


  • *Im only 6 weeks/ can't wait to get pass the first trimester!
    *Baby due November 14th
    *if its a boy, naming it after the Dad.
    if its a girl... Donasya(Don-asia) or Donye'.... just some ideas.
  • 14 weeks 2 days
    Due sep 15
    If its a girl her name will be Isabella. If its a boy his name will be Andrew his fathers name.
  • 22 weeks 5 days
    July 13th
    Meeya :-D
  • 34wks 5days
    Due April 20th
    Girl: Abagail Mae-Ann
  • 24wks
    July 2
    Girl, skyaisha leanne
  • I'm 5 wks n it says I'm due Nov 16th
    If its a boy I wanna name him Tennyson not sure about a girl name cuz I'm really hoping for a boy ( already have 2 girls ) :)
  • 1. 11weeks
    2. October 3rd with #4. I have 3 boys.
    3. If baby is a boy Bentley Harold & if baby is a girl Mariah Charlotte. (the middle names are after my gram & pap) (we are keeping fingers crossed for a girl this time)
  • 1. 37 weeks & 5 days with my second.
    2. Due 30th March.
    3. It's a girl, naming her Harmony Patricia.
  • 15w3d or 17w3d
    Due august 31st or august 16th
    Evelynn Raen or Evan Lee

    Lol! So much indecision, no? Dr was confused on my due date cuz of strange implantation bleeding. Lol
  • 27 weeks
    Due June 13th
    Jabari Marquise Jr :)
  • 1. 35 weeks & 4 days.
    2. Due April 14th with baby #4.
    3. Layla Simone' or Callie Simone'

    All my kids have April birthdays. Already have a Dominic, Aaliyah & Juliana.
  • 1.20 weeks 4 days
    2.Due July 28th
    3. Boy naming him Tyshaughn Malik Jr.
  • @cmck my sons name is Ayden n was gonna use Michael but went with Ayden Daniel instead hehe
  • 11weeks 2 days
    Due: October 2nd :) before my birthday on October 16th
    if it's a boy Ishmael Santiago, if a girl Aurora (not sure about middle name yet)! Super excited!!!!
    Congrats to all u other to be moms or already moms :)
  • I am 23 weeks and 6 days
    Due July 7th
    Having a girl naming her
    Alyssa Michelle, we are so exicted can't wait to meet her :)
  • 24wks
    Due July 6
    Having a baby girl :-) she don't have a name yet though :-)
  • 10 weeks
    Due date: October 13
    Have no idea or names. Used them already on my son and daughter lol.
  • 33 weeks; due may 5 (50 days left!!!); im having a boy and his name is izander zamael
  • 14w 5d
    september 9th!
    My husband doesnt want to pick out names until we know what we are having :(
    I want...
    GIRL- Victoria Faye(nickname tori) or Addison Faye
    BOY- Aiden Micheal or Landon Micheal
  • @nati, my bday is the 2nd, any my anniversary is the 16th!, lol.

    1. 10w 2d
    2. 10:11:11
    3. Boy will be Jasper Kayne most likely, and a girl will probably be Courtney Kay-Rochelle.
  • 13 weeks, 4 days... Due Sept. 18th, 11... and Anon LeeMarie, I'm having a girl :)
  • 25weeks
    Due June 28
    Girl- Nayeli (Na-ye-li)

    Still workn on middle name with J
    Need yalls help!!
  • 35 weeks
    Due April 16
    Son is gonna be named Jerome after his dad.... I had no say so in naming him lol.
  • 27 weeks
    June 16th
    A'Miyah Reneé
  • 17 weeks
    Due August 22nd
    Boy.Keylan Dominic Girl.Madalynn Na'Cole
  • Oct 13th
    Girl- I want arianna Joan and a boy I like Evan Michael or Matthew
  • 32 weeks 3 days pregnant
    due- May 10th
    having a girl- naming her Brenna Renee :)
  • 9 weeks
    October 20th
    Makailee jade for a girl and brysen shawn for a boy
  • 19 weeks pregnant
    Due august 12th
    having a babygirl :) & her name is going to be- Aliyah Lynne<3
  • 25 weeks
    Due July 1st
    Names- Kira Jayde or Alexia Jade. I don't know which one to pick lol
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