    I hate that when he's mad because I'm sick or exhausted, then I'm just a fat lazy p.o.s.
    I could seriously do this all day!!! Don't know if its the hormones or because he's an ass!!!!
  • I hate that I'm so tired all the time.
    I hate being sick and missing school.
    I hate being exhausted at night and having to wake up with my 16 month old 2-3 times a night while my husband who is. NOT the pregnant one sleeps all night long.
    I hate doing dishes.
    I also hate the Damn Xbox!
    I hate how my husbands brothers come over and eat all our food like the own the place.
    I hate that my husband acts like a freaking pig and farts all the time, but when I let one slip, he acts all discusted.
    I hate these headaches.
    I hate that I will prolly be delivering in the same hospital as I did last time and it sucked.
    I hate that I have to feel embarrassed that I'm pregnant again so soon.
    I hate that when I work hard around the house it goes unrecognized, but when I'm too sick to clean things up my husband gets mad and makes me feel like I'm lazy and worthless.
    Thanks for listening girls!
  • This is gonna feel good!!!

    I hate that I arrived fifty minutes early for my stupid appointment for g. Diabetes today and am now sitting in a smelly strip mall.

    I hate that I can't help but groan or moan every time I sit down, stand up, or bend over.

    I hate that my skin is so flipping dry right now. I feel like a bloody crocodile.

    I hate that almost no food looks good. And that I throw my food up a lot.

    I hate the looks I get. At my belly, at my left hand, back at my belly. YA IM PREGNANT AND NOT MARRIED DEAL WITH IT.

    I hate how much my back hurts. All the time.

    I hate that I can only see my bf at night, and at night I'm usually a grumpy bear so we don't have a lot of fun.

    I hate that I GET grumpy at night. I don't mean to...
  • @xstina I felt that way for soooo looong. I'm divorced to him for about six years now. But I can't tell you how many times I wanted to throw that damn thing out the window! Now my kids go out there to see him for a month in the summer and it's the same damn thing. My nine year old (at the time) called me and was soooo excited to tell me he won call of duty ten times in less than a week! Why the hell do I send them out there?! NOT to play frickin' video games!
  • I hate that my bf's family / friends are still friends on Facebook with his ex's that "hurt him so bad".
    I hate that my bf thinks I'm dumb because I don't want to give birth in a hospital.
    I hate that he never wants to have sex anymore and would rather play Xbox.
    I hate that I'm stuck in this stupid town with this stupid job.
    I hate that I have literally no friends anymore.
    I hate that I'm going to gain weight.
    I hate that my bladder feels like its about to burst every morning or that I wake up in the middle of the night to pee.

    I sure seem like such a negative person. Man!
    But I'm so excited and happy that I'm growing a wonderful little person and I can't wait to meet them!

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